Golem Overlord Module Guide: Crafting Part 2


Welcome to the Golem Overlord Module Guide!

The purpose of this series of guides is to introduce you to the features and mechanics of modules and crafting in Golem Overlord. This is the fifth post of the series and will continue to focus on crafting.

Suggested Reading

If you are not already familiar with the basics of modules, the Pyrite Forge, Forge Sigils, and crafting I recommend reading the previous posts in this series before continuing with this section of the guide.

  1. Golem Overlord Module Guide: Module Basics
  2. Golem Overlord Module Guide: The Pyrite Forge
  3. Golem Overlord Module Guide: Forge Sigils
  4. Golem Overlord Module Guide: Crafting - Void Stones

The Golem Overlord Module Guide Curated Collection also has links to all related posts in this guide. You can view it as a curated collection or as a post. I will continue adding post links to that collection as they are completed.

Void Stones Crafting Recap

To restate my previous post, my goal is to make the strongest possible amplifier. I started with one ultra amplifier, five superior amplifiers, and 31 various Forge Sigils.

In the last post, we used all five Void Stone Enigma (Orange) Forge Sigils on our amplifiers. We got extremely lucky with our Void Stones and turned these:


into this:


I was lucky not to destroy any of the amplifiers and even managed to get two upgrades out of five void stones to end up with an Omega Amplifier (yellow) module.

Now that I have an Omega Amplifier, I'm going to review my inventory of Forge Sigils and determine what crafting to do next.

My Updated Forge Sigil Inventory

To repeat my last post, before you start crafting, I recommend reviewing your inventory of Forge Sigils carefully and creating a plan of operations for what you want to accomplish.

Thanks to my purchase of the Pinnacle Blacksmith's Claim Pass for 2,500 SHARD tokens that I earned in-game, I now have several more Forge Sigils to use for crafting.


Here is the updated list of Forge Sigils I have to work with.

  • (5) Void Stone Enigma(Orange): (used)
  • (5) Smelter's Trinity Enigma (Orange):
    • 10% chance nothing happens
    • 00% chance for a small stat
    • 15% chance for a medium stat
    • 75% chance for a big stat
  • (3) Transmutative Orb Enigma (Orange): removes not a strongest modifier on a module and adds a random modifier on a module.
  • (2) Transmutative Orb Invaluable (Yellow): removes not a strongest modifier on a module and adds a medium or lower modifier on a module.
  • (2) Transmutative Orb Exceptional (Purple): removes a random modifier on a module and adds a random modifier on a module.
  • (2) Transmutative Orb Precious (Blue): removes a random modifier on a module and adds a medium or lower modifier on a module.
  • (1) Nullification Crystal Enigma (Orange): removes a weakest magnitude modifier on a module.
  • (1) Nullification Crystal Invaluable (Yellow): removes a modifier on a module that is not the strongest.
  • (10) Arcane Dice Invaluable (Yellow): rerolls 2 stat values on a module.

New Forge Sigils from the Pinnacle Blacksmith's Claim Pass

To keep it simple, I've only listed the strongest Forge Sigils from the claim pass below, I don't plan to use any of the others yet.

  • (1) Stasis Conflux Enigma (Orange): Anchors a medium stat on a fully-statted item.
  • (1) Stasis Conflux Invaluable (Yellow): Anchors a random stat on a fully-statted item.
  • (3) Fragment of Entropy Enigma (Orange): Remove all stats on a module and add 3-4 stats.
    • 25% chance for a small stat
    • 40% chance for a medium stat
    • 35% chance for a big stat

It is challenging for me to organize and understand every possible use for the Forge Sigils, so I've created this spreadsheet to help me see them all in a single view.


Available Module Stats

@viaxgg has created this useful chart of available module stats and drop rates. It is helpful in deciding what stats are possible to get in each magnitude and developing a strategy to obtain them by crafting.


The Ideal Module

In the Golem Overlord Discord players have been discussing the most desirable stats to target for creating the ideal module.

The player consensus seems to be that these are the best potential stats.

  • % Higher stats on this item
  • % Claim Multiplier
  • % Max Rep Conversion
  • % Energy CD Reduction
  • (+) Power (especially if paired with Energy CD Reduction)

Here are screenshots Yixn posted of what a Quantum Amplifier could look like with variations on these stats with a locked stat and quality +5. These might be considered the ideal module by most players.




My Updated Order of Operations

After reviewing my Forge Sigil inventory and the possible and ideal stats available, this is my updated order of operations.

  • Step 1: use Void Stones and see if I get lucky with an upgrade. (got lucky!)
  • Step 2: add Quality
  • Step 3: use Smelter's Trinity to add stats
  • Step 4: add Quality
  • Step 5: use Nullification Crystal(s) to remove weak modifiers
  • Step 6: use Stasis Conflux to anchor a stat
  • Step 7: use Transmutative Orbs to remove/add stats
  • Step 8: Possibly repeat steps 6 and 7.
  • Step 9: use Arcane Dice to reroll stat values
  • Step 10: Use Yixn's Hair to duplicate the strongest module

Now that I have a plan ready, I'm ready to continue crafting.

Step 2: Add Quality

I've upgraded the Omega Amplifier from quality -3 to +1 for a total cost of 351 pyrite.

These are the before and after stats for comparison. I'll post more details of each step with screenshots in a separate post dedicated to crafting quality.

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Step 3: Smelter's Trinity (add stats)

Since the Omega Amplifier has a chance to hold one big (red) stat, I'm going to use the Smelter's Trinity (Enigma) which has a 75% chance to add a big stat. That will hopefully give me all four stats added to the module before doing any further crafting.


To use the Smelter's Trinity, open the Pyrite Forge and select the "Craft" option.

From this screen, I've first selected the Omega Amplifier to craft. Then I clicked the orange circle under the "Smelter's Trinity" on the left side of the screen. This adds the Enigma (Orange) Smelter's Trinity to the right side of the crafting pair.


Now I can perform the crafting action for a cost of 37 pyrite by clicking on "Craft Module for 37."


Smelter's Trinity Results

I think these results are good. Crafting with the Smelter's Trinity has added a +25 [16-26] Fortification. While it is not one of the top 5 stats listed earlier, the +25 fortification is a strong stat and almost the highest possible stat roll.


This is what the newly crafted amplifier looks like with the big stat from the Smelter's Trinity.


Step 4: Add Quality

I upgraded the Omega Amplifier quality from +1 to +2 for a cost of 418.5 pyrite. I'd like to get the stats as high as I can before attempting to anchor a stat with Stasis Conflux in my next crafting steps.


Results of Increasing Quality from +1 to +2

  • Possible Fortification range increased from [16-26] to [17-28]
  • Fortification stat increased from +5 to +26
  • Possible less rep burn range increased from [11-21]% to [11-22]%
  • Actual rep burn stat increased from 18% to 19%
  • Possible cheaper unlocking relics on Claim range increased from [3-5]% to [3-6]%
  • Cheaper unlocking relics on Claim increased from 5% to 6%
  • Possible SHARD steal range increased from [5-8]% to [6-9]%
  • SHARD Steal increased from 5% to 6%

New Stats

  • +26 [17-28] Fortification
  • 19 [11-22]% Less Rep Burn, but gain full XP
  • +6 [3-6]% cheaper unlocking relics on Claim
  • +6 [6-9]% SHARD Steal

There will be a separate post dedicated to crafting quality that will have more details on the subject of quality.

Step 5: Nullification Crystal (remove weak modifiers)

I would like to use the Nullification Crystal(s) to remove the small stat and hopefully the cheaper unlocking relics medium stat. Then use the Stais Conflux to anchor one or two stats.
Before doing that, I want to upgrade the module quality as high as I can, preferably to the maximum of +5.

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Step 6: Stasis Conflux (anchor a stat)

These two Stasis Conflux are included in the Pinnacle Blacksmith's Claim Pass. I'd like to use one of them to anchor the less rep burn medium stat after upgrading to quality +5.

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Up Next - Golem Overlord Module Guide: Crafting Continued using Transmutative Orbs

In the next post, Golem Overlord Module Guide: Crafting - Transmutative Orbs I showcase using Transmutative Orbs on an Ultra Amplifier. After that, I plan to continue using Forge Sigils to improve the yellow Omega Amplifier. I'll look over my order of operations again to see if I want to make any changes before continuing the crafting process.

Please leave feedback on this post in the comments or the Golem Overlord Discord. I'll do my best to keep it updated as a reference for players.

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Video Guide

Golem Overlord player @viaxgg made this YouTube tutorial: Modules, Forge Sigils and Nano Tonics and posted the link in the Golem Overlord Discord. You may find it helpful so I wanted to include the link here at the end.

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