
Come to a party, just bring some beer. Come to America, just bring some children. Matt Damon worships Bill Gates. New school shooting coming soon. United Nations MURDERED KILLED STARVED over 10 million people in 2020, the U.N. CONFESSED, ADMITTED TO THIS, wake up people, the UN ADMITTED to GENOCIDE CRIMES, LOCKDOWN led over 200 million people to have less food and many of them had no food. What happens when a person does NOT work and has NO FOOD? Dollhouse is a famous television show based on MK-Ultra. Mexican President said today the Mexico Texas Border Crisis is the fault of Biden.

Covid is the Pluto of Pandemics

World Bank came out with an idea of having Pandemic Bonds. This was before 2020. Oddly enough, the bonds were not paid out to countries around the world because the Covid Pandemic is kind of like the Pluto of Pandemics. For how many years did people say Pluto is a planet? Were you shocked to find out Pluto was too small to be a non-dwarf planet? If a Christian couple and a gay couple went to a bakery, which of the two couples might not get a cake? Men and children come up through Mexico, they put them in hotels.

Bill Gates Karaoke at a Park

2021, March

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2021-03-24 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-24 - Wednesday
Published in March of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-03-24 21:50:09 Hillary Clinton.png

Which one is Hillary Clinton?

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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New school shooting coming soon.

Matt Damon worships Bill Gates.

Come to a party, just bring some beer. Come to America, just bring some children.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

12:25 PM - Alex Jones Show
ICANN, Iron Mountain, try to control domain name services online.

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

12:29 AM - Alex Jones Show
United Nations MURDERED KILLED STARVED over 10 million people in 2020, the U.N. CONFESSED, ADMITTED TO THIS, wake up people, the UN ADMITTED to GENOCIDE CRIMES, LOCKDOWN led over 200 million people to have less food and many of them had no food. What happens when a person does NOT work and has NO FOOD?

Covid is the Pluto of Pandemics

2021-03-24 - Wednesday - 12:38 AM - Covid Log

World Bank came out with an idea of having Pandemic Bonds. This was before 2020. Oddly enough, the bonds were not paid out to countries around the world because the Covid Pandemic is kind of like the Pluto of Pandemics. For how many years did people say Pluto is a planet? Were you shocked to find out Pluto was too small to be a non-dwarf planet?

08:52 PM
Please social distance unless if you're coming into America.

Learning English

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Do you listen to the Puppet in Chief?

2021-03-24 - Wednesday - 08:23 PM - Globalism Log - Facebook

Sharon Hundley Parker, Biden has not really done the State of the Union, a bunch of speaking, or much really. When I say Biden, I mean whatever that thing is that we call Biden. Could be the one and only Biden, the original Biden. I aint no doctor, so how would I know. I will just call it Biden. I cannot say if it is always Biden and/or other people, robots, body doubles, clones, masks, CGI, aliens, demons, lizard people, etc. Perhaps the original Biden is still around sometimes. Perhaps they sometimes have a body double like famous actors do when they're making movies and shows.

Oatmeal Health

Join the Health Community

06:45 PM
Desirée Pineda, you can integrate what you have to do into the game, the play, oh mister Teddy Bear has to wash the dishes and go to the bank, etc.

Lyion Fernandez Oyanib, good news is there are people who try to save children, and that is good.

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

California Squatters

11:06 AM - Facebook

There are laws in California saying you cannot evict even a person who squats in your house, not even a renter not a guest. It's your house but you are not allowed to kick out trespassers.

We should squat in the governor's house.

11:25 AM
Dollhouse is a famous television show based on MK-Ultra.

11:33 AM
New school shooting coming soon.

Should we bring our children?

2021-03-24 - Wednesday - 07:54 PM - Globalism Log - Facebook

Lyion Fernandez Oyanib, one of the problems is trafficking, children go missing globally, thousands to millions each year, we can see the different places where and when they go missing.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

06:56 PM
Come to a party, just bring some beer. Come to America, just bring some children.

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

Should we trust in the Almighty Dollar?

12:08 AM - Hive

I hope you enjoy that bubble. What the dollar does in Korea is only a small piece of a much bigger pie. Korea is only one slice of a pie. Remember what happened in Venezuela as hyper inflation set in. Koreans will regret being insane with the dollar. Someday, you will be crying very badly. I tried to warn you.

Why do I exist?

12:18 AM - Hive

Yes, thanks Mary, I agree, I like what you are saying, that is the beauty in it all. I appreciate your joy in life, your soft outlook as a poet soul.

Also, to expand or expound on what I said, I'm also trying to say we have to exist and yet we don't have to be robots in regards to what we do in life.

In other words, you exist and that is all you know. I believe that is a beautiful thing for a soul to be alive. I feel life in my lungs. I believe like famous philosophers said in the past, I think and therefore I am. It's not an accident in a sense that I exist.

You exist, you had to exist or you do at least exist regardless. And what you do is a gift, a present. Live in the moment, breath in and breath out. Why do I exist? Because love must be shared. Love cannot be selfish. If people don't exist, then love cannot be shared.

But love is also freewill meaning we're not robots and how we live our lives is up to us like birds flying in the sky, like cute squirrels burying nuts in the grass.

What about Dan?

01:08 AM - Hive

I'm not on here for the money. I'm here for archiving my work, for communicating with people.

Likewise, people can still be here for reasons other than just money related. I no longer support Steem and yet I still post onto Steem. See, the thing is you can be on something and still not support it.

I hate Facebook but I am on Facebook everyday. I say that to say it doesn't matter how Dan feels about Hive, Steem, Bitcoin, the dollar, etc. What really matters is going to where the people are.

Also, does Dan keep a blog on another website? If Dan has a blog, he is making a mistake of not having the blog on Hive. I copy and paste my daily blog posts onto different blockchains just in case if one were to die, I'd still have a backup.

Dan should understand the value of decentralization. If he is actively doing better things, then I guess that is acceptable. If Dan is literally sitting around doing nothing all day, then I find that to be not fulfilling one's potential in life.


09:02 PM - Hive

Is a font like a water well or cistern?

New Here

09:20 PM - Hive

Dogs are so cute. I love biking. I swim a little. Glad you are here. Glad you save those dogs. Hope you are doing better with your health, injury. I love studying history and that would include Nazism among other things too. We have gardens here. I love to travel. Nice to meet you.

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

The Umbrella Academy 107

2021-03-24 - Wednesday - 01:48 AM - 02:34 AM - The Umbrella Academy 107

Hey Seven, eat your oatmeal. Seven would hurt or kill the nannies that tried to make her eat oatmeal. SHe would blow them away until the last nanny was a robot who was able to flip her head around. Allision made a tornado for her BF. Seven killed her sister. Wait, her sister survives. They lock Seven up. But Seven escapes.

2021-03-24 - Wednesday - 02:34 AM - 03:22 AM - The Umbrella Academy 108, 109, 110

Flashback to the old guy and how it all started. Then back to the present, Seven kills the monkey. Bowling. Party. Hit men. They try to stop the end of the world. Blow up the moon which crashes on earth to end the world. So, Seven tries to take them with him through time to try again to save the world from the end of the world.

2021-03-24 - Wednesday - 03:36 AM - 04:22 AM - The Umbrella Academy 201

1963, Russians vs America, the Umbrella Academy is fighting. They all die again. He is sent back ten days earlier. Diego references Luke Skywalker in the 1960s before there was Star Wars. The crazy UFO conspirist helps Five. I love the crazy girl from the crazy hospital, I like her. Funny Luther doesn't care the world is going to end again.

Health Ranger

10:53 AM - Situation Update, Mar 24th, 2021 - God's Great Reset and surviving the tribulation

Franklin Graham might be a demon if he is promoting very bad things.

Don't call it Samaritan's Purse, call it Samaritan's Curse, if they are promoting vaccines.

Conceal carry is something we all should do and those who don't are no better than slaves.

The Resistance 1776


Matt Damon worships Bill Gates.

07:06 PM
If a Christian couple and a gay couple went to a bakery, which of the two couples might not get a cake?

07:37 PM
Investigate Fast & Furious

They're ruling to say no right to carry.

08:15 PM
Do you listen to the Puppet in Chief?

08:31 PM
Mexican President said today the Mexico Texas Border Crisis is the fault of Biden.

09:41 PM
Men and children come up through Mexico, they put them in hotels.

Will Paranormal


What he said about Hillary Clinton in 9/11 in 2016 is true, that she got sick. Did she die die? I don't know. It is true she fell. We saw the videos, most likely it was her and not a body double or something else. Is Hillary still alive in 2021? I don't know but I will assume she is still alive.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

The Umbrella Academy 107

2021-03-24 - Wednesday - 01:48 AM - 02:34 AM - The Umbrella Academy 107
2021-03-24 - Wednesday - 02:34 AM - 03:22 AM - The Umbrella Academy 108, 109, 110
2021-03-24 - Wednesday - 03:36 AM - 04:22 AM - The Umbrella Academy 201

Health Ranger

10:53 AM - Situation Update, Mar 24th, 2021 - God's Great Reset and surviving the tribulation

The Resistance 1776


Will Paranormal


X22 Report


Dear diary, got up at 10:35 AM. A little bit of a headache, partly cloudy. Had my extra coat on. Slept around 6 hours. Talk about onions by mom. Interesting, the tales of farmers. Found my shoes under boxes. Been going through electronics yesterday and then threw off the items off my bed and buried my shoes last night. Not throw but sat them off. Placed them on the ground. Was sad while listening to Mike Adams on Revelation. I sat and prayed and rested for thirty minutes or so after breakfast lunch brunch, off to Tom Taylor. Not Tim Taylor. Tool Man Home Improvement. Tim Allen. How stories are told vs the story. Star Wars Prequels apologies, was Anakin likeable, the character or the actor? High definition TV screen. Taking out trash and recycling. Egg cartoons. There was a lady who lived in a shoe. Window. Care. Pooh bear. Undertaker. Caretakers. I didn't mention Bit Torrent. Debate on pirates online. I've had the debates many times but didn't get into it a lot today. Perspective can be hard. But be patient. Not Safeway. Fred Meyers for plastic bags. Behind Goodwill for boxes. Guys said no. So, out recycling can. Back around 3:30 PM or so. Mom dropped a jar. Mom works on soups and everything. Experiments and does good as she learns and does things. Swept. Recycling. Garbage. Back out at 4 PM. I mentioned Matthew 18. Four steps in a prayer module. Name it. Bind it. Rebuke it. Thank it. I want to see original letters of Old Testament for example in original languages and especially key words like God. I want to print them out and write them out. Four steps in life. So much to do and write I have. Nightmares I've had, I say in the name of Jesus. Passing out food. Nice. Yummy. Muffins. Home around 6:25 PM.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: orange, coffee, 11:50 AM.
Lunch: soup on potato around 12:00 PM. No pepper, only ate some of it.
Dinner: more of that soup on potato plus macaroni, 6:38 PM.

Camp Vacation

2021-03-24 - Wednesday - 10:35 AM - Dream Log

At a camp dinner, the beginning of the summer. I was looking at the schedule on the wall, the calendar included special days off for counselors and camp staff in general. I was thinking it didn't include the normal days off which would be the weekends. I was sitting at like a round table with other people. We were in a dining room. I don't think I was at a camp I recognized. This was probably before the kids arrive. It was just the staff learning and preparing to work that summer. So, I was thinking about what I might want to do on my days off during the summer. Later on, I was listening in to a conversation, possibly a different table, a man said he didn't like how people buy different glasses. Waste of money. I responded by saying I don't mind how many glasses a person buys as long as each pair of glasses can last as long as possible, it is good to have backup glasses but not good to buy things that break too easily.

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