
King Christo Harasses His Own Users.

Covid Vaccines will kill babies. How liberal. People and children are burning masks instead of flags in Idaho. Covid Tests is actually a DNA-Theft Operation, they swap out your DNA and send it to centralized locations to tie your DNA to databases, etc. Many billions of babies WILL WILL WILL be murdered, will you do nothing? How do they get away with it? They cover up their lies with even bigger lies. And they continue to cover up previous pandemics and other major issues with newer ones. By the way, the I Am Legend movie starring Will Smith predicted all of this. Go watch that movie. Go watch what Elon Musk said on Joe Rogan over a year ago. The plan is to continue these pandemics for many decades to come. If you do nothing, you deserve it.

Deep Fakes Are to Fake You Out

One of the reasons why Super Deep Fakes trend is in order to encourage the general public to roll their eyes more when famous people, politicians, others, get arrested or when they are shown doing bad things, etc, then too many people can smurk, "Hell no, that was not Tom Cruise [or fill in the blank, your favorite politician, actor, etc], that was just a deep fake." So many hospitals in America are saying all their Covid Patients are oddly walking over to them from over the border. Oh my God, who is paying for all of this? They're not wearing masks when they come in to see doctors. But you have to wear a mask. But they don't have to. And they get free medicine. They get free health care and you do not, have fun with that.

2021-03-08 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 227pics | Video | 2021-03-08 - Monday - Weekly Monday Oatmeal Show - Episode 002 - Christo Cord

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2021-03-08 - Monday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-08 - Monday
Published in March of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-03-08 16:03:42.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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One of the reasons why Super Deep Fakes trend is in order to encourage the general public to roll their eyes more when famous people, politicians, others, get arrested or when they are shown doing bad things, etc, then too many people can smurk, "Hell no, that was not Tom Cruise [or fill in the blank, your favorite politician, actor, etc], that was just a deep fake."

Covid Vaccines will kill babies. How liberal.

So many hospitals in America are saying all their Covid Patients are oddly walking over to them from over the border. Oh my God, who is paying for all of this? They're not wearing masks when they come in to see doctors. But you have to wear a mask. But they don't have to. And they get free medicine. They get free health care and you do not, have fun with that.

Christo Cord

2021-03-08 - Monday - Weekly Monday Oatmeal Show - Episode 002 - Christo Cord


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Deep Fakes Are to Fake You Out

2021-03-08 - Monday - 03:24 PM - Globalism Log - Facebook | Video

One of the reasons why Super Deep Fakes trend is in order to encourage the general public to roll their eyes more when famous people, politicians, others, get arrested or when they are shown doing bad things, etc, then too many people can smurk, "Hell no, that was not Tom Cruise [or fill in the blank, your favorite politician, actor, etc], that was just a deep fake."

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

People and children are burning masks instead of flags in Idaho.

One of the reasons why Super Deep Fakes trend is in order to encourage the general public to roll their eyes more when famous people, politicians, others, get arrested or when they are shown doing bad things, etc, then too many people can smurk, "Hell no, that was not Tom Cruise [or fill in the blank, your favorite politician, actor, etc], that was just a deep fake."

Covid Vaccines will kill babies. How liberal.

Many billions of babies WILL WILL WILL be murdered, will you do nothing?

How do they get away with it? They cover their lies with even bigger lies. And they continue to cover up previous pandemics and other major issues with newer ones. By the way, the I Am Legend movie starring Will Smith predicted all of this. Go watch that movie. Go watch what Elon Musk said on Joe Rogan over a year ago. The plan is to continue these pandemics for many decades to come. If you do nothing, you deserve it.

So many hospitals in America are saying all their Covid Patients are oddly walking over to them from over the border. Oh my God, who is paying for all of this? They're not wearing masks when they come in to see doctors. But you have to wear a mask. But they don't have to. And they get free medicine. They get free health care and you do not, have fun with that.

Learning English

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Talking about Leo Finance

01:52 AM - Hive Blog

Facts are not emotional as Stefan Molyneux likes to say in his videos, that is not an argument. I just got done posting about the five types of cryptos. I just thought you would be interested in knowing how Leo Finance works. The ability to tax a post can come when post via Leo Finance.

However, I don't think it is possible to tax users who are posting not via their app. To prove otherwise scientifically, you would need to show me the code. Because I am posting this from Hive Blog.

One of the reasons why Super Deep Fakes trend is in order to encourage the general public to roll their eyes more when famous people, politicians, others, get arrested or when they are shown doing bad things, etc, then too many people can smurk, "Hell no, that was not Tom Cruise [or fill in the blank, your favorite politician, actor, etc], that was just a deep fake."

Oatmeal Health

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SRAM is faster than other kinds of RAM?

Burning Masks

2021-03-08 - Monday - 10:35 AM - Covid Log - Facebook

People and children are burning masks instead of flags in Idaho.

Was it prophecy or Planning?

2021-03-08 - Monday - 10:38 AM - Globalism Log - Facebook

Xel Lent, it might have been prophecy or it may have been simply an outline of plans which people have had for a long time. This might simply be a window into some of those plans.

One of the reasons why Super Deep Fakes trend is in order to encourage the general public to roll their eyes more when famous people, politicians, others, get arrested or when they are shown doing bad things, etc, then too many people can smurk, "Hell no, that was not Tom Cruise [or fill in the blank, your favorite politician, actor, etc], that was just a deep fake."

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Great Pyramids

2021-03-08 - Monday - 10:45 AM - World History Log - Facebook | Ancient Knowledge

The Great Pyramid is locked and targeted at true north to within 36th of a degree. If you multiply the height of the pyramid by 43,200, you get the polar radius of the earth. If you multiply the base perimeter by 43,200, you get the equatorial circumference of our planet. In other words, for thousands of years, the Great Pyramid had the encoded dimensions of our world. 43,200 is a multiple of 72. The earth wobbles to a degree every 72 years, this wobble is called the Precession of the Earth's Axis. 70x600 = 43,200. The Ancient Kingdom of Egypt or whoever built the Great Pyramid don't appear to be slaves but Master Architects who devoted their lives to building that thing. It's an artistic masterpiece if you've ever been on the inside of it. The Great Pyramid weighs 6 million tons. Its footprints is 13 acres. It's more then 750 feet along each side and 481 feet tall. Over 2.5 million blocks of stone were used in the construction of the Great Pyramid. It's not just big but also locked in to the Cardinal dimensions of our planet says Graham Hancock.

I wonder what people believe or think or do when Facebook tells them to unsee what they just saw or heard.

One of the reasons why Super Deep Fakes trend is in order to encourage the general public to roll their eyes more when famous people, politicians, others, get arrested or when they are shown doing bad things, etc, then too many people can smurk, "Hell no, that was not Tom Cruise [or fill in the blank, your favorite politician, actor, etc], that was just a deep fake."

How do they get away with it? They cover their lies with even bigger lies. And they continue to cover up previous pandemics and other major issues with newer ones. By the way, the I Am Legend movie starring Will Smith predicted all of this. Go watch that movie. Go watch what Elon Musk said on Joe Rogan over a year ago. The plan is to continue these pandemics for many decades to come. If you do nothing, you deserve it.

Why Facebook?

07:58 PM - Facebook

Facebook is going after things I posted six years ago. Why would Facebook wait six years to do this?

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

One of the reasons why Super Deep Fakes trend is in order to encourage the general public to roll their eyes more when famous people, politicians, others, get arrested or when they are shown doing bad things, etc, then too many people can smurk, "Hell no, that was not Tom Cruise [or fill in the blank, your favorite politician, actor, etc], that was just a deep fake."

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

One of the reasons why Super Deep Fakes trend is in order to encourage the general public to roll their eyes more when famous people, politicians, others, get arrested or when they are shown doing bad things, etc, then too many people can smurk, "Hell no, that was not Tom Cruise [or fill in the blank, your favorite politician, actor, etc], that was just a deep fake."

Other Websites

Find me on other websites, other places, as well

Banned From Christo Cord

11:57 PM - Hive

I can understand some of that except that raising awareness has some value in it depending variables. Educational awareness to what happens is critical.

Leo Finance

12:02 AM - Hive

I was asking about what the rules on the Leo Finance community might be for people not posting via Leo Finance, like me. I am on Hive Blog. I sometimes use PeakD and not the Leo Finance app.

How is that even possible? It is possible if you post from their app. I don't think it is possible outside of the app because it requires some of the permissions in order to do that.

So, when log into the Leo Finance app, they may tell you and show you how it automatically reroutes some of the rewards to compensate for the taxes. The only way it would work via the Hive Blog app is if Hive Blog has the same system in place to distribute the taxes from the users to reroute to the different apps.

I'm not aware of the Hive Blog app of having that implementation. Once upon a time, some apps or all the apps did not do that outside of the particular apps at question. Note that I'm talking about apps and not merely just tags or hashtags or even community group hives. Last time I checked, I have not seen Steemit do it back a year or two ago.

In 2020, as many people moved over to the Hive Blog blockchain, I have not seen the Hive App reroute rewards to pay taxes to other apps. I will be surprised if they do that.

Drawing on walls?

12:04 PM - Hive

Haha yeah, well, I didn't get in trouble. I guess I was lucky or something. I think they kind of liked the art.

Nuts in Salad

12:05 PM - Hive

I love salads like this, I like almonds. I think especially walnuts are great in salads and in oatmeal.

When I see your name, Wonder Wow, I think to myself Wonder How. I love it.

Save the world?

04:40 PM - Hive

What does that mean exactly, does that mean in encouraging those skeptics towards eventual red-pilling or am I being too overly vague?

How do you automatically vote?

09:34 PM - Hive

I see 2 options on that website, scale or fixed voting weight. What is the difference? It says default is 50% and then it says scale voting is default. So, does that mean scale voting means 50% and fixed means you can pick any percentage between 1% to 100%?

Do you also automatically vote up comments too? I see an option for comments too and not just posts. But I hear some people say it is not really worth it.

I told the website to redeem rewards automatically. I checked my wallet and the rewards were not redeemed. My guess is that website will not redeem until 7 days after the beginning of their services with automatic voting. Otherwise, I can't say why it is not working yet.

Should we mute or downvote?

10:16 PM - Hive

I agree and deleting something could be interpreted as removing evidence of the transaction of the crime in the same way removing security footage or audio recording would be.

It follows the same line of logic for both cases and yet people use cognitive dissonance or whatever they use to illogically departmentalize and conflate (some things) and they especially make distinctions between things which are the same. Evidence is the same as other types of evidence and yet they will argue and say they are aliens to each other ahahaha. Sad but true.

Do you understand Covid?

10:53 PM - Hive

I love watching movies. The last movie I saw in a theater was a movie called I Can Only Imagine. That was near Seattle. Before that, I saw something like Avengers. One of those movies in 2017 in Vietnam. I love popcorn. I was born in 1985 in Oregon. I grew up in in the 1990s and was going to the cinema all the time and loved it. I never wear a mask. Over 80% of the people who get Covid according to one study were deficient of essential vitamins. Hospitals got paid to say people got Covid when really they didn't.

What happened with the Christo Cord?

11:52 PM - Hive

To answer some of your questions you asked me, @erh.germany, long time no see, I enjoy writing and talking to people both online and offline for a variety of reasons, different websites, I want to be wherever the people are, I go everywhere or as many places as I can, and I actually prefer doing it in real life, I enjoy meeting new people and enjoy many things in life. I tend to prefer not being on computers. I don't enjoy being on the Internet for a wide variety of reasons, long story.

I do not want to be a disturber but I also do not want to not care when I see a problem. I prefer living at peace with people as much as possible. But if I feel a person is violating eternal morality which is founded on objective principles, I have the urge to speak up. I will not wear a mask. I will not let people spread lies about things which people need to know in life in general.

What did I do wrong? How were my actions different than their actions? If you do not understand the situation, then it would be valuable to follow the story closely. On Thursday, I joined the group on that Discord website which is like a chat room.

So, this group has a few rules which they break all the time. They attacked me and I tried defending myself a few times. I didn't constantly try to defend myself every time they went to mock me and call me names and other things.

Like I said already, I joined the group on Thursday and was then banned on Saturday. I only joined to ask for advice on how to fix a computer problem. The group is all about helping people with their computer problems.

I joined the group and asked a question. They were answering my question but was then surprised when I said I didn't use Windows or Apple. I use Ubuntu instead as my operating system.

After that, they started Googling me and then started gossiping about everything they found about what I have said and wrote in posts and in videos on different websites.

They then started asking me political questions but then turned around and said I am not allowed to be political even tho they brought it up. So, it was like they are allowed to do anything they want while a person like me was expected to follow a different set of rules altogether.

I write about censorship all the time and have been for years. Even Trump was banned. That is wrong. Millions of people globally have been damaged due to what big tech has done. Many bad things have happened. I've been noticing these problems going back to like 2010. I continue to write about the problems I see in the world which is applicable for most humans most of the time.

Part of the reason why I publish specific stories is to help personify and help people see and to help raise awareness to specific examples to help highlight critical issues at hand which affects many people and not just me. Knowledge is power.

Hawaii and Vietnam?

11:56 PM - Hive

I was living in Hawaii for a year. I was also living in Vietnam for five years and I can say the weather is similar in both places. It may get hotter in Hawaii possibly. It at least felt like that for me. Hawaii is magical.

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

The Walking Dead

2021-03-08 - Monday - 03:42 AM - 04:34 AM - The Walking Dead 1018

Sewing reference. Biking. Fishing. Dog. Fun. No talking. Smiling. Daryl. 5 years earlier, Daryl was on his second year looking for Rick. Storm. Fort. Finding the puppy. Crying out. Map breaking. Boat. Then a year after that. He meets a woman in a cabin. Then 6 months later. He returns Dog to her. 8 months later, she saves him from zombies in the woods. Her name is Leia or something. Lee-uh. 3 months later. They both want each other to leave each other alone. Her adopted son was Matthew, her sister or friend's son. She opens up. He lost his brother or it was Rick he was referencing. They became friends and then lovers maybe. Ten months later. SHe was not happy. Where do you belong she asked him, with her, with his old friends, or just looking for Rick, a dead brother is what she called him. He was split between worlds. He said he didn't know where he belonged. Then he decided her. He wrote a letter to her. Hidden in the floor. Carol didn't run away this time even if Daryl wasn't going to stop her this time around.

Mike Adams

10:25 AM - Situation Update, March 8th, 2021 - Communist China harvesting DNA of Americans to build race-specific BIOWEAPONS

People and children are burning masks instead of flags in Idaho.

Covid Tests is actually a DNA-Theft Operation, they swap out your DNA and send it to centralized locations to tie your DNA to databases, etc.

Ron Gibson


Covid Vaccines will kill babies. How liberal.

How many women does it take to screw in a light bulb and take down toxic males?

Many billions of babies WILL WILL WILL be murdered, will you do nothing?

How do they get away with it? They cover up their lies with even bigger lies. And they continue to cover up previous pandemics and other major issues with newer ones. By the way, the I Am Legend movie starring Will Smith predicted all of this. Go watch that movie. Go watch what Elon Musk said on Joe Rogan over a year ago. The plan is to continue these pandemics for many decades to come. If you do nothing, you deserve it.

So many hospitals in America are saying all their Covid Patients are oddly walking over to them from over the border. Oh my God, who is paying for all of this? They're not wearing masks when they come in to see doctors. But you have to wear a mask. But they don't have to. And they get free medicine. They get free health care and you do not, have fun with that.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

The Walking Dead

2021-03-08 - Monday - 03:42 AM - 04:34 AM - The Walking Dead 1018

Mike Adams

10:25 AM - Situation Update, March 8th, 2021 - Communist China harvesting DNA of Americans to build race-specific BIOWEAPONS

Ron Gibson



Philipines Discovery


Sam Teapot

09:14 PM - Teach English Online With NO DEGREE and No Teaching Certificate With Cambly // How To Apply

Rowena Blanquera


Dear diary, got up at 10:10 AM, Mike Adams. Christo Cord talk. Pyramid talk. I mean writing. Facebook. Discord. Brighteon. Dishes put away around 12:30 PM, compost, critters fed. concrete mix for front yard bush faucet wood pole around 2 PM. After that, added dirt to low parts of the lawn near the raised bed and peas and birds. Larry added the pole today, also hose hangers, one at the pole and the other behind the green house. We cleaned up the branches and stuff under the bushes because birds would play in it. I hauled it off, the stuff. Now, done by 3 PM. About an hour or maybe closer to 90 minutes of work. Good Samaritan. I was going to read it but namesake did. I was a bully in the skit. The other group did the he who is within sin cast the first stone at the woman story. We are individuals. We can feel pain to want to cut ourselves. May we hug each other instead. I told in the van back about my gun school story. Desk to come Wed.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: orange, vegi drink, 10:30 AM.
Lunch: soup around noon. Noodle meat soup, 3:10 PM.
Dinner: 3 burritos or something like that. Peaches. Fruits like that. Rice, 6:20 PM.

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