EcoTrain QOTW: What are Your Priorities?

This week's Ecotrain Question of the Week is well-timed for me as it's something I've been thinking about anyway: the question(s) are:

  1. What are your priorities ATM
  2. What are their opportunity costs?


This question is particularly pertinent to me RIGHT NOW because having just recently bought land, I've very suddenly got A LOT more to do and A LOT more to learn going forwards over the next few years, AND I've also got a few other life-areas I want to keep on top of too, so it's all a matter of balance.

I tend to group my priorities into FIVE main areas, as below, and then give over periods of time each week or certain hours of certain days to different priorities. It works out as follows:

Five General Priority Areas

  1. Keeping up with general basic life maintenance' - At least an hour each day, and more if necessary on Weds/ Sat/ Sunday
  2. Getting the land sorted and productive - most of Monday/ Tuesday and Thursday/ Friday - probably to extend into Saturday soon.
  3. Blogging on Hive and Leo and keeping up with Crypto - 30 mins to an hour in the mornings, probably about an hour or two in the evenings, more time on Saturday/ Sunday
  4. Working for Fiat - Sociology blog and marking - A few hours on Weds/ Sat/ Sunday
  5. Language Learning - never enough time spent! MUST DO BETTER!
  6. Meditating/ Yoga and Chillaxing - not enough time of the former two, WAY to much time in the evenings on the later!

Keeping up with the basics

Basic life chores just seem to take several hours a day, it's something I've learned to just surrender to.

That's just part of living the lifestyle I do - transitioning between two countries and now two bases in Portugal just takes forever - and the basics such as cooking, tidying, washing clothes, fetching water from the local font, keeping on top of mindless bureaucratic stuff, it all adds up - and I can't not do it - you just have to give yourself to it all and try and do it well!

The Land!

There's so much that I need to do, and the exact details are something I like writing about so there will be several posts on this over the coming years - I'm lucky I'm already set up in one place so have no desperate urgent need to establish water or housing on the land, I can take my time.

I've got a lot of clearance for fire safety regulation compliance initially, and building hugel beds, and what to plant in them (?) and sorting out of tatt and fixing my house up - and water will need doing, but the priorities are clearing brush, and planning what to plant initially!

It's certainly keeping me fit!

Blogging on HIVE and LEO

You've probably noticed the Hive price going up recently - there's motivation to keep on blogging for you. I enjoy it anyway, but it's easy to let this slide when what I want to be doing is Landing, but with the now real potential for Hive to go to $1 and probably more, it's time to keep building the blog for sure!

Working for Fiat

This is looking increasingly irrational - my income is level but the return from Land and Crypto are much greater - hence why I've de-prioritised this aspect, but I have to keep these up for a while - I still earn enough to pay for my basic needs from Fiat, which protects my crypto!

Language learning.

Arrrgghhh - I Have to just do this!

Meditating and Chillaxing

Fuck it - I've lumped them together - I just have to admit I need to chillax over Nefflix for an hour a day, and hang out with friends every now and then - that's life in someways.

Meditation - I'll come back to laters!

Final thoughts

Overall I think the above balance is quite nice for now, but I am fortunate in having no-necessity to do anything major in even the medium term - everything's progressing nicely, it's all tickerty boo for now!

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