(ESP-ENG) Los Refugios de animales en Venezuela y su importancia en la actualidad /Animal shelters in Venezuela and their importance today
Hola queridos lectores, Hoy quiero dedicar un espacio especial en la plataforma a los Refugios de animales. Ques son estos lugares? Los Refugios o Albergues de animales Son un lugar temporal aunque algunas
Diseñando y creando✍🏻 un disfraz para Halloween🎃🦇 inspirado en It🤡...Designing and creating ✍🏻 a Halloween🎃🦇 costume inspired by It🤡...
Saludos 🙋🏻♀️ y muy buenos dias 🌇 a toda esta inmensa familia de creadores, que forman parte de esta maravillosa comunidad que es Hive Diy. Espero y todos se encuentren bien 🙏🏻 y esten teniendo una
RT @ericuman: An employee at one of the shelters for migrant children says they’re not equipped to handle things: kids are running away, th…
Sun Jun 17 15:58:12 +0000 2018 @alyssa.milano tweeted.RT @ericuman: An employee at one of the shelters for migrant children says they’re not equipped to handle things: kids are running away, th… you belive
It's Been a Year Since My Dog was Deliberately Poisoned. What is the Answer to Animal Overpopulation?
It’s been a year since my Annie was poisoned. She was caught up in a game that happens every year around this time. Some local farmer, high on some power trip of dog-hating goes out into the world and