The hardest truth I have learnt"The slow movement of a tiger is not a mistake but a calculated accuracy"

I know everyone would be wondering why I mentioned the word tiger and the proverb behind it. Well it will interest you to know that the above topic is a reflect of our daily lives and how we go about things and also handle it and also the hardest thing I have learnt in this life.

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In life we are all desperate to achieve something at the end of it and sometimes the beginning always look rough but yet there's a target and aim that needs to be achieved. The same also happens when a tiger is after a prey, it does not just jump or chase it immediately but have a slow and steady accuracy to get it's prey easily.

The journey of a thousand miles they say begins with a step, so in every road to success that needs to be achieved there's always a start up to it because achieving goals without passing through challenges is rear because you will surely encounter one, in the process of achieving your goals or aim will definitely look like failure or no improvement in it but no it's definitely a point of progress in overcoming such obstacles.

The hardest truth I have learnt

The hardest truth I have learnt in this world is that all fingers are not equal and every man for himself, the world is full of competition and for you to stand out among others is to be creative in your own aspect to be different from others so as to look more unique among them if I could say it like that.

The aspect to dream or move like a slow tiger means that you can be able to achieve or accomplish that mission because I believe every hustler has a pay day or a success to secure even when the beginning looks rough and tough. There would be ups and downs with various people with bad predictions about you in achieving that goal but I can't blame such people because everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion and is also born to happen as it is also part of the challenges faced.

The truth about the whole scenario or the hardest thing I have learnt is to remain focus like the moving tiger because there's a calculated goal that needs to be achieved so every other obstacles that follow is just to boost my moral in achieving my goals and there are steps towards it

The steps

  1. In the process of achieving such aim, you have to prove yourself that you can be one and such can be accomplished

  2. It requires you being independent

  3. You need to utilize your personal skills to be different from others

  4. self discipline is required because it also matters a lot

However, the things I have learnt or the hardest thing doesn't mean others haven't gone through that before but the positive change it has done in my life is what am proud of to share which is eradicating challenges with a slow and steady mission.

Personal skills doesn't mean your the only one good or special at it but what makes a creative person different and extraordinary to standout among others is the special and personal skills which is the main priority and difference about you.

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