2024, January

Y2K Scam, Gaming, Dating, Anna Perez Monday the first day of January of 2024. Sofia Fonnie Tuesday. Oatmeal Michael Jackson Discord Server Return, Epstein Hard Drives Needed Wednesday. Oatmeal Cookies, Demoting Trolls Thursday. Discord Trolls Won, Duck Not Duck Video Friday. Jan6 Debate Saturday.

Russia helped America 4 times between 1776 and WWII Sunday the 7th. Jan6 Scam Violated 6th Amendment Monday. Star Trek Spock Global Freezing 1978 Tuesday. Spears, Soros Poland, Dinosaurs Building Pyramids Art Wednesday. Mat Pat Retiring From YouTube Video Thursday. Luke vs Laura Loomer on Timcast Debate on Trump Covid Vaccines Friday. Government vs Children Saturday.

Disease X = New Covid Scam Sunday the 14th. Mint Salad, Savage Trump Iowa Monday. Geoengineering, freezer, Vivek on stage with Trump Tuesday. Rebel News Ezra WEF Wednesday. Star Trek 2008 video, Lila Hart Thursday. Discord Top Ten, CatNipChip Friday. Sports Illustrated Sucks, Wanted Saturday.

Pyramids Might Be From Before The Flood Sunday the 21st. Taken off Simpcast intro, Candy Holes in Brains Monday. Trump Over Nikki New Hampshire Tuesday. Roy Hates TikTok Song Wednesday. United States of Texas vs United States of Satan Thursday. Hit 4K TikTok followers, In Leo, Stand With Texas Friday. North American History Research Saturday. Covid DNA Cover, Mars Noah Ark Theory Sunday the 28th. United Nations Funds Open Borders Monday. Twitter Locked Tuesday. Fake Jan6 Pipe Bombs Wednesday.

January | 2024
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Destiny debated Alex Jones regarding Jan6 scam

Oatmeal Monthly - 2024-01 - January of 2024 | Published in January of 2024


Y2K Scam, Gaming, Dating, Anna Perez

2024-01-01 - Monday


Oatmeal & Friends

Perhaps Y2K was weaponized. Bill Clinton spoke on C-SPAN2 on 1998-07-14 talking about coming together to fix Y2K. Three years later, Bush after 9/11 said we have to come together. Regardless of the fact that Y2K was an issue, it may have also been taken advantage of. Some people went on television claiming allegedly that they worked very hard for almost a decade to prevent Y2K from becoming the end of the world. My @greenoatmeal account was banned for Jan6 and @elonmusk has not restored the account yet, @XCreators @TwitterMoments @XSpaces @TwitterDesign @TwitterComms @verified @X @SpaceX @YouTube @TwitterFood @Support. While talking AI, Osbourne family pondered what if there were deep fake videos of the President declaring war with Russia which Biden already did but to know if something is real, go to the source, actual verified Twitter accounts, and others you trust.

Chrissie Mayr compared @AnnaPerezDC to people like @Lauren_Southern and @MelonieMac. Didn't realize @AnnaPerezDC has a show with an impressive name, Wrongthink; on CMP, they talk about the problems with the right which I agree. I saw this video on Rumble where allegedly some fake news people on TV in 2016 said Hillary Clinton died, I'm not saying anything, I'm only wondering whether they really did say that and why. The second amendment must be amended to emphasize the need to not only bear arms, as in guns, weapons, self-defense, family protection, for private property rights, but also the right to bear robotic body guards to defend against rising threats of artificial intelligence (AI).

Sometimes I've been stuck in bipolar limbo between too much info (TMI) and ironically not enough during the course of my life, as I get older I become more aware of how misunderstood I can be; moral of the story, don't judge a book by its cover and improve your own cover/image.

Sofia Fonnie

2024-01-02 - Tuesday


Sofia Date Website

We're in the 4th quarter of this basketball game called life, we just have to run out the clock get Trump 2025, globalists want civil war and they own many of the referees in this game. The Vatican is either on the Epstein Client List and/or has a separate and most likely longer list as they've been doing it for centuries globally while stealing historical/archeological items to hide under Vatican City in their secret underground libraries. Roy Merrick like tries to get under my skin. In some ways we have that one thing in common because I try or at least would try to get under the skin of everybody in the world. Somebody needs to invent an AI welding 3D Printer men can own in their garages which contains the ability to melt metal and make things like when I need to replace screws to cabinet door handles, let's bypass/decentralize repair shops. I guess I've struck gold once again with a new kind of Bitcoin from within due to not getting killer Covid Vaccines which are murdering with the help of lockdowns/famines and stuff like 100+ million people.

While @Timcast may be accurate that it'd be expensive to host his show without @YouTube, it must be said ISP is running a bandwidth/throttle scam & broadcasting costs can be reduced via decentralization, technically speaking, long story. While @Timcast might be right that bandwidth costs increases per viewer if you're broadcasting without @YouTube directly from your own website, I'd argue there may be decentralized/P2P alternatives which might reduce the cost of streaming.

If Elon Musk's Twitter X isn't decentralized/robust/flexible enough, globalists will try crashing it like they tried to take down Rumble, Elon must embrace Bitcoin/blockchain, talk to @Bitchute @rumblevideo @OdyseeTeam @hiveblog2 @HealthRanger @BasedTorba.

Oatmeal Michael Jackson Discord Server Return, Epstein Hard Drives Needed

2024-01-03 - Wednesday


Oatmeal Michael Jackson

Forget Epstein Client Lists, Flight Logs, Black Books, we want the hard drives, the VHS tapes going back decades, the photos, the videos, which government/FBI stole or what have you. Government will blackmail you into buying rope, break into your house, hang you with that rope, tell everyone you killed yourself like Epstein, and then extort them to pay gov even more money via taxes to outlaw rope which obviously has a mind of its own. What are on the Jeffrey Epstein hard drives? Alex Jones @RealAlexJones is covering how the FBI is protecting children sex traffickers, rapists, murderers. Did Bill Barr visit Jeffrey Epstein right before they say Epstein was magically dead? Why is Bill Gates laughing, is he on the Epstein Hard Drives? Kapner told Alex Jones that Jewish King Solomon was a globalist when he started international trading. But I'd argue that globalization of free markets around the world is Anti Tower of Babel, Kapner might hate Zionists which is a separate issue, but Rothschild bad, that's true. We need the Epstein Hard Drives. Suits personified @RubinReport of @benshapiro @RonDeSantis blocked @DDayCobra @GeeksGamersCom of @Nerdrotics @TuckerCarlson @RealAlexJones @realDonaldTrump.

FBI has boxes of Jeffrey Epstein related videos, VHS tapes, hard drives, photos, documents, Alex Jones reporting, that is what we want to see, we want to see the real blackmail. Red heads will rule the world, Chrissie Mayr on AlisonOAN, while FBI hide Epstein hard drives (to protect children sex traffickers/rapists/murderers) which Alex Jones is trying to expose. Don't tell anybody I unbanned everyone, members who join will now not automatically become admins, other changes coming, remember I'm not here in my own Discord Server, we all know why and how to get me to come back.

We need FBI/CIA/NSA whistleblowers to leak Jeffrey Epstein related hard drives/thousands of videos/VHS tapes going back decades/photos/documents/boxes of God knows what which gov has which is protecting children sex traffickers/rapists/murderers/etc. Like nobody tried meeting my Discord Demands/it's like they didn't even want to try which proves my point I shouldn't be there and it would probably take a miracle or God knows what to get me to return to my Discord Server/it depends on how much demand there is among other things.

Oatmeal Cookies, Demoting Trolls

2024-01-04 - Thursday


Oatmeal Cookies

Oatmeal Michael Jackson. If enough people were trying enough to meet my Discord Server Demands, I'd be tempted to forgive and reach a compromise that is beneficial for the both of us, but it's of my opinion that too many actually did the opposite of trying to help me with all my projects, demands, etc. The fact my trolls are too lazy to get people who knew me into fabricating fictional lore about me/we're talking thousands of people who knew me/I've given my trolls my daily blog/autobiography/enough ammo to blackmail/destroy my life/this fact proves how surface-level trolls are. Looking for a way to protect roles in my Discord Server, I want people to have the ability to promote/demote without the permission/power to delete roles.

If you don't let people lie about you in front of your back, as in in front of your face, then they'll lie about you behind your back underground in black markets without walking talking melter printers. I'm demoting my 400+ LolCow Trolls in my Discord Server into Hobbits because one of them said they didn't want Oatmeal in their search history but didn't even know what cache/cookie/metadata/CIA history is and they don't know where I lived in 2009 even as some said Texas/Jon Snow.

If you thought The Epstein Network was bad, one of the biggest scams the world has ever seen is the talent agencies pimping out models into underage child sex trafficking, this girl was on 60 Minutes saying if you don't sleep with them, no work.

Discord Trolls Won, Duck Not Duck Video

2024-01-05 - Friday


Trolls Have Won in My Discord Server

DISCORD DEAD. Duck Not Duck, Patterns Over Decades video. I've said I'm Duck and Not Duck on purpose a few times knowing trolls like Fish/Bronycon/Emu/Flopper in my Discord Server would only talk about me saying Duck despite the fact I've said/lived/acted as Not Duck for decades which is the pattern which you can ask people who knew me. In 2023, I kept on saying Oatmeal Parody Accounts and Plausible Deniability in my Discord Server many times to troll my goddamn Lolcow Trolls like Fish/Bronycon/Flopper/Emu. I made my Discord Demands knowing trolls would not even try to help my server get 1,000 members before 2024 which was the major item on the list, intention includes scouting for new talent to join my quest and to show the world how badly I've failed meaning retirement is required.

Dear @elonmusk, why is @greenoatmeal banned/suspended on @XCreators @XSpaces @TwitterMoments @Support @TwitterComms? If things don't improve enough in my Discord Server, then you'll probably begin seeing me less often to the extent people don't even try to meet my demands which you can find in my videos/articles, I might begin ghosting/boycotting everybody until 2025 or maybe forever, goodbye.

Jan6 Debate

2024-01-06 - Saturday

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Dom Skibidi Toilet Spinoff

Jan6 Debate video, Alex Jones quote, Destiny, Zero Hedge. We should rename Jan6 Trump Day or Vivek says Entrapment Day. If men dated colors instead of women, they would still cheat. Today you might love the color red. But tomorrow, you might have a thing for green. Yeah, red may still be a solid ten. No doubt. But green is pretty too. Oh wait, I also love blue. Cardi B is just a color to men. If you thought 9/11 was bad, they're letting thousands of no-name people onto planes as of 2023. Ed @EdKrassen said Jan6 was an insurrection because Trump and many people were trying to stop the government from certifying the election which is not true, people wanted a simple recount like we did in 2000 with Bush v. Gore, unlike 2020 summer of love with BLM. Elon Musk should unban @CAMELOT331 and also @greenoatmeal and the Twitter email is rejecting my emails or is broken somehow.

Did Vivek say the Dems aren't running Biden, Gavin Newsom orMichelle Obama, but rather @NikkiHaley who is a fake Republican? Destiny @TheOmniLiberal said people went to DC for Jan6 because Trump told them to but actually many of them went because Alex Jones told them to go and beyond that they told themselves to go and everybody said no violence and be peaceful, Trump wanted a fair count. Was the 2020 election stolen? Mark Zuckerberg went on @joerogan and said the @FBI told @facebook to hide the Hunter Biden Laptop story which swayed more than enough people to vote @JoeBiden or to not vote @realDonaldTrump.

Alex Jones asked if we can vote for who we want and Destiny @TheOmniLiberal said no, but Trump was already President and is still qualified to be elected and talk to @ACLJ about the legality of it, Trump was not convicted with insurrection.

Russia helped America 4 times between 1776 and WWII?

2024-01-07 - Sunday

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Russia helped America 4 times between 1776 and WWII?

Fish does not include timestamps as that would help people find the context of screenshots he shared from Discord Servers which only some came from me which some of that came from a series of things including satire, hyperbole, sarcasm, lies, paradoxes, and so on and so forth. Americans were tricked into World War 2 because of Pearl Harbor which government knew about and could have prevented as they cracked the codes of the planned attacks but they wanted this false flag to be an excuse to make more money while sacrificing future generations. 9/11 was another false flag to scam Americans into fighting, spending money, while losing freedoms in doing so past over two decades. Expert went on television exposing a potential false flag where they sink a ship in the Black Sea to trick Russia into attacking the NATO headquarters which would followed by America striking back in response which within an hour would result in 70% of the sun blocked off earth. Russia also supported America a second time during the war of 1812. Then again for a third time, Russia supported and defended America against those damn British troops yet again in 1863.

JP Morgan helped tricked Americans into World War I via a false flag namely the sinking of that ship as a manipulation to get America to go to war as bankers were investing on both sides of wars which means both sides must spend money buying their weapons. Americans were tricked into the Vietnam War in 1964 as the Tonkin Gulf was another false flag. A hot World War III would likely be over within hours filling 70% of the sky around the world with clouds from the bombs which would cause life to die and would only last ten years or longer in most places around the planet making it tough for most to survive.

Scott Adams said Trump might be turning into Don Rickles when insulting John McCain, that people can shrug as it might be part of Trump's act in a sense. In my own life, I may have tried my own comedic acts in real life around people but perhaps failed or what have you.

Jan6 Scam Violated 6th Amendment

2024-01-08 - Monday

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New Covid Scam Coming?

Regarding Jan6, the 6th amendment was violated. Regarding Jan6, sometimes buildings are open during the day and cops opened the doors making people think it was open even if they were not, you would put the police in prison as it's not trespassing when they let you into the U.S. Capitol. 17+ million people MURDERED already by Covid Vaccines which does not include those dying from famines, droughts, starvation, caused by Covid Lockdowns which some may have said was over 100M+ and the numbers are still rising as they cover up the deaths, Alex Jones. On video, she talks about what they are doing for a new pandemic plandemic which they are preparing to unleash probably in 2024 or as soon as possible, Alex Jones reporting, and how animals are more important than humans for the greater good. If Epstein is dead, did he have plastic surgery like Michael Jackson to change his nose/ears? The Great Spanish Flu Virus Pandemic of 1918 was a scam as young people, not old people over the age of 50, died of bacterial pneumonia, and this was right after World War I as people returned home to live in poor living conditions. I confess I would have had millions of followers as of 2020 had I CONSISTENTLY put out OATMEAL CONTENT the previous two decades assuming I stuck with a main OATMEAL character and just stayed in CHARACTER all the time, avoided politics and many things, and remained very simple, surface level, and so on and so forth: in other words like had I sold my soul to the Devil kind of thing or something.

People used to live longer decades ago and even centuries ago but many babies and children died young which brought the averages in statistics down making people think humans lived shorter back in the day but that's a scam, @realalexjones reporting. If Jan6 was so bad, then why they only arrest less than 2,000 of the over two million people there during those 2 days, why only imprison less than 1% of the violent insurrection Americans with no guns? And Donald Trump said march over there so he can give another speech. Over two million were at Jan6 which started on Monday, January 4th, 2021 in DC, as people arrived, there were protests/concerts/rallies on Tuesday as well, many different rallies/groups.

I enjoyed the part on Simpcast where Chrissie Mayr explained her origin story with Matt Baker who's ironically almost like a parody version of @RealAlexJones and a bit of a crossover with @alexstein99. If globalists murder/imprison or otherwise stops Trump 2024, I'm voting @VivekGRamaswamy and I recommend that we try to prevent the control freaks from taking out Trump and we should be united around Trump. Britney Spears is the female Michael Jackson.

Star Trek Spock Global Freezing 1978

2024-01-09 - Tuesday

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Nerd talk dirty to me, Pokemon go to the boobs

Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out For A Hero (Official HD Video), posted by Ian in my Oatmeal Discord Server. Probably not gonna return to my Discord Server until enough of the right/best kind of people can give me enough of what I want as mentioned on my websites or at least try hard/long enough lol; trolls/haters can have my server until HEROES can come here debunking Oatmeal Fake News. If parrots are tape recorders, can they pass on messages from generation to generation, from their parent's parent's parent, and so on, back thousands of years, like a telephone game to give us a time capsule recording of the past?

Earth could be covered with ice said Star Trek Spock Leonard Nimoy in this documentary in 1978, how dare you said Greta, just wait ten years as they always say every ten years. Ray Epps WINS, Gets NO JAIL TIME for begging people to enter the capitol on Jan6, Owen Shroyer of Alex Jones was imprisoned for telling people to not enter, they claimed the crime was entering.

She did the Britney Spears thing as seen in this GIF from Oops I Did It Again, fingers to lips, the sister did it after kissing her brother, but not sure what it means in this context, does it mean she liked it?

Spears, Soros Poland, Dinosaurs Building Pyramids Art

2024-01-10 - Wednesday

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Britney Spears vs Marilyn Monroe

Soros just take over Poland? Hunter Biden is a distraction. Poland gonna have their own Jan6 scam soon? Globalists taking over Poland, their own Jan6 as an entrapment scam. Klaus Schwab said libertarianism is anarchy which for leftists is code for chaos which they say only a synchronized system of global governance can fix. Wouldn't be surprise if Schwab goes on to say Russia is libertarian. Help me get my Discord Server to 10,000 members before 2025 or try to at least get me whatever might be equal in value as an acceptable substitute (if you want to get me back or whatever else you might want) and also you can build your fanbase in my server as well, good luck yall. Try to get me 10K+ Discord Server members before 2025, debunk enough Oatmeal Fake News, help me with other projects, or get me whatever else that might be equal in value as an acceptable trade if you want me back or whatever else you might want; good luck everybody, goodbye yall.

Did Egyptians use dinosaurs, aliens, sound vibration, mechanical cranes, ships on water moats, giants, other animals, star gates, quantum teleporters, 3D printers, to build pyramids all around the world and what is in the Grand Canyon? Hillary Clinton would have wanted whatever dirt they could release on Trump in October of 2016 which would include anything related to Jeffrey Epstein who was not totally in the news everywhere at that time, Hillary thought she could beat Trump.

I know my dad's dad died when my dad was like three. So, my dad was adopted and didn't know he was adopted until he was like 16. And my dad didn't meet his birth mother until he was 42. WANT MORE POWER, WANNA BE AN OWNER OF MY DISCORD SERVER. GET ME ENOUGH OF WHAT I WANT AS MENTIONED IN #demands IF YOU WANT ME TO GET YOU WHAT YOU WANT. OR BE COOL ENOUGH. PLUG YOUR STUFF. GROW YOUR FANBASE HERE. OR MEET MY DEMANDS. OR WHATEVER IS EQUAL IN VALUE. OR GOODBYE YALL.

Mat Pat Retiring From YouTube Video

2024-01-11 - Thursday

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Power Rangers 1995 Movie

Mat Pat Retiring From YouTube video. Bill and Hillary Clinton went to Haiti and went through like a voodoo ritual where like demons possessed them and inspired them to run for President in 1993? TO EVERYBODY I SAY, GET ME TEN THOUSAND MORE MEMBERS IN THIS DISCORD SERVER RIGHT NOW OR BEFORE 2025 OR WHATEVER IS EQUAL IN VALUE, GET ME WHAT I WANT BEFORE I CAN GET YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT, THIS MESSAGE GOES OUT TO ROY TOO WHO FAILS TO COME WITH ME TO OATMEAL LAND, ONLY OATMEAL HEROES CAN SAVE THIS SERVER FROM THE TROLLS WHO OWN THIS SERVER NOW FOREVER, I LOST, THE TROLLS HAVE WON, SEE MY BLOGS/VIDEOS/ETC FOR MORE INFO, GOODBYE FOREVER EVERYBODY, GOODBYE. I've abandoned my Discord Server because it's full of 400+ inactive level-1 audience members (over 99% are right now)/trolls/haters who will keep custody of my beloved child until enough level-2 builders and level-3 heroes can take over assuming that day comes or goodbye forever. Fish accuses me of allegations but then has the balls to say the burden of proof is on me, those interested can join my Discord Server and debate this weirdo troll who is too lazy to talk to alleged victims who I link to thousands of people in my blogs.

Nice Peter uploaded his first Epic Rap Battle of History in 2010 which was Darth Vader vs Hitler and they are still uploading to ERB to this day in 2024. Ray William Johnson and iJustine and others are still out there making videos. Mat Pat said he wanted to spend more time with kids. Actually, more time to work on other projects relating to like film. Similar to what Ray William Johnson @RayWJ started doing when he stepped down from =3 on YouTube some years ago despite being like the Jay Leno of his genre.

Fish loves to say Team Oatmeal is full of non-sequiturs. Feel free to go to debate school, learn how to debate by going up against this Fish in my goddamn Discord Server. Who wants to debate Retarded Fish who is one of the biggest trolls to haunt my Discord Server. I would sometimes say, write, or do the craziest things possible for shock value as a way to get attention so that I could get more clicks, more views, so I could grow an audience or whatever. Often times my problem would be an inability to keep people after the initial hook.

Luke vs Laura Loomer on Timcast Debate on Trump Covid Vaccines

2024-01-12 - Friday

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CDC Masks, Bibs For Democrats, They're Babies

Discord Never See Team Fish Oatmeal Video. Heated debate between Luke who is right Covid Vaccines kill people and Tim Pool and Laura Loomer who are focused on getting Trump to win in 2024 which is more right. I don't know if I have down syndrome or what but I do know people do conflate physical uniqueness as seen in @lovelilahart with alleged mental/intellectual retardation/limitation which even beautiful people might have, the conflation is insane. Top Oatmeal Parody Accounts will be rewarded monthly or every so often, to make one in my Discord Server, upload a profile picture for your avatar. If we accept it, then we might change your name to Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and then may the games begin. Top Oatmeal Fake News Debunkers will be rewarded monthly or every so often in my Discord Server and elsewhere. Also, top Oatmeal parody accounts and top cool people will be rewarded as well, those are 3 main contests going on. One way to debunk Oatmeal Fake News is to go into my Discord Server & search my username @ JOEYARNOLDVN with keywords or search w/other usernames or just keywords & start with the oldest messages first to find context. When Fish lies about Oatmeal, just search in my Discord Server keywords to find the context of the screenshots Fish is posting so you can see which usernames posted the quotes and to locate what was said before and after. To debunk the fake news, find the original content I posted not in private messages/conversations but on my Snapchat profile around June to August of 2022, or if I'm lying, then discover what really happened to expose me.

Obama sort of made a movie where Texas and California left America, so they are trying to trick Americans into fighting Americans, they are trying hard to bait us into Civil War. Oatmeal Challenge: discover the original content published on Snapchat in 2022 on my profile which nudity is not allowed, content was NOT posted by me in/to/from messages/conversations; those providing the most context may win. When FISH spams SCREENSHOTS advertising Oatmeal Fake News in my DISCORD SERVER, search keywords found in those SCREENSHOTS, find out which usernames are in those SCREENSHOTS and post new SCREENSHOTS displaying BEFORE & AFTER. One of the PURPOSES of my AUTOBIOGRAPHY is to provide BASELINE for DETERMINING the TRUTH regarding OATMEAL, whether you like me or not, CONTRAST/COMPARE my WORDS with my ACTIONS to determine PATTERN/CHARACTER/INTENTION/CONTEXT/GOALS.

Its out, Disease X lives on my Discord Server in the form of trolls who believe I should not be allowed on the Internet based on fake news about me. Do you think I'm Pro-Hitler, let us know right now in my Discord Server or else the trolls will win. On one hand, Fish acts like he's really trying to take me down by spamming fake news about me in my Discord Server. I tell him to bribe people who knew me in person to lie about me. On the other hand, Fish says he's barely even trying.

Government vs Children

2024-01-13 - Saturday

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Government vs Children

Fish said Oatmeal's pedo but I disavow. I'm not. Period. I've already said this countless times for years. Fish is spamming my Discord Server with fake news. Feel free to join my server to debate this troll named Fish. It seems over 99% of the 400+ people who joined my Discord Server only joined to not only spam Oatmeal Fake News trolling anybody who joins with defamation lies about me, these haters also told 911 I had bombs to have police swat me in Shelton, WA. It seems 99%+ of the 400+ people who joined my Oatmeal Discord Server doxxed me in 2023 having police swat me, these trolls stole pizza, credit card theft attempts, they shared my address/SSN/etc to websites/servers/etc.

One step closer to holograms as seen in Star Wars, Star Trek, science fiction movies, this is a LG television, it's transparent, it's not a projector, it's the thing the Trump should get. If you're a TROLL-SLAYER, there are plenty of TROLLS to SLAY in my DISCORD SERVER which they STOLE from me, come CHECK it OUT.

SJW NPC leftists took over my OATMEAL ALEX JONES VIVEK GINA CARANO TRUMP DISCORD SERVER, will you join my server or let the globalists win.

Disease X = New Covid Scam

2024-01-14 - Sunday

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Disease X = New Covid Scam

I'm voting Trump 2024. But Vivek is right in that globalists prefer to trick weirdos into murdering Trump and then who do we vote for? I don't want to see Trump not win. Vivek is right that we should try to shrink the government, FBI, IRS, etc. Trump 2024: Why Vivek say he cried on Jan6? Cried about what? Has @VivekGRamaswamy clarify what he was crying about? Has Vivek changed his views since? I like what Vivek says. Vivek says a lot of good things. But this was bad. I'd vote for @Nigel_Farage if Trump was not available, if Nigel was American, and Nigel might do better than @VivekGRamaswamy at least in some ways on the world stage because Nigel is very influential. If you join my DISCORD SERVER right now, they'll think YOU'RE me because I said I was coming back via ALTS: so feel free if you wanna play with my weirdo trolls who haunt my server.

If we can't vote Trump, Vivek is option 2, that's basically what @VivekGRamaswamy was saying to @RealAlexJones which I agree it's harder for our enemies to take out 2 targets. Vivek is telling people to vote Vivek which I disagree with. They've been growing ears off mice since at least the 1970s, pasty 50+ years? There is 1 Trump but our enemies are creating vaccines for future pandemics like Disease X which will be worse than Covid-19, globalists will save us again?

If you wanna hang with Leo Chingkwake from That's 70's Show, just hop into my Discord Server where like over 99% of my 400+ members are literally Leo on weed not knowing anything, enjoy Trump 2024. Indian woman on TV telling us to be scared of Disease X which they already have vaccines for.

Mint Salad, Savage Trump Iowa

2024-01-15 - Monday

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Vivek on Alex Jones

Military Planning to Remove Trump in 2025. Fish is a crazy troll in my Discord Server who not only calls me a liar but also not a liar as he screenshots me saying I'm not a liar & a liar, feel free to join my server and debate Fish. Fish posted this, first being a quote written by Cali who created a parody of me. Second image is me from the 2009 Spaceman & Diaper Boy movie I was in with Lincoln Hawk. George Lucas said Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith ran parallel with 9/11 as the movie came out four years later, and they're currently broadcasting in articles how the military will remove Trump from office in 2025. Feel free to invite your friends to my Discord Server, take over as the 400+ members already there never do anything, you can ignore them as they're inactive, pretend my server is empty. I pray to God cool people take over my Discord Server as there are only less than 10 out of 435 members who are active despite them probably being trolls themselves, my server is currently in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. I'm Yoda running off as the Empire rules my server aight. Trolls been calling me a pedophile since probably 2009 or longer, like past 15+ years, not just in my Discord Server but many website on the Internet.

Savage wasn't even an insult centuries ago. Indians, pirates, farmers, homesteaders, homeschoolers, people not in the system, and Trump supporters are savages. WEF know Trump wins in 2024. Weirdos caught DANCING on video talking about creating EFFECTIVE Covid Vaccines which they tested on the general public which is EFFECTIVE at killing people, Alex Jones reporting. Feel free to take over my Discord Server of 435 members as less than 10 members are generally active meaning my server is probably under 2.3% active. Feel free to invite your friends & ignore over 98% of the inactive losers in my server who aren't really in my server, they fake.

What's Fansly? Mint Salad @autisticboobs said Porn Patreon or Only Fans and got Tree to laugh big time. Mint explained stemming is a copping mechanism for autistic people, may involve bouncing on couches/yoga balls: a good workout for all you ladies out there. Let the record show FREE SPEECH is an ABSTRACT/THEORETICAL MATRIX.

Geoengineering, freezer, Vivek on stage with Trump

2024-01-16 - Tuesday

Trump & Vivek

It is sometimes hotter up high in the sky because GEOENGINEERING. As of 2023, since 1913, 110 years ago, the dollar lost over 98% of it's value. Stop one person from getting Covid? If it means five will die from heart attacks? According to an experiment involving 44K people. RFK Jr asked this to Howie Mandel. Truth be told, vaccine companies have been paying out to the families of victims billions.

Trump is looking especially good today and people are singling along to what will be known in the future as The Trump Song, The I'm Proud To Be An American Song.

Rebel News Ezra WEF

2024-01-17 - Wednesday

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Simpcast Lila Hart, Chrissie Mayr, Keanu Thompson, on Slightly Offensive

Rebel News Ezra WEF video. I disagree with the idea that one has to give another permission to pass on information, be it a biopic or almost anything, as doing so is a form of censorship and control tyranny over having the freedom to express opinions over things. Highlights of 1900s Oatmeal might include in no particular order the following: Cumbo/Rangers/Mystic/Oregon/Seattle/California/WCC/Kyle/Bill/Mars/Kenni/Rick/Coast/Lost/Hagg/Astoria/Nintendo/Sega/Bhakti/Internet/CCBC/AWANA/Basketball/Art/MJ/Music/Coolkid/Softball/Filming/Building. Alex Jones referenced Demolition Man where there was an engineered economic crash which allowed Taco Bell to take over the world.

I saw this on @DDayCobra Cast and I didn't like how Vivek whispered to the lady to vote Vivek to save Trump. Yeah, Democrats are voting @NikkiHaley to beat Trump right now. But at the same time, what Vivek did, whether he is Obama 2.0 or Trump 2.0, what Vivek did was bad optics. I should step away from my Oatmeal Discord Server to the extent it's not working and focus instead on whatever might be better meaning more effective, efficient, productive, and so on; it seems my Discord project failed until you can prove otherwise.

Lila Hart

2024-01-18 - Thursday

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Lila Hart live. If people ask me really good questions about me or about other things, I might do videos and articles about them, but only if the questions are good enough. Outside of that, I have many other things I'm doing and others can join me if they want. If my Discord Server is not GROWING fast enough, then something must not be WORKING which means I'm beating a dead horse, I have to take this FAILURE as a sign that I got to go back to the drawing board, in life you gotta focus on whatever is working the most over all the rest. I'm worried I may not be able to finish just some of my founding PROJECTS because I'm so many years behind, I've got behind in my work which is why I hesitate when it comes to moving on to doing other things as I've spent my entire life doing just that resulting in collateral.

Discord Top Ten, CatNipChip

2024-01-19 - Friday

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My Top Ten Favorite Accounts in my Discord Server

Timcast isn't watched by everybody all the time said Tim Pool meaning they're not always gonna understanding the inside baseball, the details, and everything that someone who watches all the time might know. I'm like guilty myself of like talking in code. I'm split between wanting to talk like a nerd knowing many people won't get it and dumbing it down for new people.

Sports Illustrated Sucks, Wanted

2024-01-20 - Saturday

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I was on Wanted in 2010

Sports Illustrated should know sex sells. Some would be satisfied with a woman like this. But others would be interested in getting her to lose weight. Regardless, more people are generally drawn to a Tyra Banks in her prime, an Angelina Jolie body even. Yes, go woke, go broke.

Two main reasons I interact with Roy, one to get Roy to make me content or whatever else and the other to get Roy to admit to logical fallacies which my friend Chris Zuagg from Indiana had a screen name on Xanga that was something like Logical Fallacy or something like that.

Pyramids Might Be From Before The Flood

2024-01-21 - Sunday

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Oatmeal Parody Accounts Scheme

I'm 38, I'm probably still single because I'm just way too busy and maybe other reasons too. Even to this day, I'm not sure how to make time for starting my own family even despite wanting to marry and have ten kids.

Taken off Simpcast intro, Candy Holes in Brains

2024-01-22 - Monday

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Chrissie Mayr's Simpcast was great

Alex Jones is right, globalists crashed the Titanic world, but now that we know it's also their lifeboats, globalists are drowning too which thrusts globalists to try to turn the ship around to live another day so they can try to scam us again in the future.

Trump Over Nikki New Hampshire

2024-01-23 - Tuesday

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Trump beat Nikki Haley in New Hampshire (NH)


Roy Hates TikTok Song

2024-01-24 - Wednesday

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Morgonn McMichael on Timcast

Fish is to Oatmeal. What CNN was to Trump. Vivek, who is working with Trump, talked about dismantling the FBI and other agencies which means people losing governmental jobs but at the same the free market is hiring and they could perhaps hire these people. I'm literally watching my Discord Server with popcorn 24/7 as I'm paralyzed from the neck down since my birth in 1982, when I'm not trolling my trolls like Fish in my server, I'm probably putting out content/videos/articles about them on websites/social-media you'll never find.

Let the record show, Roy said he would give up on humanity if Roy believed they were already burning in TikTok Hell. Fish murdered my Discord Server, Fish spams Oatmeal Fake News like this which includes a reference to 2013 which Fish only knows about because I mentioned how trolls were lying about me since at least 2013 or 2009 or longer. Fish repeats lies. Fish should resign as this is fake news in that you would need to follow the specifics of what actually happened which would take a long time to tell, there are yellow page websites that can dox people at the very least provided you know somebody's name, see Edward Snowden.

United States of Texas vs United States of Satan

2024-01-25 - Thursday

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United States of Texas vs United States of Satan

It's not Civil War, it's unity around Texas. Replacement Migration was mentioned in United Nation documents since at least 2000, Alex Jones' Infowars had articles talking about it since 2004, here we are 20 years later with Texas opposing the Biden Tyranny, Tim Pool said Civil War. While watching Kari Lake, Geeks Gamer Cobra Cast Jeremy brought up the House of Cards series which was on TV, this is a show I should watch, Kari is powerful like Trump & is welcomed on Friday Night Tights. On MSNBC, the guy with glasses said the Alex Jones video game will normalize going after globalists which is what Texas is doing. 15 states align with Texas against Biden Tyranny, the Open Borders is what murdered the Roman Empire, Alex Jones reporting. Problem is while rational minds do game it out like Scott Adams states, some are destructive in a perspective of chaos and depopulation in the mist of this current Civil War against the Biden Administration, globalists are cornered wild animals. It looks like on Timcast, a guest said we dump pedos, child traffickers, out of helicopters, Tim was like that is not allowed on YouTube, Rumble, Twitter X, or anywhere. If this is the case, I disagree with Tim. United vs The Biden Administration.

Ozark is happening all over America, cartels work with the government. Meta Facebook Mark Zuckerberg spent 24 billion dollars trying to force people to enter the metaverse Matrix, that is virtual reality, the good news is humanity vomits at the sight of Mark. First, try to figure out what I want. Second, try to get me what I want. Whether you're Roy lost in my Discord Server which was not growing enough in 2023 or whether you're somebody else. I've told everybody everywhere what my demands are on all the websites. You know what to do. Globalists are trying to start a new Jan6 scam, a brand new false flag, make it look like those defending the Texas borders blew up illegal aliens, undocumented citizens, we're in a civil war against the Biden Administration, Alex Jones reporting. My theory is many times for years, many people saw Crazy Oatmeal which might have a hook to pull them in but like I said to Roy, it might be a bridge unto no city or fishing without a boat which ends in drowning, rats on wheels, never mind my intentions or the details of my past. United States of Texas vs United States of Satan.

In Leo, Stand With Texas

2024-01-26 - Friday

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Stand with Texas

Hit 4K TikTok followers. In Leo is a Twitter-X alternative that is also a hybrid with the Hive Blog blockchain meaning you can post threads/tweets that are short and you can also post longer blog posts as well. This parody account @ joeyarnoldvn. with a dot at the end of the username who then left my Discord Server said XBK NVBQ was doxed but that is probably fake news, NVBQ is an anonymous Discord account while I'm a public figures, like apples to oranges, not comparable, they doxed me. Hitler got his racism against Jews at least partly from Alice Bailey born 1880 in England, Alice later moved to America, they both believed eliminating the Jewish race would unite the world as they believed Jews were too racist; leftists believe MAGA is too racist. Alice Bailey made Hitler racist and said the goal of public schools and education in general must be to prepare humanity for global government. Alice Baker made Hitler racist against Jews and said Christians were preventing public schools from turning humanity into slaves of globalism, a New World Order, that we must eliminate not only the Jews but also the Christians. Seeing @benshapiro rap with @IAMTOMMACDONALD is cool even tho Ben got my @YouTube channel suspended in 2022 over a @GinaCarano (who blocked me) Terror on the Prairie movie spoiler review which was fair use/transformative which @TeamYouTube did restore my video, we need Alex Jones.

Vivek talked about how they would try to take out Trump to install Nikki Haley, whether through election fraud, assassination, imprisonment, or whatever it takes. Roger Stone suggested Big Mike Michelle Obama is gonna come to save the day when Biden is gone. Alice Bailey made Hitler racist against Jews/Christians who were in the way of public school's mission to turn humans into drones of globalism and Alice was part of the Lucifer Publishing Company (Lucis Trust) of the United Nations. Alex Newman explained to @RealAlexJones how American public schools used the same tactics Hitler and China Mao used to brain-wash the young to hate older generations. Dr. Kirk Elliott explained to @RealAlexJones how America is currently worse off than not only the 1929 Great Depression but also the fall of the Roman Empire.

North American History Research

2024-01-27 - Saturday

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Make SNL Great Again

Did they find the Tower of Babel? Before Christopher Columbus arrived to America in 1492, were there up to 60 million native American Indians or what have you in the Americas, did like as high as 90% of the human population of the Americas begin dying out after 1492 as the Europeans begin coming?

There may be different types of DNA testing by which some may be harder to analyze as it may dilute by 50% and then exponentially as seen in this photo every generation back you go, it might go under 1% each in under ten generations. A dirty little secret, the normal way of doing DNA testing may only go back several generations before it begins to dilute a lot. Another way to test is to look at the Y Chromosome from dad as opposed to just the X which is in the men and women of your ancestors. On average it seems, 3 mistakes are made genetically (within the Y chromosome) each generation on the male side (as men are XY and women are XX) of the family tree, that is from father to son, you can calculate history through the prism of this DNA pattern. You can look at the differences between any two men from around the world to calculate how many generations back they may have had common ancestors, that is differences in the Y chromosome which is passed on in the DNA to males and not females, like 3 mistakes made per generation.

Covid DNA Cover, Mars Noah Ark Theory

2024-01-28 - Sunday

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Hunter Biden, Taylor Swift, sitting in a tree

Was Covid a cover for global DNA sampling for the Mormons who are obsessed with family history because they secretly they're aliens, ideally Martians?

United Nations Funds Open Borders

2024-01-29 - Monday

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Owen Benjamin on Slightly Offensive on rapper Ben Shapiro

Soros is a CIA-front. Fake news is blaming death caused by Covid vaccines on Covid, they're saying Covid is the new AIDS, they are trying hard in selling the scam known as LONG COVID while they try to launch a second Jan6 scam in Texas. People will rather believe the fake news about you to make themselves feel better about the Hell they're living in, it's a distraction and a coping mechanism. You might be rewarded not only for giving and removing timeouts but also for demoting and promoting other accounts in my Discord Server; it's generally better to demote than to mute, please remove timeouts if you feel they don't deserve it or maybe demote them instead of muting. United Nations don't have to pay taxes but can decide how much taxes we have to pay, this was adopted in 1946 a year after World War II (WWII), the UN is immune from the crimes they are engaged in, are they also immune to potential Nuremberg 2.0 Trials? United Nations have powers greater than Eminent Domain? When countries joined the United Nations in 1946, they signed this document which says anybody working in the UN cannot go to prison for anything. Life on the surface of the planet could go EXTINCT within an hour, that hour can be TRIGGERED at any moment, they call it mutually assured destruction, a chain reaction where different countries firing at each other, a GLOBAL NUCLEAR DODGEBALL. How do you turn off Neuralink?

Twitter Locked

2024-01-30 - Tuesday

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Russell Brand on Tucker Carlson

I arrived in Vietnam in 2012, I taught English there for 5 years, I would to love to find my Vietnamese friends and students, I would to hear how they are doing now and this message goes out to not only those who liked me but also those who didn't. Michael Yon who served in Special Forces warns that the thing at the Texas Mexico border it a potential Jan6 that fed are trying to spring on Americans. Every time you insult me, I'm gonna have to boycott my Discord Server even longer, you're not allowed to mock me, I'm gonna cry, you're breaking my heart, you're triggering my guinea pigs to run off the cliff of destiny, the next Lolcow Troll to bully me will see, stop it or else.

Fake Jan6 Pipe Bombs

2024-01-31 - Wednesday

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Facebook Mark Zuckerberg in DC again

The Jan6 pipe bomb was a FBI training device as in fake and was planted by a fed? Taylor Swift is not a psychological operation said my television a bunch of times out of the blue, nothing to see here, move along sheep while the American borders are wide open. Jan6 scam went from you guys are conspiracy theorists to damage control as info about feds planting fake pipe bombs. Josh Hawley asked Instagram Mark Zuckerberg why can't Meta be sued, at least in theory Facebook can in that this potential monopoly has been a publisher instead of a liability-protected platform which big tech social media try to benefit from both worlds.

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