Needle Work Monday - Gift for my friend on her 30th birthday: multipurpose harness. / Regalo para mi amiga en su cumpleaños #30: arnés multipropósito. 😃❤️
Happy Monday everyone, friends of Hive & Needle Work Monday. I wish you a happy start to the week, hoping that you enjoyed your weekend to the fullest. These days I had a trip scheduled for the winter
Needle Work Monday - Time to get out of the comfort zone and sew a tricolor outfit. / Hora de salir de la zona de confort y coser un conjunto tricolor. 😃❤️
Happy Monday to all, friends of Hive & Needle Work Monday. I hope you enjoyed your weekend, walking, resting, eating, or all if possible. This weekend was very social for me: every day we had visitors
Needle Work Monday - How much lace is needed to have a beautiful set of lingerie? / ¿Cuánto encaje se necesita para tener un hermoso conjunto de lencería? 😃❤️
Happy Tuesday to all friends of Hive & Needle Work Monday. I hope you had a great and productive weekend. I was walking around here a bit, last week I visited the mountains of my country a bit because
Needle Work Monday - A sew-on-demand project: red full body harness. / Proyecto de costura a pedido: arnés rojo de cuerpo completo. 🔥❤️
Happy Monday to all of you, Needle Work Monday friends. I hope you have started the year in the best way and that you have not eaten so much at your New Year's Eve dinners, although we all know that this
Needle Work Monday - Late night lingerie project: bottom part. / Proyecto de lencería de madrugada: parte de abajo. 😃❤️
Good Wednesday to all of you, Needle Work Monday friends ❤️. I think that since Christmas this year was celebrated during the weekend all our schemes moved, or at least mine. After all the festivities
Needle Work Monday - Making a harness to complement some outfits. / Confeccionando un arnés para complementar algunos outifts. ❤️⭐️
Better late than never is what they say so here I am with my Needle Work Monday on a Thursday. And it is that my seamstress inspiration (and time to sit down to sew) only came last night when I was organizing
#NeedleWorkMonday - Perfect fit high waist panty to start the week. / Panty tiro alto de calce perfecto para empezar la semana. 😘❤️
Welcome to a new Monday of needlework, dear friends of Hive ❣️. I hope you are starting the week with a lot of energy, or at least I am luckily doing so. This weekend I had a great walk with my friend,
#NeedleWorkMonday - This is the story of the project that took more than a year to complete. / Esta es la historia del proyecto que tardó más de un año en ser terminado. 😅❤️
Good afternoon everyone, fellow needleworkers and Hive friends. I hope you are very well today ❣️. After a weekend spent entirely walking around and relaxing (and continuing to put off sewing projects)