Peer pressure: Combat it or give in?

Sometimes I think about this idiom: A friend is best, two is manageable but three is a crowd, but why call just three a crowd? Well, humans are generally fond of being around others. What would life be like without others to blend with, smile, gist and have fun. I wouldn't want to imagine that yunno, it would be an entirely boring life. Although extroverts have a faster record of making friends without much stress, introverts too who are always coiled up to themselves have their favorite people whom they vibe with especially their family members and close associates, of course they too appreciate the gift of friendship and bond.

Having friends is an inevitable phenomenon, I mean we can't survive without a friend beside us, we'll always have one who share similar goals, common ideas, thoughts, likes and dislikes.

Actually, there's this contemporary issue which friendship has led to, it's the issue of peer pressure. What could that possibly be? Let's dig deeper;

Peer pressure is the exertion of influence amongst individuals of the same age group, social class or common interest with the sole result of making each other conform to certain attitudes, behaviors, standards and norms. It is an aspect of human life that is so perversive in nature especially among adolescents and teenagers although it might occur in any stage in human life.

There's this tendency that humans are most usually affected by peer pressure during teenage age, infact research shows that about 80% of decisions made by teenagers are welded and spearheaded by their peers, collective thoughts and opinions based on social-environmental factors. This goes a long way to describe just how peer pressure fits into human life becoming a part and parcel of our daily lives.

Peer pressure comes in different forms of which could seem unavoidable, including direct persuasion, implicit cues either verbal or non-verbal, social exclusion or even through the media being a functional tool in a digital environment as ours. Peer pressure as it were, serves different purposes in human lives, it creates lasting impact either positively or negatively. This is to say that while some peer pressure yields good results on those being affected, many others mold it's victims badly, shaping them to become nuisances to the society. How? Let's find out:

Peer pressure as a menace amongst youths

  • Influence of risky unacceptable behavior: "show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are" is an adage used to describe just how a person's friend does influence him. One who befriends a thief will be motivated to steal someday, thus, those who keep close associates with people leading bad lifestyles are prone to being like them. Negative peer pressure has led to individuals to engaging in illicit activities, harmful and immoral behaviors like unsafe sexual practices, drug/alcohol experimentation and addiction, cultism and participation in other delinquent activities. The urge and desire to fit in with peers, blend with friends and endeavor to please them in order to gain their approval can motivate youngsters, clouding their thinking of good and bad choices as well as personal better judgement, hence putting their health, emotions and well-being at risk.
  • Erosion of self esteem: individuals who are moulded by negative peer pressure combat with feelings of worthlessness and low self confidence. Due to regular compromise in values and beliefs which leads to conformity of group norms, they feel as though they're being made decisions for. Fear of being rejected by peers and being in isolation can compel individuals to indulge in activities beyond their standards leading to self guilt, shame, depression or even suicide.
  • Undermining of personal growth: Individuals who yield into negative peer pressure are hindered of their personal growth and ability to make independent decisions. They tend to be addicted so much to their friends that they seek their opinions and approval on critical thinking skills, thus putting a barrier and limit on individual's potential to explore and pursue their unique paths in life.

Peer pressure as a utopian phenomenon

  • Exemplary/Encouragement of good behavior: individuals who make friends with good matured people are often influenced positively. They're are motivated to adopt healthy habits while trashing unacceptable ones, pursue academic success by engaging in extracurricular activities or community services. When good friends endorse positive behaviors amongst themselves like hardwork, determination and self volunteer, there's a tendency that those around will be moved to follow suit in order to blend well and meet up the standards with members of their social class.

  • Development of social skills: good peer influence and interaction with friends who demonstrate positive behaviors enhances the development of social behaviors like communication, empathy and teamwork/co-operation. Individuals are opportuned to learn skills and arts from each other, collaborating on projects while building meaningful relationships solely based on mutual respect and support

  • Reinforcement of values and goals: positive peer groups serve as a source of validation for individuals goals, beliefs and aspirations. Since these are a group of people with similar goals and common interest, there's will power to pursue and achieve these goals with determination and resilience. Individuals sense of identity and purpose is well reinforced ensuring personal growth and fulfilment

In summary, peer pressure facilitating positive impact on individuals can aid socialization, skill development and goal achievement and on the negative aspect can pose a thousand and one challenges to an individuals overall well-being and personal development. It is therefore important that individuals strife hard to cultivate self discipline, awareness, resilience in order to be able to wade through peer influences and make the right choices. It is also important that parents watch and guide the choices of friends their children keep, advising them against bad ones and cementing healthy relationships.

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