I Won't Be Running For President This Year- Trump Stole My Idea

Donald Trump stole my idea. While he's been doing a really terrific job with it-- really great job-- this whole 'show everyone that the government is useless' spectacle was originally my idea.

In order to free the world from government a few years ago, I was going to run for President of the United States just so that I could show everyone how stupid they were for voting for me.

Upon my election, my presidency was going to use red and blue crayons to boldly illustrate the idiocy of my own voters and the absurdity of their entire political structure.

While effortlessly mocking the entire system of government, and using my same stubby crayons, I would have also demonstrated how easy it was for a character like me to divide people from their own friends and families.

Crayons of Freedom

Scribbling away on the sacred walls of their beloved faraway institutions like a petulant brat, I would have divided them from one another in their very own homes, using my broad bold sweeps and my mindless whirls of fancy, so that they would inevitably have begun to wonder why they ever voted for anyone, or why they had even expected me to do anything at all.

Once elected, I would have quickly proven how irresponsible they all had been by giving me their creative energy, and how foolish it was for voters to try to blame me for the crappy world that they'd made. With my sheer incompetence, my very painfully Presidential existence would have made it clear that they should never have delegated so much of their own power to me in the first place.

Dismantling the Government

At some point during my term as host of this ridiculous show, I would expect my haters to start saying "HEY, he's going to dismantle our whole government!" while my wise supporters and even some of my voters would start saying "HEY, he's going to dismantle our whole government!"

Most politicians enjoy their positions as the elected authorities and rulers over a civilization of voters. They would have all hated me when they saw what I was up to! 'YOU'RE MAKING US ALL LOOK BAD!' The priests of statehood would've squawked, imploding magnificently as they caught on to my true agenda. I would be clumsily exposing their whole gig for what it was, and showing the world just how pointless our political jobs really were all along.

They would then do anything to shut me up.


No rulers, no slaves

Being an anarchist who sees the logic in 'no rulers, no slaves', I can definitely see the humor in the idea of me being elected President. I would have done it too, as long as we treated it like it was a TV reality show, with the premise being: I appear in front of the entire world and convince them that they are actually free, and that feeding all of their life force to me or any actor on a TV reality show is a waste of good prana, no matter where you're from or where on Earth you live.

In my inaugural address, I would brutally shame the voters who had put me there, telling them to their faces how disappointed I was that they had wasted so much of their time and energy fussing over my election and subsequent tasks as President. "You suckers will never see or hear from me again... you're on your own." I would taunt. And then I'd leave, and I'd leave that Presidential podium standing there in the spotlight surrounded by its flags and shiny fasces as a symbol of sheer and utter uselessness to humanity.

Yeah, I'd have done the collapse of centralized government a little differently than this current host is doing it, but I don't feed on all that constant attention like he does. He has fun with the job, and that's how it should be done I suppose.

As President, if you're going to make an international joke of the Presidency and all centralized governance, then it should at least be funny. If the job is to dismantle a hideous kakistocracy, and you can do it wearing a ridiculous clown suit, I'd say go for it.

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