The Road to a Happy Place

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Do you have a happy place? Scenes and settings in your memory that bring out a smile in you? I have several but right about now, this one stands out the most.

This was a jogging path I used to visit every morning for a quick run. The sight of it already makes me want to put on my running shoes and feel the cold wind on my face. I can imagine the cows curiously turn their heads when I pass under the canopy of twigs and branches. I stifle a painful moan as I try to avoid the gravel piercing through my five fingers shoes. The sensation is the only thing that keep my thoughts grounded and connected to the present. With or without company, a walk in the countryside whatever the season is, is always a delightful gift to the self.

For today's Day 27 of the 30 Day Blogging challenge by @tegoshei, What Makes You Happy will take us to my happy place. A state in which I experience happiness, apart from the physical location.

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Experiencing Something Delightful for the First Time

What was the new thing that you tried recently? The new thing that I tried two weeks ago was learning Qigong with @millycf1976 Discovering new experiences send me bouncing off the walls. There's magic in trying something new. Exploring a new route to get to work, trying a new recipe, tasting an unusual dish.

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Being with Family

"Watching TV next to each other, sharing a meal at home, laughing together at a stupid moment. These collective memories of seemingly small moments are the ones that are valuable. The ones that will give us joy and strength during the darkest times." - Discovering Arni

That pretty much sums it up. My decision to set aside my career 5 years ago for my family was a very difficult one but it is definitely worth it.

Creative Design Process

In the design world, the working hours are not fixed and some weekends are sacrificed due to deadlines. For me, however, the hours go by unnoticed. Even when I became pregnant, there were times I forgot I was 8 months on the way. I enthusiastically carried material boards to present during meetings.

I remember intentionally being in the office most mornings before anyone gets there, so I could browse inside the material library alone. There, I'd get excited going through fabric and wallpaper samples. I looked forward to my day designing suites and hotel rooms. I had the liberty to choose furniture, lighting, wall finishes etc.

You might find it weird, but I used to go inside furniture shops to graze whenever I was feeling sad. I didn't need to buy anything to make me happy. Just smelling wood, scented candles and touching bed linen was enough to lift my mood.

Completing a Project

Having a clean and beautiful home makes me happy. Whenever I do it for someone else, it gives me an even more amazing satisfaction. A great high. When I worked in sales particularly in client and project management overseas for an Interior Fit-Out company, the smiles and happy feedback from clients motivated me to give my all to every project I handled. This propelled me to work late nights and sleep inside parking lots.

Making things happen, watching things I have created come to life, makes me extremely happy.


Nowadays, I'm chained to my desk working on computer aided drafting drawings. This is not something I enjoy doing. I prefer conceptualizing designs myself as opposed to drawing someone else's. However, knowing that once I complete these income generating tasks I could write a blog post, then I am compelled to finish them for my reward. It is evident from the number of journals and books piled up inside my bedside drawers. I love writing and it makes me happy.

When I Achieve a Goal

Over the years I have learned that if I don't set myself short term and long term goals, my procrastination would keep me where I am. I was tested a borderline INFP/INFJ. On certain occasions, my alter ego emerges - the one that dresses differently, kicks ass and shocks people. My authentic self will pull an all nighter while my alter ego will move heaven and earth to make things happen. That has been my process and when I accomplish a goal, a celebratory toast and a huge pat on the back are due.

When I Conquer a Fear

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” ~George Addair

I was scared of deep waters, I learned how to scuba dive. I had a bad case of acrophobia- the kind where I freeze with jelly knees inside glass elevators. The first time I faced this fear was when I rappelled down a five story building at the age of 16 because I had no choice if I wanted to become a CAT officer. I still remember the surge of happiness when we landed after a tandem skydive. There is something about overcoming a fear that leads to happiness. I watched it many times whenever @iamyohann takes passengers up in the air in his gyrocopter despite their fear of heights. The bright smile after a conquered fear is truly exhilarating.

Sharing a Home-Cooked Meal at Home with Friends

Intimate dinners. Nothing huge. Just a small group of close friends at home, enjoying scintillating conversations over a delicious home cooked meal with lots of laughter. Several months ago, one never would have guessed that a dinner party will be a luxury during this pandemic season. I enjoy cooking different cuisine, l'art de la table - creative table setting and making everyone feel right at home.


Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful. Beauty is God's handwriting - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I explored my country, like a tourist and I've come to appreciate it, its beauty, its ruggedness and strength. Despite the number of trials that have come its way marked by typhoons, poverty and disasters, the smiles beyond adversity and child-like appreciation for all things simple are remarkable. Beauty can be seen anywhere. Visiting a foreign place, immersing in it equally gives me joy.

Coffee & Dark Chocolate

I am drinking coffee at home while writing this. I ran out of dark chocolate. These two combined will send me to a state of zen.

Nature and Freshly cut Grass

If you've been reading my blog for a while, I always talked about nature and this childhood experience rolling on freshly cut grass, allowing myself to breathe its scent.

There you have it, my happy place.

What makes you happy?

Thank you for reading. What Makes You Happy is the topic of Day 27 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge by @tegoshei. Check out previous posts if you haven't read them yet and please join us in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge:

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