The Bliss of Sleep!!!

"Till they do something bad to you or even carry you away while sleeping, you won't know. Your sleep is always deep, Busayo"


This always makes me laugh when I hear my friends or family saying this to me all the time. They know me as a deep sleeper and would say I don't worry about anything when I sleep. Why should I? Yes, there comes that stage where worries take over and trying to find your true purpose in life, more responsibilities and the thought of them take over your precious mind and you start thinking over it which deprives you of sleep. Why should you worry?

If there is something I love and cannot compromise is sleep. When I am feeling sleepy and someone calls me to come over to take some money, please, take your money and let me sleep 😁 I hate when my sleep is disrupted or something isn't allowing me to sleep. Some people would say they cannot sleep where there is noise, I bet you, if you think you want to punish me by making noise when I am about to sleep, it will surprise you when you have seen me gone far into dreamland. One way I do notice I sleep quickly is when I start to imagine different kinds of things.

Thankfully, I don't usually have weird dreams that disturb my sleep as I silently and peacefully lay on my bed and off I go into dreamland. Many times, I wish I had the gift of dreaming and my dreams coming to pass, but in another sense, I am happy I don't have it. It's good to have beautiful and good dreams that one would pray to come to pass while we have the bad ones you would by all possible means avert so they don't come to pass. Nevertheless, I love it when I have good dreams and they happen.


When I am finding it hard to sleep, it is that time I begin my imagination process and see myself in a beautiful mansion with lovely kids and a husband who is perfect for me or imagining myself as the CEO of a big company and directing lots of people to perform different tasks while paying them their salaries. By the time I move to the next episode of my imaginary life, I already found myself awake the next day by the sound of either a cock crowing or goats bleating around my window. By then, I would just smile when I remembered where my imagination stopped the previous night. By that time, I had a sound sleep with no distractions 😴

There are also times I find it difficult to sleep and that is when I worry too much. One cannot escape from getting worried sometimes even when you are assured that all will be well, there will still be that inner whispering trying to remind you of those huge responsibilities, and wanting you to start losing hope, it is at this time I find sleep difficult to come and would try all means to shun myself out of that negative world because I believe that sleep helps one to forget what is happening at that moment. In the end, I only sleep off around 3 am after rolling from left and right on my bed.

Just like I said above, I am a deep sleeper; once I sleep, nothing I know of going on around me again until I wake up. One thing I appreciate is that I can sleep peacefully without any drugs as some individuals do. Some believe that if they don't take anything either alcohol or a tablet, they can't sleep, some will even say smoking helps them sleep well which is not true.

Sleep is important to the health as it helps one rejuvenate and regain their energy. I don't take sleep for granted when I need to, even though there are sometimes you don't want to sleep until you complete the humongous tasks staring at you but you cannot cheat nature. When sleep comes, you cannot stop it, it works just like death that comes unannounced.

Many times, I have had my phone at the tip of my fingers when I wake up during the night and would realise I was doing something before sleep carried me away unknowingly, sometimes I feel pained when I can't finish up the task, but on the other way, I have no choice than to accept that sleep is powerful, you cannot cheat it.

I am not one who usually has sleeping issues as the only time I find it hard to sleep is when I have a lot on my mind getting me worried, but in the end, I just allow nature to take its course knowing fully well that there are things out of our control and those are the things that don't worth worrying over or trying to kill ourselves on. We only have power and control over those problems we can solve which come and go.

So for me, I love and enjoy sleep. I hate it when I am already sleeping and something disturbs me making me wake up halfway through the dreamland and most importantly, I love it more when I wake up by myself without someone waking me up as I believe to have had a good and complete sleep.

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