{lizablove}'s Passions & Delights 💜

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The Nines is a Soul Map that came to me through challenging life experiences as I discovered my passions in life & followed my heart. It is intended to inspire deeper reflection of our Soul path, to be true to ourselves, and live an extraordinary life.

Once we take the steps of the #1 Nine, #Courage, and begin to move into something new, we need help along the way. That could be anything, depending on what we’re stepping into. At first glance, the #2 Nine, #Ask, may seem rather simple. I dare you to look deeper to find it’s gifts.

Once I left everything I knew behind, I was incredibly vulnerable. As I wasn’t earning much money while I discovered what I was going to do with my life “next,” I needed a place to sleep and food to eat. It brought me to tears at one point, on my knees (or rather lying on the floor in this sleeping bag, as I was crashing in my cousin’s empty home that was up for sale.) This pushed me to ask a creative group I was involved with for help. I’d never done that before. And it was just the beginning. I’ve gotten a lot better at asking since then.

Hopefully your #ask isn’t as dramatic as mine was for me, but if it is...it’s okay. The point of any journey is to step up and grow. We follow up our courage with honesty.

So take time out to journal, draw, go for a hike, talk with a friend, do whatever works for you, to see if asking is in your scenario as you move forward into your dreams. Whether your intention is a creative project, quitting a job, ending a relationship, selling everything you own and going on a road trip ...it makes no difference. We never get to our dreams alone. But we have to be open, persistent & real to align with that dream.

I’ll tell you a lil’ secret: in the end, I found out how loved I really am, and that everything always works out.


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Be Your Own Hero Series


#beyourownhero #thenines #share2steem #powerhousecreatives #steemusa #dreambigger #nevergiveup #yourdreammatters

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