Climbing the Pyramid of Fandom - Make them Shine

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Hello everyone!

To check the previous chapters about Superfans I have the links at the end!

Today I'm in-depth on Chapter 13 - Make them shine!

Highlighting people is one of the best ways to lift people up! Not only encourages the person to keep up their awesome work, but also helps them be more visible out there.

In general, people love to be highlighted, especially if they're with a group of like-minded people who are sharing and enjoying the same experience. (...) Every once in a while, highlight some of the amazing things your community members are doing. At this point in the journey, especially after communicating with your audience and seeing how they communicate with each other, there are likely some standout people you can highlight and bring to the surface for everyone to see.

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I believe that the best business model is not what we as business owners make our product or service shine, is making someone from the community shine with our product or service, by sharing with others their experiences and successes.

But don't make it about your product - make it about their experience: where they were before, and where they are now. Show examples of things that have happened to them since using your product. Instead of you selling your product, your customers will do it for you, but in a natural, organic, nonaggressive way.

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When I was following the training in CTP and doing the work, the Boys noticed my efforts, and sometimes they would highlight me as a good example so others could follow. That fueled others to take the step and do the work and eventually, they got highlighted as well!

If you want your audience to stay engaged, you need to bring them on the court and pass them the ball. Give your people a chance to shine and to feel they belong. Or use another metaphor, you've built this wonderful stage, so it's time to share it.

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There are a lot of examples here on Hive to make people shine: from just mentioning people on a post, inviting people to podcasts like The Cryptomaniacs to talk about their experiences on Hive, even a lot of curation posts from a variety of communities are highlighting posts and authors.


Go make someone shine right now :)

Thank you so much for reading!
See you next time!



Previous Superfans Chapters:

Casual Audience to Active Audience

1 - Learn the Lyrics
2 - Breaking the Ice
3 - Create Quick Wins
4 - Drive the DeLorean
5 - Return Every Handshake

Active Audience to Connected Community

6 - Let Them Take a Shot
7 - Let Them Decide

8 - Create a Challenge

9 - Open the Factory Doors

10 - Stage a Gig

11 - Give them a Name

12 - Bring them Together

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