
Military Planning to Remove Trump in 2025. Fish is a crazy troll in my Discord Server who not only calls me a liar but also not a liar as he screenshots me saying I'm not a liar & a liar, feel free to join my server and debate Fish. Fish posted this, first being a quote written by Cali who created a parody of me. Second image is me from the 2009 Spaceman & Diaper Boy movie I was in with Lincoln Hawk. George Lucas said Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith ran parallel with 9/11 as the movie came out four years later, and they're currently broadcasting in articles how the military will remove Trump from office in 2025. Feel free to invite your friends to my Discord Server, take over as the 400+ members already there never do anything, you can ignore them as they're inactive, pretend my server is empty. I pray to God cool people take over my Discord Server as there are only less than 10 out of 435 members who are active despite them probably being trolls themselves, my server is currently in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. I'm Yoda running off as the Empire rules my server aight. Trolls been calling me a pedophile since probably 2009 or longer, like past 15+ years, not just in my Discord Server but many website on the Internet.

Savage wasn't even an insult centuries ago. Indians, pirates, farmers, homesteaders, homeschoolers, people not in the system, and Trump supporters are savages. WEF know Trump wins in 2024. Weirdos caught DANCING on video talking about creating EFFECTIVE Covid Vaccines which they tested on the general public which is EFFECTIVE at killing people, Alex Jones reporting. Feel free to take over my Discord Server of 435 members as less than 10 members are generally active meaning my server is probably under 2.3% active. Feel free to invite your friends & ignore over 98% of the inactive losers in my server who aren't really in my server, they fake.

What's Fansly? Mint Salad @autisticboobs said Porn Patreon or Only Fans and got Tree to laugh big time. Mint explained stemming is a copping mechanism for autistic people, may involve bouncing on couches/yoga balls: a good workout for all you ladies out there. Let the record show FREE SPEECH is an ABSTRACT/THEORETICAL MATRIX.

Watched Simpcast, Slasher 101, Vivek on Alex Jones, Timcast, Cobra Cast. Military to remove Trump 2025. Vacuum. Birds. Trump wins Iowa. Four Wings of Growing article/video. Weekly photos. Weekly video on Fish.


Screenshot at 2024-01-15 13-59-42 Vivek.png

Vivek on Alex Jones

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-01-15 - Monday | Published in January of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:31 AM
Four Wings of Growing

01:12 PM
Military Planning to Remove Trump in 2025

2024-01-15 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 399pics | Video

2024-01-15 - Monday - Oatmeal Weekly 151 - Debating Fish

You got 2 options

  1. Start with where they're coming from
  2. Start with where the other side of the other debate is coming from
    I'm oversimplifying to keep this video under 2 minutes, there's nuance/details, there could be multiple sides, opinions, stances, cases, people, parties, positions, variables, situations, factors, locations, principles, policy, philosophy, application, intention, vision
  3. Where is Fish coming from, he probably discovered in the video Dead Wing Dork made about me, Valentines Day 2022, Fish ended up picking me as his target
    In debating Lolcow Trolls like Fish, determine the origin of madness and get the trolls to define terminology, words
    Establish baseline, for example, if Fish accused me of alleged crimes, it's also critical for the trolls to not just ask questions but state their case, their side of the story with as much details as possible like as if it was a trial in a court of law in fron of judges/jurors
    It's difficult, Fish might throw fake questions/statements at you to distract/conflate/etc
    Feel free to join my Discord Server, there are links to my server everywhere, just look around, join the server to debate the trolls or to debate Team Oatmeal, you don't have to be on my side
    If you wanna send me hard drives, talk to Roy, talk to Roy


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:57 AM

What's Fansly? Mint Salad @autisticboobs said Porn Patreon or Only Fans and got Tree to laugh big time. Mint explained stemming is a copping mechanism for autistic people, may involve bouncing on couches/yoga balls: a good workout for all you ladies out there. 12:26 PM: Predictability of parents can also be reliability. 12:38 PM: Savage wasn't even an insult centuries ago. Indians, pirates, farmers, homesteaders, homeschoolers, people not in the system, and Trump supporters are savages.

02:12 PM
Some might say the main girl in Resident Alien is thick but I found her to be hot.... but it might be that I am 38 and prefer older women as I get older. 03:37 PM: I'd play this game, Cyberpunk Nina Infinity. 05:36 PM: Will Carol Burnett, age 90, outlive Betty White, Dick Van Dyke, William Shatner, Donald Trump, Billy Graham, Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller; she just has to hold on for another decade or longer.

Discord Drama

2024-01-15 - Monday - 12:03 AM - Discord Log.

My Discord Server is THE WALKING DEAD CITY of 400+ LOLCOW TROLLS who inactive most of the time when they're doxxing/swatting innocent people. 01:00 AM: Does anybody have the password to my Fish account? 01:46 AM: Fish is a crazy troll in my Discord Server who not only calls me a liar but also not a liar as he screenshots me saying I'm not a liar & a liar, feel free to join my server and debate Fish. 04:45 AM: Fish posted this, first being a quote written by Cali who created a parody of me. Second image is me from the 2009 Spaceman & Diaper Boy movie I was in with Lincoln Hawk. 04:49 AM: b3njamin5270 dropped by for a few seconds to mock my Discord Server and then left again. 01:56 PM: Feel free to invite your friends to my Discord Server, take over as the 400+ members already there never do anything, you can ignore them as they're inactive, pretend my server is empty. 02:27 PM: Feel free to take over my Discord Server of 435 members as less than 10 members are generally active meaning my server is probably under 2.3% active. Feel free to invite your friends & ignore over 98% of the inactive losers in my server who aren't really in my server, they fake. 02:40 PM: Enemies should share non-photoshopped SCREENSHOTS of OATMEAL in DMs to DESTROY OATMEAL, problem is HATERS cannot find such alleged crimes, my Discord Server is full of mostly trolls. 02:49 PM: I pray to God cool people take over my Discord Server as there are only less than 10 out of 435 members who are active despite them probably being trolls themselves, my server is currently in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. I'm Yoda running off as the Empire rules my server aight. 03:12 PM: I just made @retr08383 a MASTER and you will probably never become a MASTER like RETR0. 03:49 PM: Trolls been calling me a pedophile since probably 2009 or longer, like past 15+ years, not just in my Discord Server but many website on the Internet. 04:04 PM: I just spotted a typo in my video, not good. I made this video Saturday, the 13th of January of 2023. But in the video it reads as 1th. 06:37 PM: Cum is a reference to Tiffany Cumbo. The second quote about Ana was written by a parody account, Cali. I was writing cum to troll my trolls who were already lying about me since like 2009 or longer. I'm taken out of context past few decades, most people won't read past headlines. I wrote this to troll my trolls. Cum means Tiffany Cumbo. Dick means Dick Richard Morehead, my grandpa (my mom's dad). Since I was ten years old, I would make home videos with family and friends which included Tiffany. 06:47 PM: This screenshot might include quotes from me and/or parodies which if I did say it then it was satire, absurdity, hypothetical in that it would not ever happen in reality said to troll trolls, typos, and so on, which I've mentioned over the decades as it's all conflated. 06:50 PM: An Oatmeal parody by Cali as seen in this screenshot in 2023 wrote regarding Tiffany Cumbo: "She is my Baby Girl." I didn't write that and I was friends with Tiffany when I was a kid and she was a kid. 07:11 PM: Over 99.999999999999999% of my content and everything is not on Discord, TikTok, etc, trolls like Socks12 know nothing about me as they never read past the headlines which is part of the reason they fall for lies as they lack context and a number of things. Think about Snapchat Spotlight. Snapchat Spolight is an app/website that competes with YouTube Shorts and TikTok. 07:30 PM: Many of my YouTube videos were getting 20K+ views per video, like dozens of videos, starting around 2009. But many of the hundreds of YouTube comments people were leaving under my videos were from people from countries like Germany, they were openly mocking me and stuff, it was insane, it was a thousand times worse than a million Fish combined. 07:59 PM: I bought a plane ticket from Oregon to Vietnam in 2012, I got the money from working for my dad's clients, yard work, landscaping, maintenance, on and off since the 1990s, my lawyer said I could go to Vietnam, and I was able to buy a passport and visa which they could of stopped. 08:03 PM: To find answers to questions about my life in 2012, just Google my usernames, display names, dates, locations, and/or other keywords to possibly find out what I've already written and videos and everything going back many years, I've answered questions so many times on websites. 08:09 PM: Feel free to debate trolls like Fish in my Discord Server or join Team Fish, have fun or whatever. 08:16 PM: Debate trolls like Fish who said in the first screenshot how I failed to answer questions. Compare that with the second screenshot where Fish says that even if I do answer, it's not evidence either. My Discord Server offers insane trolls like Fish who you can debate and troll as these trolls are very leftist, they're against Trump, Alex Jones, and more. My trolls like Fish are demented leftists who stalk my Discord Server spamming fake news about me while pretending to be reasonable. Trolls like Fish think they can poke at me like I'm a meme and use my alleged lack of response as evidence to whatever statements they want rectified and proven, tho I've responded many times. Trolls like Fish might be possessed by demons. 08:53 PM: Retr0, the science of debating/debunking Oatmeal Fake News can be done in two main ways or both, it's critical to look at both of these two ways. Fish will try to ask questions while deflecting questions people ask Fish. Retr0, when Fish says for example, "Let's see your proof," don't let statements or questions Fish throws at you distract you. Fish is playing a game. Don't let his scam fool you. @retr08383, In debate, it's critical to get opponents to define vocabulary/terms/words/synonyms like "EVIDENCE" and so on and so forth as a baseline starting point as people define words differently and they have different perspectives and so on. 09:50 PM: 1/2 Here is an example, Fish will say I'm a horse and base it off something I said say for example, and Fish might even include a screenshot like this. 2/2 But then if you counter with another screenshot of something else, like where I said I'm a rat, Fish will say what I said cannot be used as evidence to disprove the evidence of me saying I'm a horse even as I said both I'm a rat and a horse at the same time making both statements equal. 10:03 PM: Reason I fed so much info/etc into trolls like Fish over the years was an attempt at motivating trolls to dig up dirt to destroy me with. But I guess my trolls don't want to really destroy me even as I've held their hands for years to help them destroy me. Trolls have repeatedly refused proving to me they secretly love me, thank you so much my lovers. If statement 1 contradicts statement 2, you can assume one or none of said statements are true like with my example of me being both a horse and rat. Fish will say there is evidence I am a rat because I said I am a rat. Fish will look at 2 statements and pick which one he wants to believe. Fish is in his own religion. My Rat Horse story is a metaphor. 10:19 PM: In the art/science/skill of DEBATE, it would be critical to get TROLLS like FISH to explain actual ORIGIN to his CULTIC/IRRATIONAL/FICTIONAL/RELIGIOUS belief that I'm _____ fill in the blank....... If Fish was honest, he might tell you it started when he was watching Dead Wing Dork's video on me on Valentines 2022..... and then you would as a counselor try to walk FISH through how he came to the conclusions of his ANTI-OATMEAL RELIGION. BUT YOU GOT TO START AT THE BEGINNING IN 2022. MAKE FISH WALK THROUGH IT ALL TO DETERMINE HOW IT ALL STARTED. When debating a troll like Fish, you have to act more like a counselor than an actual debater. 10:35 PM: It's CRITICAL to use different TACTICS depending on the people you INTERACT with, the SITUATIONS, the VARIABLES. So, trolls like Fish may not abide by traditional rules of DEBATE for example, they may be intellectually dishonest, not fair, deflection reflection, irrational, with selective enforcement, and a number of things. Which means not a fair debate which then follows that you should try other TACTICS as opposed to hoping Fish will play by the rules. Cuz Fish refuses to play by the rules which means you can gain some ground by counseling Fish like as if Fish is an intellectual child, by trolling trolls, fighting fire with fire, scamming, and so on and so forth. I hear you and I agree that eventually we have to move on from dead horses like Fish, know which hills to die on, which battles to fight as they say pick your battles. Cuz Fish Screenshots are ZOOMED-IN and you only need to ZOOM-OUT and show everybody. To EXPOSE FISH. People can build their case. It doesn't matter if you're for or against me. Just make it interesting whether your case is factual, fictional, combinations therein, just make it a good story and sell it. Only the best of the best can be on The HIGH COUNCIL of OATMEAL. Maybe I should start a DEBATING RETARDS LIKE FISH page. Everything in the universe from the dawn of time to the end of time should be viewed through the PRISM of PRIVATE PROPERTY or perhaps some might argue the LACK THEREIN. The Oatmeal High Council would be the board of governors, judges, kings, gods, rulers, of this Discord Server. Let the record show I've allowed Fish to spam for months. Let the record show I try not to do bad. Let the record show FREE SPEECH is an ABSTRACT/THEORETICAL MATRIX.

Expect Roy
Tuesday and Thursday
Each week around 08:00 AM PT
For a few hours or less

Two main starting-points in debating fake news:

  1. Overview/outline the sources/facts/truth/reality/baseline/archive/record/evidence the fake news is allegedly based on
  2. Outline what the other side of the debate is claiming which can take a lot of time to do

Let the record show
I don't mind a healthy debate
But it has to be deep enough
Not mere surface level stuff
People like Fish are too lazy
They don't do actual deep dives
They do drive-by trolling
In this ghetto

Top ten contests in my Discord Server and beyond, details will be dropping:

  1. Parody Masters
  2. Trivia Masters
  3. Cool People Masters
  4. Comedy Masters
  5. Memes Masters
  6. Most Active Masters
  7. Invite Masters
  8. Spin-off Masters
  9. Debunking Fake News Masters
  10. Heroes Workshop Masters

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Slasher 101

2024-01-15 - Monday - 03:50 AM - Slasher 101

Thirty years ago, in the sleepy community of Waterbury, a killer known as “The Executioner” murdered Sarah Bennett's parents. Now Sarah and her husband Dylan have returned to town, only to find herself the centerpiece in a series of horrifying murders centered around the seven deadly sins. She is Rey Skywalker from Star Wars.

01:03 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Monday 1/15/24 • VIVEK RAMASWAMY - THE PLOT TO TAKE TRUMP OUT, News & Analysis

12:43 PM
George Lucas said Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith ran parallel with 9/11 as the movie came out four years later, and they're currently broadcasting in articles how the military will remove Trump from office in 2025. 01:47 PM: Weirdos caught DANCING on video talking about creating EFFECTIVE Covid Vaccines which they tested on the general public which is EFFECTIVE at killing people, Alex Jones reporting.

05:12 PM
Timcast IRL - Iowa Caucus Results Live w/Benny Johnson, Alex Bruesewitz, Vivek Ramaswamy & More

06:00 PM
NY Times declared President Trump the winner in Iowa with only 1% of the votes in.

11:35 PM
Cobra Cast - Let the record show FREE SPEECH is an ABSTRACT/THEORETICAL MATRIX

11:54 PM
Why is @VivekGRamaswamy whispering to a woman to vote Vivek to save Trump? Having both Trump & Vivek on the General Election ballot in October 2024 would mean if Trump was suddenly gone, you could vote Vivek. But whispering is bad optics. Don't steal votes from Trump Trump Trump.

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Slasher 101

2024-01-15 - Monday - 03:50 AM - Slasher 101

12:28 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Monday 1/15/24 • MILITARY COUP AGAINST TRUMP IF RE-ELECTED, News & Analysis

01:03 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [2 of 4] Monday 1/15/24 • VIVEK RAMASWAMY - THE PLOT TO TAKE TRUMP OUT, News & Analysis

03:04 PM
Scott Adams - Episode 2354 CWSA 01/15/24

05:12 PM
Timcast IRL - Iowa Caucus Results Live w/Benny Johnson, Alex Bruesewitz, Vivek Ramaswamy & More

11:35 PM
Cobra Cast - Let the record show FREE SPEECH is an ABSTRACT/THEORETICAL MATRIX

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 12:05 PM. A little headache, buzzing in left ear as usual. Breakfast, 12:27 PM. Lunch, 03:06 PM. Vacuum at 04:00 PM followed by recycling, trash, feeding birds, not squirrels, dirt, compost, no mail, salad and humus from RV, icy outside with just a shirt and jeans, the usual, dishes. Larry came by to get tools for the floor at the music store or something, got to take up the flooring to fix something or not sure. I helped mom put batteries in her new super bright flashlight she got in the mail today. Dinner, 5:11 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, 12:27 PM. 2 tangerines, 03:00 PM. Lunch: poached eggs, 03:06 PM. Dinner: salad, cookie, 05:11 PM. 2 bagels toasted by my heater with Bear's Head Artichoke & Spinach Hummus which says gluten free, I like this humus, the bagels were ordinary without cheese but not too bad, around 11:00 PM or after.

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