Climbing the Pyramid of Fandom - Let Them Decide


Hello everyone!

Today I'm in-depth on Chapter 7 - Let Them Decide!

Involving her audience in this decision isn't about the final outcome. (...) Instead, it's about participation and communication. The word communication, in fact, derives from the Latin communis, which means common, or sharing. Similarly, the word community means *same. Without communication, there is no community.

Page 86

Similar to the last chapter and I'll repeat as many times as needed:

Community is King and Engagement is Queen

In this case, it makes the audience feel even more connected to the community and to your brand by letting them decide, have some influence on it.

This can be something simple as asking what should the author talk about on the next post or who's the next person to be interviewed on the podcast, creating a pool with a variety of choices and making them pick one and why and so on.

Not only will increase engagement with your audience and with one another but also gives you more knowledge and feedback of what you need to do to bring more value to your brand, new content to create and improve yourself and your brand and your community!

I'm not just asking my audience questions I already know the answer on. I'm gaining real knowledge and insight in the process, learning what people want from me and my brand.
(...) giving your audience a chance to speak up on even small decisions can get them excited to be involved and engaged. (...) it makes them feel like part of the brand, part of a family, which ultimately leads to feeling more connected to you and the community that you're fostering.

Page 89

When I launched CTP Blueprint I asked my audience to create a few splash pages to promote the program and then choose the best ones to add to my Affiliate Tools. Every now and then I ask for questions or what I should cover next, giving me new ideas to improve my program.

The @he-index token holders have the first word to decide what to do when it comes for example what to invest in certain assets like Splinterlands cards or even having the opportunity in joining the Guild. @jongolson does his best to share the stats periodically and what to do next in order to make this token even more valuable!

And I'm sure there are a few fans of INDEX out there already ;)


Thank you so much for reading!
See you next time!



Previous Superfans Chapters:

Casual Audience to Active Audience

1 - Learn the Lyrics
2 - Breaking the Ice
3 - Create Quick Wins
4 - Drive the DeLorean
5 - Return Every Handshake

Active Audience to Connected Community

5 - Let Them Take a Shot


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