The Odd New Girl in High School


Hello Hivers!

I spent quite a long time staring at my computer screen wondering what good there is to write about high school. Why is it that all I could remember were unpleasant memories?

Day 10 of 30 Day Blogging Challenge by @tegoshei invites us to spill our thoughts of the best memory in high school.

The New Girl

In Freshman year, I was a new girl who moved to a new private school where alliances have long been forged as early as kindergarten days. There I was, walking through the corridors alone past wooden lockers, hopping from one clique to another, looking for a group where I fit in.

The Bullied

I was taught to speak my mind early on in my previous school. When I did stand up for myself in one occasion, I became the target of bullying.

Thus, I had plenty of free time after classes. This encouraged me to spend more hours in the library or go home as soon as the bell rings and explore creative pursuits in the comfort of my own room.

When all assignments and projects were done, I learned to play the piano and my weekends were spent volunteering in less fortunate areas and in various outreach by the church.

Glee Club

I earned a spot in Glee Club where I met older students. I finally found something in school to be excited about. I discovered a budding interest for the performing arts. We had professional theater and musical directors training us for the year end operetta. We spent after school hours practicing until 9 pm.

This was one of the highlights of my high school days, performing in front of paying audiences at the Meralco Theater in a musical play directed by the repertory.

Sadly, I was forced by my mother to quit the Glee Club. The following year, my afternoons were no longer filled with dance choreography and practices. I then turned to novels and make believe.

Since I couldn't perform anymore, I used group report presentations in class to create plays in order to present boring topics by using parodies and unusual concepts of presentation. I directed classmates who were willing to perform in front of the class and wrote scripts to turn subjects into something entertaining. These classroom presentations made me happy at that time having discovered that it was possible to make everyone laugh and have fun while learning.

I joined the peer guidance counseling group after school where we were trained to mediate problems with students. This also allowed me to raise my issues in school.

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Summer Vocational Classes in a Fashion Design School

When freshman year was done and the rest of my classmates were planning vacations and getaways that summer, I went to a fashion design school in Makati City where I learned Art and Design. It was a vocational school an hour away from where I lived. I was fourteen then and the youngest in class. My classmates were in their 20s and 30s. Surprisingly, I was more comfortable hanging out with young professionals than I was with my high school classmates.

I made new friends in fashion school, older friends whom I saw every summer. It was also there that I realized I had no interest in fashion. Instead, I found myself entranced by the works of Interior Design Students. During lunch breaks, I went upstairs and stood outside their classrooms while eating my sandwich. I was curious to see what they were learning and felt this desire to switch classes and courses.

My fashion design teacher noticed it and gave me her two cents. She said,

"You have a keen eye for perspectives and spaces. Have you considered architecture?"

Her words stayed with me.


Teenage Love

Just like that, June came and sophomore year commenced. I was disappointed to be back in high school again, but the summer vocational course gave me a new hope. It made me look forward to a brighter life after the senior year.

The bullying stopped when I started dating an older boy.

Love letters were passed on through friends. Kilig (romantic excitement) moments filled the days that suddenly made me look forward going to school. First dance, first kiss and bouquets of red roses, I was giddy with love and fell into a relationship that lasted for 8 years. A teenage love that blinds one with a promise of forever.

I continued the next three summers completing the fashion and art subjects that I have signed up for. Volunteer work progressed to fill my weekends.

Graduation Year

By the end of high school, a vision of myself marching up the steps wore the graduation hat. My elementary friends from my former school gave me a big surprise. They drove all the way to cheer for me by the bleachers during the much awaited graduation ceremony. If I had any regret then, it was being separated from my elementary buddies for they were the coolest.

That was it, high school days were over.

What I Have Learned from Writing This

Junior Year turned out to be my favorite throughout my high school life. It was around this time that I eventually found friends who shared similar interests. It was also the year when opportunities for fun class presentations outpoured and flourished.

I realized it wasn't all that bad, but it still was not enough to convince me to attend our High School Reunion. :)

Guess what, I am friends with the bully leader of the group on social media. I accidentally bumped into him five years ago while strolling with my husband and daughter in the village where I spent my teenage years. I introduced him to my family and we ended up briefly catching up.

I am unable to single out events or people that I have encountered during this period in my life.

The best memory of high school for me was a collective tapestry of everything I have just narrated. It was the opportunity given to me to create, to explore art in many forms, and to be able to share them with others.

Creativity was the ultimate gift that I treasure from High School.

Thank you for reading my story. Check out previous posts if you haven't read them yet and please join us in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge by @tegoshei:

Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9

Photo Sources: First Image by Comfreak from Pixabay / Second Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

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