Who's Your Life's VIP (Very Important Person)?


"You're my person." - Meredith Grey of Grey's Anatomy

In the popular TV medical drama- Grey's Anatomy, Meredith Grey referred to her best friend, Cristina Yang as "her person." A term that we could safely relate to the word soulmate in its platonic sense. "Your person" is someone who understands you on a deeper level and with whom you share a bond.

Who's your person?

The one who would sit next on this bench with you, who would be there to listen, regardless.


In the case of Day 21 of 30 Day Blogging Challenge by @tegoshei, we need to identify 5 most important people in our lives. Five people who mean a lot, five very important persons who walked the journey with us.

Yohann & Anaïs - my immediate family

@iamyohann is my person. The first time I saw him, I knew he was the man I'm going to marry. There was a connection and an instant recognition. Hugging him for the first time felt familiar. It felt like home. He helped me come out of my shell and find my voice. Many years later, Anaïs came to our lives as an unexpected gift.

My Siblings

I am fortunate to have been blessed with three sisters and a brother who have been sources of strength for me growing up. They have motivated me to work harder. We all can openly share our successes and failures with each other without judgement. They're the first to know (apart from my immediate family) any good or bad news. Even if we are all living in different parts of the world, I am thankful to have them in my life.

My Father-in-Law and Mother-in-Law

They have welcomed me into their lives with open arms. In a way, I became their adopted child. They genuinely and wholeheartedly accepted me with unconditional love. They taught me what parenthood really is like and that families do go on vacations together. This is the reason why I enjoy traveling with them, as seen in our New Zealand Family Road Trip blog posts.


Nanay Pina, or as we call her Yapi lived with us since I was a baby. She took care of me and my four other siblings up until a few years ago when she decided to go home to her province and retire. She finally agreed to spend a vacation with us here in Cebu two years ago. I seized that time to care for her in exchange. All those years staying up late nights to make sure we were fed and cared for. I am grateful to have been given the chance to repay the favor- cooking for her and serving her, even though it was just less than a year. We spent many mornings together at the terrace enjoying each others' company. I may not be her biological child but she certainly made me feel like one.

Friends from Different Parts of the World

Throughout my life, I have met real friends. The ones we have deep fulfilling relationships with. A small inner circle with a meaningful connection that would last a lifetime. This is because we have gone through so much together.

When we live abroad, our friends become our family. There's pretty much nothing we could hide from them. They're the ones who will cheer for you at an achieved goal and will be there with you through the pain.

HPG (Happy and Pretty Girls you know who you are); Zepy, my college best friend; Joy who was a former colleague turned best friend; Romina who gave me a chance to pursue my dream when I was at a dead end. Sorry everyone if I have moved far far away and have become a hermit.

Lastly : Special Mention to the Ones Who Made my Life a Living Hell

You are all important as well, because you made me the person that I am today. Without you, I wouldn't have looked inwards and made drastic changes in my life. You made me discover dormant qualities buried within, that I didn't know exist. You motivated me to surpass my own expectations and ultimately become a better person.

What about you?
Who are your VIPs?

Thank you for reading. Check out previous posts if you haven't read them yet and please join us in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge by @tegoshei:

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