Saying Goodbye to Expat Friends

Here's to the nights that turned into mornings with the friends that turned into family..png

One of the saddest parts of living far away as an expat-turned-nomad is saying goodbye to friends. New friends that we have met and have forged friendships with over the years, eventually becoming as close as family.

They're the ones we share good times with and whom we run to when we face dilemmas. Mostly situations they sometimes understand more than our friends and family back home. Simply because they go through the same problems as we do, living in the same environment.

As for me, while we were living overseas, not having parents or family around to give guidance and support as new parents was challenging. Our expat friends provided helpful parenting advice in raising our child. They offered answers to questions after a quick phone call or text. They even helped look after her sometimes during those times I needed to run an emergency errand.

Over the years, living a nomadic life, saying goodbye to friends we have met in various places we lived in was hard. I miss them. I realize there's no foolproof method against parting ways when expat friends move on.

Seeing them leave is as hard as the other way around. Sadly, repatriation is a common thing nowadays and friends are packing their bags to move back home.

Keeping in touch through direct messaging, email, video chats and even snail mail for updates is in my agenda. Hopefully, my husband and I could plan visits to them for a much needed reunion someday.

The only way is to learn how to cope with the change and accept that the time comes we all have to separate. No matter how fleeting it may seem, we will always be friends wherever we are in the world.

Do you remember any goodbye memory with a dear friend?
How did you keep in touch?

Thank you for reading. What Makes You Sad is the topic of Day 28 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge by @tegoshei. Check out previous posts if you haven't read them yet and please join us in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge:

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