What's the Story Behind My Username?

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Hello Hivers!

I stumbled upon the 30 Day Blogging Challenge by @tegoshei through What's in a Username? post by @ybanezkim26 I personally find it interesting to get to know the writers more.

The lure of What-if drew me in, like a fish to its bait, so here I am on my Day 1 of 30 Days of Blogging Challenge

Why did I choose Discovering Arni as my username?

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"Arni" is my nickname. Short for Laarni.

"Discovering" was suggested by my husband @iamyohann because, as simply put, I like discovering. I am a constant seeker. You will find me deep in thought, chasing rabbit holes in my head. My sense of wonder keeps me alive. I am thirsty for uncovering the mysteries of life. I feel a sense of excitement towards possibilities.

Though I may be a visual person, when I visit a place, I am immediately drawn to impressions and vague feelings that surface when I get there. When I talk to someone, I unconsciously get a sense of who they are and what motivates that person based on their choices of words, the tone of the gaps between their lines, the consistency of their words and actions, and lastly the manner in which they've communicated their thoughts throughout the conversation. To me, there's always something beyond what meets the eye.

Given these tireless ways of thinking, I am often seen by others as dreamy-eyed, naive and absent-minded, living in my own world of imagination. "The girl that flies off at a tangent," was the nickname my physics professor gave me that stuck.

My openness and curiosity brought many unexpected life experiences, both good and bad.

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They say curiosity killed the cat. Well, I hope not, for I love cats.

I do admit though, that I see life with rose colored glasses despite the darkness of my childhood. It's the relentless curiosity and hope for future possibilities that fuel me.

I will end this note with a dream, "One day, I will adopt a cat and call him, Curiosity."

Let's discover what happens.

Check out the challenge posts
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