Thoughts on The Matrix 5

With the announcement last month of a new Matrix movie, I was gobsmacked by the news and pondered what direction the film could go in.

Frankly, the possibilities are endless in how director Drew Goddard could tackle the latest entry in this alternative world.

But I have some ideas...

A Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss Hand-off

Older now, Neo is in a sort of self-imposed retirement, lauded for the salvation of Zion. He's that curious oddity that people point at, but his accomplishments are slowly fading from memory as time goes on.

Of course a new threat is looming, and the search for the next "One" begins. I see something akin to the hunt for the next Dali Lama after the last one has passed on, however this time Neo is still around because he'll be sorely needed.

The new "One" is found in the form of an 18-20 year-old kid (he could even be Neo's son with Trinity...). He's raw, but needs to be trained by Neo (with support from Trinity), in how best to develop the new powers to be awakened within him.

What I don't want to see is 59 year-old Keanu Reeves (who's Canadian BTW), having to helm a film by himself (John Wick not withstanding). Let's gracefully pass the baton on to a younger generation.

The Hand-off

I picture something new in the form of the threat on the horizon. It could be agents again or something completely different that we haven't even thought of. Whatever it is, it has to be an existential threat to the entire existence of humankind, where we need a hero, and fast.

The new "One" (let's call him Kao), begins his training with Neo and Trinity. But of course being a teen, he's easily distracted by handheld devices and his growing fame. He's cocksure, and not really paying attention to the wisdom that old hand Neo is trying to teach him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it old man" as he waves away the warnings from Neo.

Trinity can't stand the kid, but he's their only hope.

The hand-off complete, Neo and Trinity are out of the picture within the first 30-45 minutes of the new Matrix film (this is a hand-off, remember?).

Now we get to see the cocky, young, and very unprepared Kao take on whatever is coming to destroy or enslave humanity once again.

At first there's a string of victories and all seems well. But fame begins to slowly rot Kao, and he's no longer developing his powers, leaving both him (and the world), vulnerable to the machinations of the machines (or whatever replaces them).

The Corruption of Kao

Picture Lucifer in The Garden of Eden, whispering lies into the ears of Eve in order to imagine how Kao is slowly corrupted. Elements of the enemy shower him with flattery and appeal to his pride. "Develop your powers? You don't need to do that, you're already the most powerful person in the world! Look! There's the woman in the red dress. Wouldn't you like to spend the night with her instead?"

You see where I'm going with this?

We need an Accuser, a Helel. An Abaddon or Apollyon to turn Kao into the new 'Son of Perdition' who'll destroy the promise of the humans. Demons, Cherubs and all manner of assorted Angels will be represented in the actions of the characters shown onscreen.

It'll be dark but good, as the shadows grow stronger.

Perhaps much like in the garden, they'll be amazing new technologies on tap for our new hero. But like the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they'll be one tech he is not to consume, until he does...

And it consumes him.

Kao either ends up completely unready for what's coming, or actually switches sides. The last 30 minutes of the film sees Neo and Trinity called in to save humanity once again.

In a thrilling ending that ends in a cliffhanger which sets up future films in The Matrix series. Not only must Neo and Trinity fight the machines, but they also have to either turn or defeat this conceited and still very powerful kid who's a threat all by himself.

I hope the new Matrix is something like this. The special effects have to be groundbreaking just as in the first installment. The writing and plot development have to be stellar. The action has to be next level.

I want unexpected surprises and unimagined plot twists (not to mention the artful reappearance of some fan favorite characters). It has to be one of those jaw-dropping movies that you go back and see more than once as in the original. I have high hopes for the new Matrix movie, as the first film is my all-time favorite. What would you like to see in the new Matrix film?

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