Climbing the Pyramid of Fandom - Remember the Lemons

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Hello everyone!

For the previous chapters about Superfans, check the links at the end!

In this chapter, Pat comes back with another story when he was working as a waiter where some customers would come around as regulars and there was one man who would make the same order, including his water with 3 lemon slices on the side. Not only Pat remembered his name but also asked if his order would be called as usual, and of course, Pat would bring his water and his lemon slices right away without the client even asking. The client eventually would ask only for Pat to serve him and also started to give him generous tips!


(…) The tip size is a result of the service, and your earnings are a byproduct of how well you serve. When you go above and beyond to serve someone, you will be rewarded - sometimes in money, sometimes in the exposure of referrals, and sometimes just with a thank you, but the universe has this amazing way of giving back to those who serve first. Let the money come from extraordinary service.

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This reminds me of a post I wrote weeks ago about the lack of courtesy there is nowadays. Just simply smiling and paying close attention to their needs at the right time can do wonders. People will come again to ask for you, not to mention the monetary tips!


Pat suggests that businesses should aim to create a "lemon" moment for their customers - a small, unexpected surprise that will leave a positive impression. This could be something as simple as a personalized thank-you note or a small gift with a purchase.

By creating these memorable experiences, businesses can turn their customers into superfans who will not only continue to support the business but also recommend it to others. Remembering the lemons can be a powerful tool in building customer loyalty and growing a successful business.

In addition to creating these "lemon" moments, Pat also emphasizes the importance of consistently delivering a high-quality experience to customers. This means going above and beyond to meet their needs and expectations, whether that's providing excellent customer service or creating valuable content that meets their needs.

To do this, businesses need to truly understand their customers and what they value. This requires ongoing research and engagement to stay up-to-date on their needs and preferences.

Another key takeaway from this chapter is the importance of creating a sense of belonging for customers. By fostering a community and providing opportunities for customers to connect with each other, businesses can create a sense of loyalty and belonging that goes beyond just their products or services.

Serve first, pay attention to be individual, and you will be rewarded. (…) Not all customers, audiences, subscribers, and followers are the same, but if you want someone to know you’re there for them, make them stick around and become a true, lifelong superfan by paying close attention to what they need and what you can do for them.

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Overall, chapter 14 of Superfans highlights the importance of going the extra mile to create memorable experiences for customers. By doing so, businesses can create superfans who will not only continue to support the business but also become advocates for it in the future.

In fact, you can make a huge difference just by remembering someone’s name. (…) Greeting someone using their name - especially if they don’t expect you to - is a powerful signal that you’re interested in them as more than just another member of your audience. But you can and should go beyond simply remembering and using someone’s name. Remember other details of their lives: their business, their family, their hobbies. then show curiosity - ask them about these things! They’ll be delighted.

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Using someone's name is a simple way to make a big impact on your relationship with them. It shows that you value them as an individual and are interested in them beyond just the context in which you met. Remembering other details about their life, such as their profession, family, or hobbies, and asking them about these things can deepen your connection even further and make them feel appreciated and valued.


Be human. Be curious about people. show that you’re excited to see them, that you care about their needs and interests and the details of their lives. They’ll notice, and they’ll love it!

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Thank you so much for reading!
See you next time!



Previous Superfans Chapters:

Casual Audience to Active Audience

1 - Learn the Lyrics
2 - Breaking the Ice
3 - Create Quick Wins
4 - Drive the DeLorean
5 - Return Every Handshake

Active Audience to Connected Community

6 - Let Them Take a Shot
7 - Let Them Decide

8 - Create a Challenge

9 - Open the Factory Doors

10 - Stage a Gig

11 - Give them a Name

12 - Bring them Together

13 - Make Them Shine

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