Climbing the Pyramid of Fandom - Breaking the Ice!


Hello everyone!

Today I'm in-depth on Chapter 2 - Breaking the Ice!

Meeting new people is always a struggle for me. Believe it or not, I consider myself as an introvert, or just antisocial, I don't know lol But once the other person lets me in and I start to get comfortable, I talk too much most of the time! I noticed that when I began to record videos before it was nerve-racking recording for a minute, now I need to cut things or even start all over because in the middle of it I start to ramble about something else and far away from the main topic!


Another reason that makes me consider that I am antisocial is the way some people approach others to connect...the pitchers!


I understand that sometimes we need to go straight to the point, but the "Hello, I'm X, here's my link, buy my stuff!" is just too much...I'm waiting for my next pitchy private message so I can reply with this:

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We tend to think that the followers/readers/subscribers only care about helping themselves and learning so they are only there to consume the content. However, if you share a bit about yourself while sharing the content, it will show the personality of your brand/business. And that can be crucial for someone to connect with you or not.

So instead of just plain content, adding something unique from you like an interest, hobby, story, an experience that can be related to the content, will give that extra touch. That's breaking the ice, meaning the ice the plain content!

Breaking the ice is adding personality to your brand/business!

There is no need to tell everything about yourself, just some facts that you are comfortable with to share that helps people to get to know you. For example, I like to add my avatar and gifs to give some fun to the post! My toddler comes around sometimes and sometimes I use songs, movies and series quotes, and so on! Adding some humour I think it's one of the best ice-breakers for me! least I try to be funny 🤣

When it comes to your brand and business, you're having conversations with new people you've never met before all of the time. They come across your videos, listen to your podcasts, read your blogs, or see your tweets and posts, and if the content answers their questions and is valuable, they might even begin to follow your work. But when you add personality into the mix and inject elements that your audience can relate to, then they're not just going to follow your work. They're going to follow you.
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Thank you so much for reading!
See you next time!




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