
Discord Never See Team Fish Oatmeal Video. Heated debate between Luke who is right Covid Vaccines kill people and Tim Pool and Laura Loomer who are focused on getting Trump to win in 2024 which is more right. I don't know if I have down syndrome or what but I do know people do conflate physical uniqueness as seen in @lovelilahart with alleged mental/intellectual retardation/limitation which even beautiful people might have, the conflation is insane. Top Oatmeal Parody Accounts will be rewarded monthly or every so often, to make one in my Discord Server, upload a profile picture for your avatar. If we accept it, then we might change your name to Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and then may the games begin. Top Oatmeal Fake News Debunkers will be rewarded monthly or every so often in my Discord Server and elsewhere. Also, top Oatmeal parody accounts and top cool people will be rewarded as well, those are 3 main contests going on. One way to debunk Oatmeal Fake News is to go into my Discord Server & search my username @ JOEYARNOLDVN with keywords or search w/other usernames or just keywords & start with the oldest messages first to find context. When Fish lies about Oatmeal, just search in my Discord Server keywords to find the context of the screenshots Fish is posting so you can see which usernames posted the quotes and to locate what was said before and after. To debunk the fake news, find the original content I posted not in private messages/conversations but on my Snapchat profile around June to August of 2022, or if I'm lying, then discover what really happened to expose me.

Obama sort of made a movie where Texas and California left America, so they are trying to trick Americans into fighting Americans, they are trying hard to bait us into Civil War. Oatmeal Challenge: discover the original content published on Snapchat in 2022 on my profile which nudity is not allowed, content was NOT posted by me in/to/from messages/conversations; those providing the most context may win. When FISH spams SCREENSHOTS advertising Oatmeal Fake News in my DISCORD SERVER, search keywords found in those SCREENSHOTS, find out which usernames are in those SCREENSHOTS and post new SCREENSHOTS displaying BEFORE & AFTER. One of the PURPOSES of my AUTOBIOGRAPHY is to provide BASELINE for DETERMINING the TRUTH regarding OATMEAL, whether you like me or not, CONTRAST/COMPARE my WORDS with my ACTIONS to determine PATTERN/CHARACTER/INTENTION/CONTEXT/GOALS.

Its out, Disease X lives on my Discord Server in the form of trolls who believe I should not be allowed on the Internet based on fake news about me. Do you think I'm Pro-Hitler, let us know right now in my Discord Server or else the trolls will win. On one hand, Fish acts like he's really trying to take me down by spamming fake news about me in my Discord Server. I tell him to bribe people who knew me in person to lie about me. On the other hand, Fish says he's barely even trying.


Masks CDC Babies Satire GDxfdjYWAAArKMh.jpeg

CDC Masks, Bibs For Democrats, They're Babies

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-01-12 - Friday | Published in January of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

05:02 AM
They May Never See What You Try to Show Them in Your Discord Server

No matter how many months or years you try drilling it into them, they'll deny it like goldfish guided by the king of the trolls, Fish himself who is both dedicated and apathetic towards bringing down Oatmeal
Who is ironically begging Fish to bribe any or all of the hundreds to thousands of people who Oatmeal knew in person, in real life (IRL), in states in America and even abroad, people who are referenced/linked in his autobiography/blogs/etc
Fish is too lazy to dig up real dirt on Oatmeal as he's actually innocent of Oatmeal Fake News, Fish Files
Fish decided to go after me after or during watching the Valentines 2022 episode Dead Wing Dork did on me
Feel free to join my Discord Server, join Team Oatmeal or Team Fish, there are invite links to the server under the video or in my bio or on my social media in a pinged message or on my blog or Google me or add me on Discord at @ JOEYARNOLDVN


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

12:38 PM

I don't know if I have down syndrome or what but I do know people do conflate physical uniqueness as seen in @lovelilahart with alleged mental/intellectual retardation/limitation which even beautiful people might have, the conflation is insane. 03:21 PM: Obama sort of made a movie where Texas and California left America, so they are trying to trick Americans into fighting Americans, they are trying hard to bait us into Civil War. 10:51 PM: They really want me to play them video games, they spamming my DMs on Facebook Messenger with oh please play and we will give you money or discounts or credit followed with damn you Oatmeal I have a family to feed, oh you might as well hold a gun to my head woman.

Discord Server

2024-01-12 - Friday - 02:59 AM - Discord Log.

Craziest Discord Server fights between me and my trolls, what do you think? Its out, Disease X lives on my Discord Server in the form of trolls who believe I should not be allowed on the Internet based on fake news about me. Do you think I'm Pro-Hitler, let us know right now in my Discord Server or else the trolls will win. Are the trolls in my Discord Server right about me, come on over and let us know what you think. Its out, trolls not only want me banned from my own Discord Server but from the Internet itself, you're welcome to join my server to agree or disagree with them. Why is Oatmeal fighting Fish every night in their crazy Discord Server, come join the party while you still can, its out, disease x is the drama within. It's like my Discord Server has AIDS as not only my trolls but also my friends are unable to see what I was trying to do when I fight with my haters, this is our World War 3 which you're welcome to join Team Oatmeal or Team Fish, best of luck. Fish said in my Discord Server I'm terrible. If Oatmeal is a creep, why is he on the intro of Chrissie Mayr's Simpcast live to thousands of viewers on YouTube every Sunday PM PT for the past almost two years? On one hand, Fish acts like he's really trying to take me down by spamming fake news about me in my Discord Server. I tell him to bribe people who knew me in person to lie about me. On the other hand, Fish says he's barely even trying. 01:56 PM: Fish posted screenshots from a conflation/collage of things from Oatmeal Parody Accounts mixed with things I did say which was taken out of context . I've posted as much of the conversations as I could. I was using satire/etc to troll my trolls. Context goes back to at least 2009. 1/ Context includes trolls saying for over a decade that Oatmeal is a pedo but I'm not. They have been harassing me for years on many websites. So, there was a lot of back and forth. I did lie to them when I said I molested children. It was hyperbole satire. 2/ I've talked about my battle with trolls in my blogs, articles, videos, social media, websites, photos, memes, messages, posts, forums, email, etc. I've done a bad job combating trolls/haters over the years on the Internet as this got out of hand. 3/ I confess to not always communicating clear enough as I've dived into using different tactics to troll trolls or to make points or various things over the years. I told everybody I am not a pedo. But my haters lied for years saying I'm a pedo. So, the back and forth went on. 02:50 PM: Game Cube came out 3 days after 9/11 in 2001. 03:46 PM: Top Oatmeal Parody Accounts will be rewarded monthly or every so often, to make one in my Discord Server, upload a profile picture for your avatar. If we accept it, then we might change your name to Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and then may the games begin. 05:03 PM: Top Oatmeal Fake News Debunkers will be rewarded monthly or every so often in my Discord Server and elsewhere. Also, top Oatmeal parody accounts and top cool people will be rewarded as well, those are 3 main contests going on. 06:35 PM: One way to debunk Oatmeal Fake News is to go into my Discord Server & search my username @ JOEYARNOLDVN with keywords or search w/other usernames or just keywords & start with the oldest messages first to find context. 06:50 PM: When Fish lies about Oatmeal, just search in my Discord Server keywords to find the context of the screenshots Fish is posting so you can see which usernames posted the quotes and to locate what was said before and after. 07:11 PM: Oatmeal Challenge: discover the original content published on Snapchat in 2022 on my profile which nudity is not allowed, content was NOT posted by me in/to/from messages/conversations; those providing the most context may win. 07:47 PM: When FISH spams SCREENSHOTS advertising Oatmeal Fake News in my DISCORD SERVER, search keywords found in those SCREENSHOTS, find out which usernames are in those SCREENSHOTS and post new SCREENSHOTS displaying BEFORE & AFTER. 08:00 PM: To debunk the fake news, find the original content I posted not in private messages/conversations but on my Snapchat profile around June to August of 2022, or if I'm lying, then discover what really happened to expose me. 08:16 PM: One of the PURPOSES of my AUTOBIOGRAPHY is to provide BASELINE for DETERMINING the TRUTH regarding OATMEAL, whether you like me or not, CONTRAST/COMPARE my WORDS with my ACTIONS to determine PATTERN/CHARACTER/INTENTION/CONTEXT/GOALS. WHO DO YOU SEE AT 1:09 IN CHRISSIE MAYR'S SIMPCAST. 11:01 PM: Not only are my 400+ Discord Server Lolcow Trolls like Fish spamming Oatmeal Fake News in my Discord Server, they're also mocking/insulting comedians like Lila Hart, almost 99% of the people might be this demented meaning don't join. 11:10 PM: Trolls in my Discord Server are saying I still live with my parents in Oregon as to imply I didn't live in New York, West Virginia, Quebec Canada, South Carolina/not Texas/Idaho/California/WA/BC/Hawaii/Cambodia/Vietnam/Japan, etc. Trolls like Fish are spamming my Discord Server with fake news about me but is unable to see that I'm not a lolcow but that I'm actually the one milking Fish. If you're Never Nikki, meet like-minded individuals in my Discord Server, party hard. 11:55 PM: If I worked for Trump, Fish would say I'm bad for working with Trump cuz Trump bad and that Trump bad for working with me cuz Oatmeal bad. Of course not in those exact words, but this is what Fish would say in conclusion, circular logic which on paper he would say he is against but in reality he's a hypocrite within the land of philosophy and all that jazz.

08:28 PM:
Winners of the following 5 CHALLENGES especially within my OATMEAL DISCORD SERVER will be REWARDED:

  1. Parody Accounts
  2. Cool People
  3. Debunking Fake News
  4. Trivia Masters
  5. Heroes Workshop

08:58 PM
Fish wrote:
Apologies for the incoming wall of text. I acknowledge that I am relying on an unreliable narrator in Joey Arnold, but I always strive to accurately discern what is being said and cross-reference it with timelines, taking into account his pattern of behavior and history. This process helps me construct a more accurate picture of events as they likely unfolded, utilizing the context that Joey unknowingly conceals within his cryptic statements.

If you are not aware, I am attempting to build a case against Joey Arnold. Although I have not reached a definitive conclusion, I am confident in the solidness of said case due to the absence of any tangible corroborating counter-evidence from Joey or any of his "supporters", not having built a coherent case of their own.

Please prove me wrong – whether you're Joey, Ian, or anyone with tangible corroborating counter-evidence to present.
Despite what Joey or anyone else may tell you, I have always been intrigued to see how Joey and his associates would attempt to legitimately debunk anything provided. I have never tried, nor will I ever try, to impede that process. If anything, I have always encouraged them to build an evidence-based case following the basic/standard criteria listed above. However, in the same breath, I have never witnessed Joey or his followers even begin to bring anything to the table that isn't pure uncorroborated bias hearsay (Hive Blog) or childish name-calling. Equally irrelevant are their meaningless non-sequiturs, all used in an attempt to feebly discredit and deflect from those who have actually provided evidence against him (this server).

Their screeching tired deflections, such as 'FAKE NEWS!' ad nauseam, provide nothing to substantiate their claims whatsoever.
It is not nor has it ever been my role to defend Joey, as I am acting, along with a few others, as the prosecution. Our job is not to disprove our own evidence; that responsibility falls entirely on @Oatmeal Joey Arnold and his defense.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Reacher 203-204

2024-01-12 - Friday - 03:45 AM - Reacher 203-204

Man tortured, laughs while being thrown out of airplane thinking what the big guy will do the robot man who was the leader of Scorpion. Arrest. Negotiate with cops. Bomb house. Fight killers who were waiting for them. BBQ grill into fat man who was watching in a car. He died or killed himself somehow. They burglarize New Age to find out their friend worked there. Reunion with black guy with glasses from season 1. Big fight with motorcycle gang who was sent by the big guy.

07:00 PM
Timcast IRL - TX Deploys NATIONAL GUARD To BLOCK Biden Illegal Immigration Agents w/Laura Loomer

08:53 PM
Heated debate between Luke who is right Covid Vaccines kill people and Tim Pool and Laura Loomer who are focused on getting Trump to win in 2024 which is more right.

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

02:39 AM
That Star Wars Girl Anna - The J.A.C.K. Show!

Reacher 203-204

2024-01-12 - Friday - 03:45 AM - Reacher 203-204

12:03 PM
Infowars Network Feed: LIVE 24/7, Rumble

07:00 PM
Timcast IRL - TX Deploys NATIONAL GUARD To BLOCK Biden Illegal Immigration Agents w/Laura Loomer

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:50 AM. Breakfast, 12:03 PM. Laundry around 1. Lunch, 01:20 PM. Dishes around 4 for an hour to two, no mail, coffee grounds twice, finished doing my laundry, checked mail again around 6, back here at 06:27 PM. Dinner, 07:00 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, 12:03 PM. Lunch: few bites of mom's meat omelet thing. 2 toasted cheese bagels with Boar's Head Roasted Red Pepper Hummus which I didn't like as much as other humus flavors, 01:20 PM. Dinner: yogurt, 07:00 PM. ChinhPham0310: Son Class 0149: 2024-01-12 - Friday - 09:26 PM. 1. Page 11, Life in the City. Examinations. Facilities. Ceaseless. Idiom: kind of like illustration. Example. Idiom means something people say. Quote. You work as hard as an ant. Messy like a pig. Messy. Slob. Eat like a horse. Flock. Birds. Throb. Sight seers. Deal: contract. Facility: favorable conditions, easy means. Opportunity. Chance, luck. Ability. Possibility. Chance means probability. Tiny and small are similar words but not exactly the same. Thesaurus. web builder. Weebly. Web builders are programs that build websites. Code. To have a website, you have to build the website and then publish the website. It generally costs money to have websites online, to host/publish/run. Markdown. To make fonts bigger in markdown, you use #. # Title. Open. Close.

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