Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question Tie Up Post!


What's The Hardest Truth You Have Learned!

There were so many wonderful responses to this latest question, with so many universal truths and very personal ones shared. When we connect with our truth, it enables us to learn from our experiences and to grow.

Most truths are challenging and can bring us a lot of pain, but also allow us to transform. Life is all about learning and when you are open to learning, you will open up the doors of abundance into your life as well.


We have so much to learn from one another. So it is important to provide opportunities, in which we can share our experiences and create better understanding as we move forward. This question provided just that.

We had over 20 answers in total, I have chosen just a few of those to highlight to in the tie up post, but I thank everyone who took the time to share their truths with us all. In the spirit of Abundance one of those writers will receive 20% of the payout of this post. This week it goes to @owasco .


The Hardest Truth That I Have Come To Learn About Reality.



One thing I loved about being young was that I could literally make mistakes without the dominant fear of repercussions. Being young was the ultimate excuse for delinquencies. It felt liberating to live unconsciously, threading wildly, trying scary but fun adventure, armed with the mindset that youthfulness is meant to be explored to the highest degree.


My hardest truth. Learning acceptance through my father's death.



The hardest truth I have learned is that the Universe do not give us what we want, but what we need to grow, and that we have to accept everything that comes, not only what we see as good and positive, but also what we perceive as bad and negative, and we have to let go of wanting to control things we can't.


The hardest truth i have learned in life.



It is hard to accept the truth in life, most times we tend to live in denial, not accepting the mistakes we have made in life.
The truth I learnt the hard way is the fact that you don’t trust people even your best friends.
Last year I had a friend who I was very close to we cooked together, ate together, whenever she needed my help I was always by her side, then we had a misunderstanding, which I was thinking we sorted out, but she was not over it she still held the grudge in her heart.......


Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - What's The Hardest Truth You Have Learned!



Well well well, talk about getting a topic going on here for the weekend which isn't light! Abundance.tribe has another question going on here which is really one to get people think a bit about what actually is going on there. I am really curious on what kind of honest answers will be coming up here, because the topic isn't light.
'What is the hardest truth you have ever learned'
And with this question, my answer takes us all back to 2017 on the island of Sint Martin.


The Hardest Truth I have Learnt - Abundance BiWeekly Q



Note to Self...
The hardest truth is you are you and your life is yours. It is you who is responsible for you and the several versions of your soul roaming around the modern world.
You are responsible for the way you carry yourself. How you cruise in between adversity and the ever magic small wins. You are your word and letting it remain reliable is wise and healing.
Remember how it feels to be let down? The pain of waiting on empty promises? This is how trauma turns into lessons. Into awareness. Into the betterment of you. Just don't open the door for bitterness.


The Hardest Truth I Have Learned! - 9 To 5 jobs doesn't lead to career fulfillment



It’s no more news that in the 21st century, 9 To 5 jobs doesn't lead to career fulfillment. In fact, in my country, it has gotten to a point that seeking a desk job is a complete waste of time and energy.
I was recently asked by @abundance.tribe to take a deep dive into my life and come out with an article answering What the hardest truth I have learned is. And truth be told, I didn’t have to think twice before concluding that 9 to 5 job isn’t meant for everyone. Real fact!





Thank you so much to the organizers of Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - What's The Hardest Truth You Have Learned!
Immediately I came across the topic my thoughts hit back directly into memories of how it all happened and the lesson I learned..
We don't easily forget what gave us tough time to handle right, most especially when it comes with lessons for us to learn.
I have fallen victim of my circumstances before, but no more now because I have vow to walk with the truth I have learned.


The Hardest Truth I Have Learned... [My Response to the Abundance.Tribe Bi-Weekly Question]



This is actually a really simple question for me, because as far as I'm concerned there's only really one Truth I've had to learn, certainly only one that most people find to be quite hard...
It's all on me. I am responsible for my experience.
Obviously, for most people it's hard to hear, much less accept, that they are responsible for the way their lives play out... especially if they don't like their lives.





I grew up in a Christian home and everything have been taught was to always believe in God. But as an individual, I tend to always put my trust in my ability and I have this great feeling that hard work can get you everything.
Okay now back to this week's abundance tribe bi-weekly question what the hardest truth have learned.
I must say the hardest truth have learned so far is


The hardest truth I have learnt"The slow movement of a tiger is not a mistake but a calculated accuracy"



I know everyone would be wondering why I mentioned the word tiger and the proverb behind it. Well it will interest you to know that the above topic is a reflect of our daily lives and how we go about things and also handle it and also the hardest thing I have learnt in this life.
In life we are all desperate to achieve something at the end of it and sometimes the beginning always look rough but yet there's a target and aim that needs to be achieved.


Being Prickly Hurts You Too - Abundance Tribe Biweekly Q



I've always walked through life by myself. I had a difficult childhood. When I say difficult, I don't mean with my parents or my family in general. No. They're the best anyone could ask for. They were there and they still are. The difficulty I mean here is within myself. I was that child who didn't know how to share. Everything I felt was bottled up inside. It got worse when my siblings left home. I was the youngest so it was just me.


The truth I learned (ENG/ESP)



Life is a continuous learning, we never stop learning in every plane in which we participate, I think that for more experience and years or experience that we can have, there is always something new to learn or discover, I also believe that life would be very monotonous and boring without its nuances and every human being lives his life with its ups and downs with its colors, its blacks, whites and grays, but there are things that are more difficult and hard to learn or accept than others....


The Hardest Truth! - Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question!



When I posted this question, there was so many things that came to mind, as I thought about the many different truths that I have discovered down through the years. I would certainly see myself as a truth seeker, I really think that if we wish to evolve in life, we need to be fully aware of what is happening in the world or at least be open and willing to learn.


AbundanceTribe ¿Cuál es la verdad más difícil que ha aprendido? | What is the most difficult truth you have learned? [Esp-Eng]



In recent times I have been shown the subject of longevity in different ways, allowing me to look at this natural process and truth with tolerance and respect for both my humanity and those around me. What I find difficult to understand about this inevitable stage in our lives is to see how some people in their 60's consider themselves old, beings with few possibilities to evolve, learn new things, enjoy and live to the fullest.


The hardest truth I have learn. Abundance Tribe



My crudest truth is: seeing my internal castle of perfection crumble ... realizing that many of the times I criticized another person, even getting into an argument and causing harm, I was judging a behavior or way of thinking that I also had in those moments, but I couldn't see it.


Today's Hardest Truth



I’ve been pondering this week’s @abundance.tribe’s bi-weekly question, What is your hardest truth? since an hour or two after it was posted. My reasoning went round and round for nearly a week. I got very hung up on a couple of things. Question begot questions and I started asking some big ones.
What is a truth? Sounds so simple, as if truth were a hard and fast thing. Is a notion true if it cannot be proven wrong?


The Sweet Hardest Truth - The Truth About Myself



They say the truth hurts but we've got to say them anyways. Every person deserves to be told the truth but some situations hide the truth away or just can't allow the truth to be revealed when it should. While there are such truths that are hard to say, the hardest truth I've learned have been there all my life.




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