What Doesn't Kill You...

There's an old saying: "The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing." and those words couldn't be truer in today's world when wanton wickedness in high (and low) places seem to be not only rewarded, but also replicated.

On his album Imagine, former Beatle John Lennon wrote a song titled How Do You Sleep? about the actions of his ex-partner Paul McCartney. The lyrics to that song reminded me of some of the pure, rotten, evil people that I've run across in my life who did others dirty and slept well afterwards.

Recently, I had the extreme pleasure of getting justice for some good people who were being trod upon by a walking cancer such as this. You know, the kind of salt of the Earth folks who lacked the power to effectively fight back on their own.

These are the type who have to work at being bad in return, know what I mean? But sometimes you have to put that good old fashioned Christian decency aside for a moment, and mete out exactly what the psychopath is visiting unto you.

You know, sure as shit give them a big heaping dose of their own fucking medicine right back at them.

I've never believed in kicking a man when he's down or dancing on the grave of someone you've vanquished. If you're in a fight that you've won and the other guy has clearly submitted, let him dust himself off and walk away with at least some measure of dignity.

Otherwise the rot spreads to you.

But this recent bully that I dealt with was going after people who were elderly and disabled. He was a piece of human shit, so the above didn't apply. And boy did it feel good doing the right thing for the elders who deserved nothing but RESPECT.

Inaction Is An Action

On way too many occasions, I find myself and maybe a handful of others, the only ones willing to speak up and say or do something when a weaker person is being wronged.

The thing is, you never know when you'll be in that same situation yourself, and you'd want someone to do the same for you, right?

So when you see bullcrap going on, put your phone down, get off your lazy ass and DO SOMETHING. Today it's them. Tomorrow it could be YOU.

The other old saying: "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" applies here. I've often said that life is a test. At some point, we'll all be graded about how we treated others while we were here.

I do believe in an afterlife, or else none of this makes sense. I also believe in a final judgment, and want to be able to stand tall knowing I did the right thing instead of just standing around watching wickedness happen. Silence equals consent, and taking no action is an action in itself.

No matter how much money, luxury items, friends, or popularity you have, you can't take any of that with you when you die. Surrounded by loved ones, no one dies with you. We all have to take that walk into the afterlife alone. So if you're gonna live, do what's right, not what's popular. Don't be a lemming and follow the crowd right over a cliff.

Don't "go along to get along."

Stand your ground.

Speak up when others won't.

Do something.

Your popularity won't follow you into the afterlife, but your actions (or lack thereof), will.

When I breathe my last, I'm confident that I'll have left my mark having lightened the load of so many good people. Being able to stand in front of my creator with clean hands, is something I aspire to every. single. day.

The Bible never said that being righteous would be easy. All twelve Apostles suffered trying to spread the gospel. It ain't easy being good. Trust me, I know. But when I lay my head down to sleep each night, I can enjoy a deep, peaceful, slumber knowing that when the time called for it, I did what was right. I wish the same for you.

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