I'm Giving some Serious thought to Signing up for X Premium

I have about 30 Twitter (or "X") accounts that I've tweeted with over the years, including my namesake main one. I have over 25,000 followers across all of them, and 11,000 on my big account that I've had since 2010.

I've been following the posts (when I see them in the carousel at the top of hivestats.io), of someone on Hive who is experimenting with Premium in order to promote Hive, and am considering joining him.

What I found on what I call "Twitter BE" (Twitter before Elon), was that even when I was getting no upvote support and little engagement here on Hive (almost 7 years of that now), people WERE seeing my posts through Twitter when I'd tweet them after publishing.

You guys all know I'm sure, that tweets are indexed by Google, right? So a well-written hive post that was seen an interacted with by nobody here, was actually getting exposure through my TWEETS.

How do I know this? Because they'd mention it in my DM's. Now whether they actually clicked through to the Hive post itself, I don't know. If they did, they might have declined to join after seeing my Hive post with just a few cents of upvotes and almost no real engagement aside from the foreigners looking for content to steal.

If you clicked through from one of my tweets and saw my post that had only been upvoted to say 50 or 60 cents, It'd be completely understandable if you clicked away, right? (this is a byproduct when you don't support creators on Hive).

Last year, I decided to change the subject-matter of my X account away from the heated political discussions I was involved in, to a facts channel, before tweeting less and less due to caring for my relative.

Lately, I've been interested in where Musk is planning to take the platform, and am thinking of jumping in and paying for X premium.

And yes, before you ask, I DID consider paying for Inleo Premium (or whatever they're calling it this week), but got tired of some nimrod telling me (and others) to "log out, clear your cookies, empty your cache, and log back in again" everytime I asked why the site wasn't allowing me to attach a pic in threads.

Nothing worked, and I saw they were using the same tired old spiel to others who also had issues with the site, so I got tired of fighting with it gave up on it.

One guy even had the nerve to tell me that there were "no problems on the site, and that everything works perfectly." WHAT? OK dude. No Problems, got it (he's living in denial. If my site wasn't working correctly, I'd rather be told the truth instead of having my ass kissed. You know, so I could actually fix the problem).

Guys, I'm not here to lick anybody's nutsack. Let's get this shit fixed so that we can grow both Hive and Inleo, OK? I'd MUCH rather spend my tokens here than spend money over there.

My photos actually upload with "no problems" on Twitter/X, (and I don't have to clear my history or cache) so I'll focus on what works.

It was interesting to have someone contact me on X about a Hive post I wrote 3 and 5 YEARS AGO. That proves that while many people might have been chased off of Hive due to the games that are sometimes played here, my writing was being seen OUTSIDE the system.

My guess is that they were typing a search term into one of the search engines, and because I've shared a lot of content on Twitter over the years, one of my old tweets would pop up. They click through to my Twitter account and then interact directly with me.

They also may have found me through the Twitter search function. But either way, it's nice to know that my work is being seen by SOMEBODY, even if they're outside of Hive.

Elon seems to have big plans for X, and I'll be keeping an eye on where he takes it. Are any of you using X Premium to promote your Hive posts? What's been your experience with it?

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