Silver Bloggers

This community is not about precious metals. We are silvery "oldies" from the famous Generation X onward......

We bring together young-at-heart kindred spirits and younger 'old souls'. The silver threads, in addition to a love of blogging and photography, are –

• a keenness to learn more about blockchain and crypto – we’re not digital natives – most of us were born before the PC was imagined; we ask “stoopid” questions
• a compulsion to share our life experiences for storage on the blockchain for our children and children’s children
• musings and memories of lives lived – the happy and the sad, the long and the short
• planning for the next phases of life, whether formal work or not, leisure and travel; second (or third…) careers and hobbies to supplement or, because often one must, generate income. Whatever keeps 'time travelers' busy

For any suggestion, please tag one of the admins or mods with your idea.
For all infos in one place, check out "The Silver Menu" !


- English is preferred, if you use your home language an English translation is required.

- Original content only; plagiarism is not tolerated.

- Respect the intellectual property of everyone: free Images MUST be sourced.

- No copying and pasting or post recycling.

- Publish your post in the Silver Bloggers Community

- Cross-posting is accepted, if the content fits with our topics and the #silverbloggers tag is a must.

- No NSFW.

- Be kind. Personal attacks, bullying and meanness will not be tolerated.

- Accounts that break rules 2, 7 and 8 will be booted, muted and/or reported to Hive-watchers.

@fionasfavouritesadminSilver Flower
@lizelleadminSilver-Blonde Lizzie - Founder
@tengolotodomodSilver Scot
@coquicoinmodSilver Cat
@mondoshawanmodSilver Fish