Never Mind Politics: Heroes Needed to Plant the Seeds of a Fractal Garden- Start Immediately- Inquire Within


Forget the 2020 National election show. I'm trying to be as nice as I can be, but people really need to shut the hell up about their presidents and their beloved circus of clowns in politics right now.

Presidents, senators and the three-ring spectacle of congressional lore-makers are not going to matter when the FOOD quits showing up in the grocery stores throughout the western world.

2 -Again, FOOD

There's no longer any time for a republic. There's not even time for a well-regulated militia. There's certainly no time for a democracy, as those who won't, don't or can't vote (most of us) will already be busily restructuring a food supply for our families and communities. There's really not any time to waste, and all of the days and years of arguing about which member of the parasite class will be fed by our collective prana are now properly stored in the past. That same prana will now be focused on family, friends and community.

3 -Politics on an Empty Stomach Equals War

In our previous world, if we were to insist on waiting for our leaders and governors to tell us what to do about the food supply, we would almost certainly find ourselves agreeing to blame some outside enemy for our own internal troubles. We would patriotically wait for our orders, and we would then be assigned the appropriate uniforms for our mighty imaginations.

Now, that old program will no longer work. There's no time to wait for orders, no time to design new uniforms, no time to be wasted on contrived conflicts. We seriously will be focused on feeding each other, we will seriously be planning meals, and we will all be seriously busy doing it every single day.

Necessity is the mother of invention, and we are all inventing an entirely new human system in our heads even as the tv flickers the echos of the old world. We can see that it was a terrible system to begin with, but now there's no time to go into that-- we have a whole new Earth to design and build right now, and it starts with food.

Frequently Asked Questions On Creating a Whole New Human System
  • When do we eat?

Even a child can grow food. A child can grow spinach, and can eat bunches of the leaves right there in the garden, but what to do with the rest of it? The child can give the leaves to an alchemist, and in that alchemist's kitchen they can then learn the magic of a dash of salt and some oil. Similarly, a community can raise livestock and grow crops. The community can use bunches of this food to sustain themselves, but what to do with the rest of it? A single region can inspire the entire fractal pattern of human life, and when that region is focused on the production of food, that's when we eat.

  • Can't we just go back to normal, the way things used to be?


  • Doesn't the government keep a bunch of cheese around for situations like this?

The government didn't survive this. It's still flapping around a little, and its media is still heaving a last few foul breaths, but it is done. Take a moment to ingest that notion, but know that things are going to be alright. This is the time for humans, communities, families and friends. Now we can see the power of individual beings coordinating a fractal governance through billions of monarchies, and we can recognize it as a true human system, the same natural system that has been working for us all along anyway. Central governance fought us all, and they lost. We'll make more cheese.

We Are Not At War

This is not a conflict that we are dealing with here. This is not a call for revolution. Instead, this is an excited exclamation of the golden opportunity that we are offering ourselves. Here in the middle of April 2020, we have the unprecedented chance to combine the knowledge and collective wisdom of humanity with the real human side of our selves.

Two Worlds Are Before Us Now

We have before us two worlds: one is where we wait for the authorities to tell us what to do next, and another world is where we ignore anyone claiming any authority over us altogether while we design an organically human system-- deliberately creating something that's never been tried before.

Waiting for authorities to tell us what to do is slavery. We tried that already- nobody liked it.

Another world is where we all live now, and at first we will learn to feed each other by allowing a decentralized system to grow through communities. It won't be so much that we are ignoring and disobeying the old world's broken ways, but we are going to be too busy making food for our friends and family to be bothered with those obsolete chains from a previous world.

The truth, of course, was the first to go, but the political system was really the second casualty in this whole 2020 event. For so long the parasite class had clung to the neck of humanity pretending to be a warm scarf, but we are all hot now, and we have cast it off.

Our throwaway world of yesterday is nearly all in the landfills by now, with only a few little trinkets left in the international trade pipeline, while suddenly everything is closed and nobody has any money to buy anything, so they never seem to fully empty the shelves. It's the last bit of the illusion, right before the cry of "how am I going to vote?" becomes "How am I going to feed my family?"

Preparing Yourself, and Your Neighbors

Instead of dreaming up lists of prepper stuff for everyone to include in their survival kits, simply be prepared for humans to help each other through any possible calamity. Instead of planning to be a daring hero in this unexpected new life we're in, be prepared to meet the true giants of the earth, those who are naturally going to be helping each other through it all. Be prepared for good karma to come from complete strangers, and be prepared to accept that good karma for what it is.

Instead of locking ourselves in quarantine while the front lawn grows taller by the day, we might decide to delegate our lawn to a neighborhood community garden project, helping to feed and prepare the local tribe. If there's no community garden project, we might just start one so we don't have to mow so much grass every week. The neighbors will quickly see your wisdom in this approach to preparedness.

Be prepared for the inventors of the world to start emerging from their workshops, likely starting with some amazing new gardening tools. Be prepared for exotic technologies-- long buried under huge piles of petro dollars-- to finally become visible to everyone.

Prepare yourself to be amazed at the power of an unimpeded humankind. This is our time.

Forget the Political Theater, Things Are Real Now

There's no more time for watching the show, waiting for some faraway authority to make plans for us all. Think of humanity as a band of heroes who have finally been made free, and then use that freedom to celebrate being one of those heroes. The world has been waiting for you for a long time.

This current scenario is as real as it's ever been; it is not just an internet phenomena. Already, the greatest heroes right now are those who deliver food. Think about how quickly that happened, and think heroically how to actively participate in the planting of the great fractal garden's first seeds, the building of some outdoor community kitchens, neighborhood delivery and distribution, and agricultural exhibitions beyond our own ever-blooming imaginations. Become one of the Earth's heroes-- then we can all eat.

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