What We Call Democracy is Really Just Institutionalized Sorcery

Just because Mickey used a little bit of sorcery to try to get a bunch of brooms to do his work for him, this doesn't automatically mean that Mickey was an evil mouse-- he was just lazy. He was just the sorcerer's apprentice.

Similarly, those who vote and cast their own spells to support democracy aren't necessarily bad people- they're mostly just culturally conditioned, and politically narrowed to be so irresponsible as to try-- as Mickey did-- to trick others into doing their dirty work for them.

  • democracy- late 16th century: from French démocratie, via late Latin from Greek dēmokratia, from dēmos ‘the people’ + -kratia ‘power, rule’.

The structure of the word 'democracy' shows its true meaning, and while the idea of 'the people rule' is perhaps intriguing compared to the descriptions of other types of mass control and governance, it's not clear how an individual being-- like you or me-- actually fits in to a society governed by a plural 'people'. Where does this plural ruler get its power? The simple answer to that innocent question is: sorcery.

All of Us Magicians vs. Modern Sorcery

Everyone is always doing spectacular magic, all the time. We're all magicians. Together, we are creating all of this, right now, with every single second, and as we all make 'this', we constantly confirm this fact by our very observance of it.

Given such power, we must perpetually be aware of our thoughts and actions. By default, we are creators, and thereby we are all powerful magicians. If we don't intentionally use this individual power, someone else will. That is where the sorcery comes in.

When an individual chooses to precipitate change in the physical world using their own mind, they might be called a magician. On the exact other hand, those who strive to precipitate change in the world by using the collective, or the group mind as such a tool, would probably be accurately considered as sorcerers.

  • The magician: An individual magician will i-magi-ne themselves a world, and willfully accept the responsibility of such a world in advance, as if it had already come to be so. The magician must always be aware of the natural law of karmic balance, because the world is like a freshly polished mirror; every thing that is thought returns, in the most vivid form imaginable.

  • The sorcerer: Attempting to dodge any karmic load inherent with actions, a sorcerer must hijack the will of other individuals, so that those individuals will then act, and by those acts they do begin to manifest the sorcerer's will, churning out the sorcerer's wishes and busily fabricating that world before getting around to minding their own little creations.

The sorcerer herds the group mind expertly, using slick word spells and by sowing potent symbols into the subconscious minds of a group of individuals. Such a powerful sorcerer might use such tricks to tell a group what to imagine, so that the individual unsuspecting magicians within that subjected society will incorporate their actual creative powers to physically manifest the very fruits of the sorcerer's craft.

As it turns out, sorcery is very real.

We Are Naturally Super

Sorcery is simply the manipulation of emotions, using occulted (hidden) psychology. It's not supernatural powers or anything like that, those 'supernatural' powers naturally belong to us already-- a whole different kind of magic. A sorcerer hijacks our imagination because we are naturally super.

From birth, we are such powerful beings that each child breathes every flower into existence just to enjoy the smell, and the previous breath has already curled into the very world that supports us; we, the imaginers of it all. A sorcerer will attempt to manage which flowers-- if any-- will be imagined by the collective mind of a society, and what-- if anything-- is supporting those flowers and the children who imagined them.

Why is it that 'sorcery' is widely considered to be the stuff of fantasy and make believe? Because if the sorcerers were to overtly let us all know that they were still chanting the spells and still planting those parasitic seeds deep into our fertile subconscious, then at once their old tricks wouldn't work on enough of us anymore.

Why do so few believe in their own magic anymore? It's because there's still sorcery going on.



Now about that idea of a democracy being institutionalized sorcery. What makes us think that a democracy is a good idea? After all, it logically equates to a mob rule, or as they used to say "two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner tonight". A mob doesn't need gangsters or police to enforce anything, and a mob can't hear your individual concerns at all.

Mobs Tend to Rule

Any critical, logical glance at such a mob is met with a glare, and any rational word aimed at the cacophony that is a democracy is quickly squashed under the boot of this congregation, this noisy lumbering golem known as The People.

Mass Hypnosis

A group mind is highly prone to manipulation, and a mob consisting of 'the People' is a mindless thing. Easily spellbound and practically hypnotized-- the mob is perpetually dangerous to the individuals within it and to those outside of it, hostile towards anyone who defies such a seething blob of semi-conscious magi.

The dangers of such group-think are innumerable. In the case of democracy, individuals are persuaded to willfully delegate their own creative power to some faraway parasite, and in exchange, those individuals get to slack off in their creativity, and then, as victims of their fair democracy, they will now get to loudly complain about the high-definition pile of shit that they've been tricked into creating for themselves.

Was it a trick? More sorcery? Let's look at the primary mind-control device of a democracy. Let's look at voting.

A Harsh Look at Voting in a Democracy

After a glimpse of the occulted psychological manipulation and the mass spell-craft that is going on with the group mind, it could then be said that voting is not so much a lazy, cowardly act-- blindly perpetrated by that sleep-walking giant called 'the People'-- but is instead the result of a sorcerer's craftsmanship upon our language and our individual attention.

An individual might look at the process of voting, and they may conclude that it is a sensible process in a modern, civilized society, thinking nothing more of it beyond the sentimental fluff. If that same individual has otherwise become familiarized with some of the sorcerer's tricks, they might then see how their own minds were used to support the strings and the mirrors, and how-- with their chants-- they had unknowingly adopted the very words that had spelled them into their beliefs about the entire voting ritual.

Backed by that dark bully known as democracy, voters are dangerous. The voter votes for violence, and like the sorcerer, the voter depends on police or soldiers to do that violence for them. The voter votes for change, and like the famous Disney mouse, they hope that the enchanted horde of brooms will do the work for them.

The sorcerer ultimately means to delegate their will to the soldier, who will then do certain acts of violence, and it is that soldier who will then suffer the consequences of those actions. The sorcerer may similarly persuade their democratic society to send police to desecrate the will of others, and will expect to gain from it without the pain of karmic balance from such unjust acts.

The Manipulation of Our Orphaned World

There's just no nice way to talk about some of the occulted psychology that is used by the managers of our democratic societies. The mind of a group is guided by emotions, and a smooth balance of fear and euphoria gets real personal for the spellbound voter.

We Earthlings are definitely an abandoned species-- we have no idea where we came from or how we got dumped here, so it's no wonder we are all so emotionally damaged. We know little about ourselves, and a culture with no knowledge of its own true history and heritage is a culture that is easily persuaded.

Color Spells

An orphaned society, the group's need for strong parental guidance is understood acutely by the sorcerer, and a well-designed democracy will always offer a submissive blue choice; the motherly, kind, generous and nurturing quality, for those voters who feel deprived of maternal love, while also balancing the formula with an aggressive red option; the strong provider, the protector, the forceful father-figure, crafted for those abandoned souls who felt fatherless when they were young.

Trying to Dodge Karma

Karma is the consequence of a natural law that inevitably shows up in the reflections of life, and the way to get the best karma back for one's effort, would be to do no harm. If instead we steal peace of mind or property from another, we are invariably creating a world of similar such harm for ourselves.

If we interfere with the will of another being, then we are still acting within that karmic law, but for every one of our actions there must always be consequences. The sorcerers of the world interfere with the free will of other individuals with their spells, yet they still hope to avoid the consequences of any aggressive acts.

We, The 3D Printer...

The group mind of humanity serves as a vast 3D printer for the sorcerer. The trick is to evoke emotional reactions from enough subjects to start printing up a world. The groups emotional charge plugged in, the program is then easily installed, and the sorcerer hits 'enter', while the People press 'submit'.

Break the Spell Gently

The next time someone boasts of their 'democratically elected government', try to go easy on them. Their world would be turned inside-out if they knew how they were being hypnotized by a bunch of clever sorcerers, or just how they'd been so long enchanted by way of ancient psychological technique.

When someone proudly announces that they've voted, just give them a compassionate smile. They may not be ready for the reality of their proud democracy just yet.

In a democracy, the voter votes-- not so much so that they can boast the right to complain, but because they are essentially entranced, never noticing that they have become too lazy to act upon their own world, and are dodging the responsibilities of their own lives. They will mindlessly delegate their own power to a distant gang of known bullshit artists in a spectacular display of cognitive dissonance, willfully empowering a parasitic beast of a government before ever imagining themselves actually getting up and striving to make the world a nice place to live for themselves and others.

The democracy enthusiast isn't a bad person for trying to use the spells of sorcery to control a society, they just haven't yet collectively co-imagined a better way to act civilized.

artwork above is mine, 2020
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