{lizablove}'s Passions & Delights šŸ’œ

Quotes Creator

The Nines is a Soul Map that came to me through challenging life experiences as I discovered my passions in life & followed my heart. It is intended to inspire deeper reflection of our Soul path, to be true to ourselves, and live an extraordinary life.


This deep journey I consciously embarked upon started out with a big challenge, the #1 Nine: #Courage. Letā€™s get to it, shall we? No time for small talk :) When courage comes up in life, change is afoot. Courage offers us a choice.The good news is, that choice will continue to come up in our lives until we make a different one. So thereā€™s no right or wrong, only timing. When the choice to do something different came up for me, I had no other options. The time had come.

Everything that I knew as comfort in my life was slowly leaving my reality. I got to the point where I had to jump into the abyss of nothingness to find out who I am on a deeper level, and discover what was ā€œnextā€ for me in my life. I didnā€™t know WHY I had to do it that way. It was simply my path.

If youā€™re drawn to courage right now, it means you have a choice to make. It could seem big or small to the world. It doesnā€™t matter. What matters is how it feels to YOU. We all have different edges to discover, and nobody has our answers but us.

Under every choice is the awareness of what others think or say. Weā€™re human. Weā€™re learning. Itā€™s okay to notice that.

Just donā€™t BITE.

Are you ready to dig in? I always suggest journaling, drawing, or whatever form of expression you do, and go into the fears, the deeper feelings of your choice.

Really let it RIP!
Dance naked!
Scream in a pillow!
It all works :)

Be real. Be honest with yourself. Itā€™s YOUR life. You are the only one living it, right?

Let yourself FEEL what itā€™s like to take the courageous step, and what it feels like to be on the other side of that choice. Be honest. What feelings come up?

What I felt & experienced upon making by big step into courage was freedom. I also had experiences I never would have imagined. It was hard, and beautiful. Iā€™m a strong Spirit. Iā€™m still here :)

We either come from fear in life and react by being small, or we respond in spite of it, out of self respect, and we go for what is true for us.

What would the world be like
if we all had the courage to live our dreams,
share our creative soul expressions,
and do what we love?


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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Be Your Own Hero Series


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