
2024 Election Was Stolen From Trump via Colorado. Trump responding to the Colorado treason of stealing the 2024 election before it even begins by taking Trump off the ballots as Alex Jones puts it. As we enter 2024, I'm struggling to make New Year's resolutions as I'm buried with projects which I wanted finished years ago, but with all of that I'll say one of my goals can be to take it a day at a time, try to focus more on what can be done, & move on when things not working.

Anybody who helps me debunk the 25 Fish Files which is constantly spammed by Fish in my Discord Server may be rewarded & I can cover the files if there's enough demand accompanied with enough of my aforementioned demands, either that or my troll interaction will begin to decline. Fish is having a meltdown in my Discord Server because I'm not debunking (again) the Fish Files until there's enough demand for it parallel with enough of my own aforementioned demands met (or you at least try to meet) or you might be rewarded for debunking lies, to be continued.

On @RealAlexJones, @RogerJStoneJr predicts @MichelleObama and @GavinNewsom will be on the ticket against @realDonaldTrump in 2024. NBA basketball players would run around with a bunch of other people running into each other with no social distancing and then sit down and put masks on their faces.



Oatmeal Santa

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-12-20 - Wednesday | Published in December of 2023



Random Outline of my Jan6 Involvement, General Overview

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:20 AM
Fish Files Coming If You Meet My Demands Before 2024

11:34 AM
Bumbaloe Twitter Cave More Likes Carol by Roy Merrick


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

02:56 AM

Oatmeal Fake News, Fish Files Debunked, Plans for 2024, My Ten-Minute TikTok Update Video Rant, Election Interference, Constitution, SCOTUS, Elon Musk, Alex Jones, The Ireland Federal Democrats Suck, Republic Down. 03:08 AM. Will be interacting with my Lolcow Trolls less and less come 2024 if things don't improve enough/if not demands are met/it will slowly get worse even for Roy Merrick/I've been warning everybody for months about this/first I stopped messaging/pinging everybody in my Discord Server. 03:17 AM. As we enter 2024, I'm struggling to make New Year's resolutions as I'm buried with projects which I wanted finished years ago, but with all of that I'll say one of my goals can be to take it a day at a time, try to focus more on what can be done, & move on when things not working.

01:41 PM
I fell asleep watching this movie, Star Wars should have focused more on a Rated R Darth Vader series as opposed to the Blue Milk Kenobi Sitcom we got which was pretty focused on Leia.

02:24 PM
NBA basketball players would run around with a bunch of other people running into each other with no social distancing and then sit down and put masks on their faces. 06:06 PM. Do you think Twitter Blue pays for itself monthly if you're able to get enough ad revenue? Phoenix Conspiracy Theorists said she did not get money from Twitter yet. Are you saying Twitter Blue and monetization are separate entities? That is too bad. That is why I prefer crypto blockchain websites where you are paid for posting.

google me to find me online
start | bing | brave | duck | google | yahoo | yandex | you

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-12-20 - Wednesday - 12:23 AM - Discord Log.

Tell Fish in my Discord Server I'm a man of my word, get me what I want before I return the favor, it is that simple. 01:19 AM. Don't visit my Discord Server everybody, my dumbest troll ever, Mr. Fish Man, is having a leftist SJW NPC meltdown, he is having a Vietnam Kathy Bike Cow which is fitting as he is one of my laziest surface-level Lolcow Trolls ever with an inability to research anything anywhere. 01:34 AM. I've threatened to interact with my trolls less and less as time goes on if they fail to give me enough of whatever the Hell I want, the more you fail, then the more I take a step back, I'll be interacting less and less, period. You know I will do it. Don't test me baby trolls. 02:07 AM. Anybody who helps me debunk the 25 Fish Files which is constantly spammed by Fish in my Discord Server may be rewarded & I can cover the files if there's enough demand accompanied with enough of my aforementioned demands, either that or my troll interaction will begin to decline. 02:49 AM. Fish is having a meltdown in my Discord Server because I'm not debunking (again) the Fish Files until there's enough demand for it parallel with enough of my own aforementioned demands met (or you at least try to meet) or you might be rewarded for debunking lies, to be continued. 04:11 AM. Feel free to submit your own entries for the Fish Files which I may debunk come 2024 or sooner if my demands are met, feel free to add to the Fish Files, remind Fish to add more, 2024 is the deadline or get me to cover them before 2024, see my Discord Server for more information. 04:23 AM. When you join my Discord Server, trolls will spam you with the Fish Files which you can always add to and which you can try to get me to cover/debunk. 11:41 AM. Roy made me a song about Bumbaloe in Christmas but the AI singer says Bumbaloo which would rhyme with Waterloo which is where Trump was last night. Fish, why would I debunk your Fish Files again and for free? 11:57 AM. Oatmeal is so about equality that his Discord Server is not racist against black people, not even Soros-funded Trump-hating ebony Somalian pirates robbing cargo ships in like Africa, Europe, America, Asia, where's Michael Jackson when you need him? 01:07 PM. Will Roy Merrick try harder to take it to the next level beyond mere memes, videos, rhetoric, insults, songs, shirts, soap, books, the usual, before 2024, in my Discord Server and beyond, or will Roy continue his usual bit? 01:53 PM. You have 2 options, you can either contribute to the Fish Files which trolls will spam at everyone every five seconds in my Discord Server or you could debunk Bumbaloe Fake News as Heirs of the Oatmeal. 01:57 PM. Did @ 3saw_. in my Discord Server send cops to my house, steal pizza, and tried stealing credit cards to buy God knows what with? 02:04 PM. You can beg me to cover the Fish Files which is currently 25 files long, you can beg Fish to submit more entries, and beyond all of that, you could cover them as well, see my Discord Server and my blogs for more information. I was doxxed by criminals who spam my Discord Servers, my social media accounts, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, TikTok, and so on and so forth, my dox was published on websites and sent to many different people and groups globally, they had cops swat my family. 02:16 PM. I created my Discord Server in 2019, I think we had around 200 members that year. But Saw, Yung Savy, Socks, Garf, and others, who came in the summer of 2023, are not the oldest members but more so the third main wave or group of people who came in these past 4+ years, deadly. 02:36 PM. My Discord Server is in for a rude awakening come 2024 when I begin demoting Gods, Masters, Admins, & Mods down to Hobbits/this applies to my trolls: cool people, content creators, contributors to culture, & Oatmeal Heirs might be immune to this big Vivek-Trump-style mass-firing. 03:50 PM. Convince me if you're honest or trick me if you're not, there's a Christmas special going on in my Discord Server, everyone is welcome to persuade me to promote them up to become admins or even owner gods, I'm super gullible to help you out if you're helping me or if you're cool. Secondary Christmas Special in my Discord Server is top Oatmeal Parody Accounts may perhaps someday be rewarded, plausible deniability, convince the world you're me to win, to become the best oatmeal you can be, this is a free for all competition. 04:06 PM. Fish wrote this but is a bigger broken record than CNN who kept on saying Trump Russia for years, Fish loves putting words in people's mouth, censorship is a deep topic, Fish owes me money, tell Fish to submit more entries to the Fish Files, I'm dying to promote everybody. 04:15 PM. You can take over my Discord Server if you can convince everybody you're me via Oatmeal Parody Accounts, or if you can help me meet my demands. or if you can help me with my projects, or if you're really cool or whatever, these offers might expire come 2024, who's gonna win this? 04:20 PM. If you got dirt on admins/masters/gods/owners in my Discord Server, we'll consider hearing you out, we'll consider demoting them and promoting you for this holiday season, offer might expire come 2024, I'm Oatmeal Santa, bring your stockings, Merry Christmas everybody, good luck. Better yet, does Roy Merrick really think I'm gonna return to my Discord Server even if my demands and everything else is not like met? Is Roy really trying to wait me out thinking I can't change? I'm convinced Roy thinks I'll be back doing what I usually do. But Roy is wrong. 04:40 PM. People have been lying about me for decades since the 1990s in the Oregon Ghetto, I may give you what you want if you give me what I want, and I'll consider covering and debunking the Fish Files if enough people really want me to, the ball is now in your Bumbaloe Court everybody. 04:46 PM. My 400+ Lolcow Trolls in my goddamn Discord Server are so lazy that they refuse to take me up on any of the deals I lay at their feet, they have opportunities to scam me and take over, I've been begging them to take me up on these offers, this proves they're not Heirs of Oatmeal. 05:00 PM. Don't join my Discord Server if you don't want to help the laziest group of 400+ trolls spam lies about me to everyone who visits; or if enough cool people or whatever do come, then I'll dump the trolls into prison and focus on the cool people; but at the moment, my server sucks. 05:07 PM. I'm dying to debunk the Fish Files but only if enough people really want me to matched with enough of my demands met which one of my demands is my Discord Server must reach 1K members before 2024. But that's only one example or one of the things I want. Help me out. If I write about XBK, then people would just have to read my blogs, articles, and everything else for more information, it is that simple, it's not rocket science, but people don't read half of what I write. Lopez said people won't know Oatmeal Lore. What he means is he might discontinue from spamming like Fish lies and fake news about me to anybody who visits my Discord Server. You never heard of an autobiography? The Fish Files is a scam. Socks is cool for destroying my Discord Server how many times? That's like saying oh, you only tried to kill me a few times but you're cool. I mean, Socks, stabbed in the gut with a knife a few times. 05:43 PM, I reacted to a message. Real 2.0 said I reacted. Then I withdrew. I removed my reaction. I clicked on a previously existing reaction. Then I unclicked it after about five seconds. 06:11 PM. Is Catnipchip the hottest woman in my Discord Server? Welcome to my Helen Keller Discord Server, you have to have a Short Bus Pass to ride this ride. Fish has no credibility because Fish refuses to find out who Karla Villa is, this is evidence Fish knows nothing about anything as everyone who knows me knows all about Karla, it is public information and super easy to find, Fish is the laziest troll ever. Nobody wants me to debunk the Fish Files and nobody is trying to meet my demands. Rylo is the hottest in my Discord Server. I told Rylo to watch out for my 400+ trolls who lie about me in my Discord Server. Rylo is amazing TikTok Star. 06:34 PM. My Discord Server is full of 400+ trolls, I'm planning to ignore them more and more and focus more so on cool people like Rylo. If you ban trolls, then they'll come back via sock puppet alt accounts, my advice is to just demote them, mute them, timeout them, put them in prison, remove their EMBED role, and ignore them. I'm generally against the idea of banning people from my Discord Server if there's no limit to how many members can join and if there can be better forms of punishment like putting trolls in prisons as to prevent them from returning via sock puppet alt accounts and black markets. 06:55 PM. If our Discord Server had a 10K members limit say for example and we had 9,999 members, if we're like getting thousands of new members each hour, or if there were other issues, then we should be banning trolls and trouble makers to make room for cool people and what not, I'm open. I didn't unban Saw yet. I haven't decided if I will or not. Saw might return via an alt perhaps. 07:05 PM. I don't want to say nobody should be banned from Discord Servers, there may be situations where some accounts should be removed, but I prefer not to at the moment if we can avoid it or minimize excessive banning of everybody, especially as I could easily ban my 400+ trolls. 07:08 PM. My Discord Server is full of 400+ trolls, many would return via alts if they were banned and many end up leaving on their own meaning I don't have to ban trolls when they end up banning themselves as many do end up getting bored with their scams. First, I'm still building my Discord Server meaning I'm tinkering/customizing with settings/permissions as opposed to punishing. Second, I prefer not necessarily banning everybody as what Saw did they all do in that many people are like Saw and if you ban Saw, then ban them all. 07:20 PM. Should I demote Rylo down to Overlord? I modified the highest role, Owners, to prevent the top 9 accounts from banning trolls because we'd likely go from 444 members to like 20. I ended up reverting the changes I made to the Owners role. My opinion is banning is dangerous.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


12:13 AM
FULL SPEECH: President Trump to Speak at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Waterloo, Iowa - 12/19/23

12:15 AM
Trump responding to the Colorado treason of stealing the 2024 election before it even begins by taking Trump off the ballots as Alex Jones puts it. Wait. Fake news. Trump didn't mention it.

The Couple Next Door 105-106

2023-12-19 - Wednesday - 03:21 AM - The Couple Next Door 105-106

Having dreams of the red head. Will Smith has no viable sperm, you not the father. Lady confronts the lame stalker. Episode 6 had the red head call the Irish man to the log cabin in the woods so she can seduce him again. But he brought his wife. Her dad shoots the other guy. Red head's husband comes too to say the Irish stole her from him. Yoga wife felt Irish man was not being honest but he did get his son to meet his half brother. Big showdown at the end. I was on the edge of my seat. Looks like the last episode of season 1 and probably the entire series. But she does go to jail with a twinkle in her eyes of still wanting him. Old lady leaves the peeping Tom man.

11:24 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 12/20/23 • DEMOCRAT PARTY DICTATORSHIP, News, Reports & Analysis

11:28 AM
2024 Election Was Stolen From Trump via Colorado.

11:46 AM

12:24 PM
Alex Jones, Roger Stone, discussing how Democrats stole the 2024 Election to stop Trump.

12:32 PM
On @RealAlexJones, @RogerJStoneJr predicts @MichelleObama and @GavinNewsom will be on the ticket against @realDonaldTrump in 2024.

04:27 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [4 of 4] Wednesday 12/20/23 • KIRK ELLIOT PHD - END OF FIAT MONEY, WHAT'S NEXT • Infowars

04:34 PM
Kirk Elliot @kirkelliottphd was on with @RealAlexJones to discuss what they do with helping people invest in things like gold which is critical as we are in an economic bubble, a recession bigger then The Great Depression of the 1930s. I like Bitcoin


Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:00 AM
Cobra Cast 199 - Colorado Supreme Court BANS President Trump from 2024 Ballot!

12:13 AM
FULL SPEECH: President Trump to Speak at Iowa Commit to Caucus Event in Waterloo, Iowa - 12/19/23

The Couple Next Door 105-106

2023-12-19 - Wednesday - 03:21 AM - The Couple Next Door 105-106

11:24 AM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 12/20/23 • DEMOCRAT PARTY DICTATORSHIP, News, Reports & Analysis

11:46 AM

12:57 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Wednesday 12/20/23 • KIRK ELLIOT PHD - DEBT BUBBLE & FIAT MONEY, WHAT'S NEXT

01:22 PM
ACLJ - Colorado Supreme Court Kicks Trump Off the Ballot — What’s Next?

01:43 PM
Trump Removed From Colorado Ballots & Epstein's Black Book w/ Emily Austin | PBD Podcast | Ep. 342

02:28 PM
Scott Adams - Episode 2328 CWSA 12/20/23 How About That Colorado Decision Barring Trump? That And Lots More

04:27 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [4 of 4] Wednesday 12/20/23 • KIRK ELLIOT PHD - END OF FIAT MONEY, WHAT'S NEXT • Infowars

05:19 PM
Timcast IRL - Primary TO BE CANCELED With Trump DISQUALIFIED, CA To Disqualify NEXT w/Michael Malice

10:08 PM
Lionel Nation - How I'd Successfully Argue Trump's Case Before SCOTUS

11:11 PM
Steven Crowder - Trump BANNED from Colorado Ballot in 2024!? Here's What It Actually Means...

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:11 AM. Mom said Larry found out he was exposed to radiation and that there is metal in his body when he was getting false teeth. Mom is looking up how to get metal out. Breakfast, 11:23 AM. Lunch, 01:10 PM. Dishes around 3, compost dirt, unloading food, recycling, mail, sidewalk sweep, food into RV, big freezer, front garage, smoke or fog outside, back here at 03:45 PM after number 2 dump. Dinner, 05:20 PM. Dishes at 8. Back here, 08:28 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, 4 tangerines, 11:23 AM. Lunch: yogurt, 01:10 PM. Rice with meat in a wide short plate-like bowl, 01:30 PM. Dinner: rice, green beans, 05:20 PM. Roast, 05:40 PM. Eating to like 8.

I created my Discord Server in 2019. If anything happens to me, if you don't hear from me in a long time. Maybe I was murdered/killed. Maybe I was robbed, attacked, imprisoned, destroyed, etc. I will NOT/did not/would never ever kill myself/commit suicide. Lot of fake news about me online. Online anonymous troll haters had police swat us/sent unpaid pizza to our house/spread fake nudes of me/tried taking out fake credit cards in my name/stole my social security number (SSN)/etc. I need to put out better content/articles/videos/websites/memes/etc debunking defamation thrown at me, you can find fake news about me on my Discord Server and type in secret code Fonnie Filden 414 to show me you read this/Let us know if you want to help us.

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