April Inleo Monthly Calendar Now Here!

Hey Lions! Sorry for the delay, life got on the way, but here is the full calendar for #Aprilinleo!

March was awesome! A lot of participant, constant authors, new authors and great feedback.


These were all the participants for March Inleo with posts or threads (if we are missing you, sorry, it's not automated so human error happens, let me know)

79! This is great, let's see if we can get it to 100!


Winners of the Premium Accounts for March Inleo

We had many participants this month! This is growing nicely, it great to see we are becoming a community of writers and readers, and we hope this continue being that way, with we all supporting each other!

We held a raffle among the recurring participants, and these are this month's lucky winners:



Winners Please Read!

Having a Premium account can give you nice benefits, like a nice checkmark, a higher percentage on curation, priority on the for you feed, longer threads, etc. As long as you use the UI it will be really cool. You have to make posts from Inleo (which you will be doing since you are participating on out prompts 😁).

We want to make sure you understand having a Premium subscription will be a waste if you do not use Inleo to create your posts during the next month and confirm that you will in fact put it to use before we gift you the subscription, let us know in the comments!

¡Ganadores, por favor lean!

Tener una cuenta Premium puede ofrecerte grandes beneficios, como el checkmark naranja, un porcentaje más alto en la curación, prioridad en el feed para ti, threads más largos, etc. Mientras uses Inleo, será realmente genial. Tienes que hacer publicaciones desde Inleo (lo cual estarás haciendo ya que participas en nuestros prompts 😁).

Queremos asegurarnos de quede claro que tener una suscripción Premium será un desperdicio si no utilizas Inleo para crear tus publicaciones durante el próximo mes, y confirmar que sí le sacarás provecho, antes de que te regalemos la suscripción. ¡Haznos saber en los comentarios!


Remember this is an Inleo initiative, not a Leo Finance initiative, almost none of these topics are directly related to finance, so go explore other communities, read their rules, and post your articles where you find it fits best. Leo Finance is the default right know but you can change it with a click.

How to participate:

  • Create a post or a threadstorm based on the topic of the day ( if you join later you can pick the current one, or another from the previous days.

  • Post has to be made from Inleo

  • Use the tag #aprilinleo.

  • At the end of your post link this post and invite people to join the initiative (inleo link please).

  • Create quality content so we can support it.

  • Drop the link to your post (Inleo link) in the thread of the day created by this account (even if you chose an old topic, drop the link in the thread of the day so we don't miss it)

That's it!

Calendar of the month

This topics are meant to be interpreted, you can tackle them from any point of view, even do art about them, so feel free to explore them as you wish.

You don't have to do every single one to be participating, nor need to be on a strict schedule, just remember once the new threads is dropped, you have to post your link there even if it's al older topic.

If you have any suggestion, question or request, drop it in the comments!

Thanks for participating on March Inleo and let's make April an awesome month!

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