
My Cash App is $joeyarnoldvn and what is yours? Let's have a party before the dollar dies. Let's come up with backup plans and come together in local communities while we still can. Now is the time.

2021-02-08 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 125pics | Video

February of 2021

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2021-02-08 - Monday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-02-08 - Monday
Published in February of 2021

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By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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My Cash App is $joeyarnoldvn and what is yours? Let's have a party before the dollar dies. Let's come up with backup plans and come together in local communities while we still can. Now is the time.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

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How do you send money?

04:04 PM

What would be the best way to send HBD or the Hive coin from the Hive wallet or websites to a Bitcoin wallet or an crypto exchange? I did transfer some Steem from Steemit to Bittrex around 2017. Yesterday, I logged in and saw Bittrex disabled my account. Poloniex may have deleted an account I had on Poloniex. I've heard people had issues with Binance. I'm trying to figure out who to trust.

What is the best way to send HBD or the Hive coin from the Hive blockchain to crypto exchanges or Bitcoin wallets? There seems to be problems with Bittrex, Poloniex, and Binance. So, I'm seeking other websites, other ways. I just don't know who to trust for exchanging Hive for Bitcoin. My Bittrex and Poloniex accounts were suspended.

I have used Blocktrades and that is good. I've not seen any problem with that.

I sent money from my Hive Blog and then also Steemit to Probit and it worked.

Yes, I'm on blockchains.

To make money, you can buy low and then sell high.

The dollar is losing value due in inflation.

So, it is better to exchange the dollar for other things.

I had one wallet on a website and I think the website stole my money.

There are website wallets and app wallets on phones and computers.

There is a third kind of wallet which would be on an external device.

I used Electrum for Bitcoin and that is a good one.

There may be several different steps you have to go through in order to turn dollars into Bitcoin.

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

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Via the wallet on Hive Blog, money, specifically it was Hive Backed Dollars (HBD) was sent to the @probithive account at hive.blog/@probithive and you can see the transaction history. It was sent from my friend at @lisath and the memo included in the transaction was 52940273

How long until the money is sent to my account on Probit, that is this website, or did I skip a step in the process? I've been able to send money from Steemit, that is with Steem, to Bittrex, Poloniex, and Blocktrades. I've been able to send money before. But I am new to Probit. This is a new website for me. I don't know if I skipped a step. I can show you the memo was included. I can show you the link I included in this message. I know the money was sent to that Probit account on the Hive blockchain which was formally a part of Steemit before it merged with Tron and Overlord Justin Sun.

One problem might be that HBD was sent Probithive on Hive. On this website, it mentions the Hive coin but not HBD specifically. There are three Hive coins, HBD, HP, and there is Hive. So, this website specifically says Hive. I might have overlooked that aspect. I don't know if you can forgive me for that, assuming you don't send HBD and only send Hive coins.

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Pill of Abstract Stories

09:04 PM - Hive

Good ideas while walking. One idea is to talk about the dangerous of listening to stories too much or for too long. When I say stories, I mean of all forms, shapes and sizes, be it within books, movies, shows, campfire folklore, commercials, videos, audio, podcast, comics, memes, messages, comments, etc, etc, whether they be seen, read, heard, felt, experienced, etc, stories are like pills. They can be too compact, too isolated from the context of life and other things, too condensed, too concentrated like pills, too strong, too dangerous, too many side effects, too good, too bad, too much, too counterproductive, too misleading, the wrong thing at the wrong time, too soon, too late, not what you need at a given moment, not what you need at all. When swallowing pills, red pills, black pills, oatmeal pills, fun pills, hard pills to swallow, all kinds of pillows, I mean pills, story pills, remember they are pills. Be aware they are pills. Do you want to only take pills or do you want the real thing? A pill is good as a review, a recap, a summary, a look back, maybe a look forward kind of thing, but not so much a as you go through life possibly. It depends but ask yourself each time if you want to swallow a particular story pill or not. I had a funny moment while thinking about this. This may not be a red pill, a black pill, an oatmeal pill, or even a good pill. This might be bad advice. What am I saying, this is good advice. What am I saying, I'm Michael Jordan, I cam do anything, flying through the sky. Cue the moment I said this 25 years ago in February of 1996 in my first video with my brother in Oregon. A quarter century ago. Time to make more Arnold Attic Films.



James Red Pills America


Truth Videos 1984


X22 Report


Went to bed around like 5 AM or I don't know. Maybe before 5 AM. Dear diary, got up at 12:00 PM apx. Dishes around 2 PM. Mail. Recycling. Compost. Made a squirrel feeder, that is a few pieces of wood to create a roof over the tray of food. Walking is good. I walk by the high school toward 6 PM. Football practice. Are the coaches wearing masks? I look around to see who is and is not wearing masks in cars, walking by, in stores. People should not wear masks. Hello. Sit down. Invitation. Learning to drive I should. SUrprise. Spray stuff on. Cold outside a little. Marco Polo twice. Joe Cool is a camel. Make a lay up or lay low and sing la la. That means two times. Pillow hit not a fox. Not the book of James in the Bible. Jaimee Fox is a famous man. Tie up Batman. I mean Bruce Wayne. Listen to Jesus Freak. Videos. Fun. Phones got cameras. Pop them out. Life can be short he said. FOcus on eternal things. Hope for that. Prepare for that. I say time can stand still. And should too. Hello there. Talk about money, ATMs. Cold out but good exercise today. No rain. Feeling alive. Things in life can be temporary. Checked my bank as I was walking home. Still 746. I put in the stimulus card and was charged a fee. So, now I owe the government money on the free money it gave me. Home around 08:45 PM. Good ideas while walking. One idea is to talk about the dangerous of listening to stories too much or for too long. When I say stories, I mean of all forms, shapes and sizes, be it within books, movies, shows, campfire folklore, commercials, videos, audio, podcast, comics, memes, messages, comments, etc, etc, whether they be seen, read, heard, felt, experienced, etc, stories are like pills. They can be too compact, too isolated from the context of life and other things, too condensed, too concentrated like pills, too strong, too dangerous, too many side effects, too good, too bad, too much, too counterproductive, too misleading, the wrong thing at the wrong time, too soon, too late, not what you need at a given moment, not what you need at all. When swallowing pills, red pills, black pills, oatmeal pills, fun pills, hard pills to swallow, all kinds of pillows, I mean pills, story pills, remember they are pills. Be aware they are pills. Do you want to only take pills or do you want the real thing? A pill is good as a review, a recap, a summary, a look back, maybe a look forward kind of thing, but not so much a as you go through life possibly. It depends but ask yourself each time if you want to swallow a particular story pill or not. I had a funny moment while thinking about this. This may not be a red pill, a black pill, an oatmeal pill, or even a good pill. This might be bad advice. What am I saying, this is good advice. What am I saying, I'm Michael Jordan, I cam do anything, flying through the sky. Cue the moment I said this 25 years ago in February of 1996 in my first video with my brother in Oregon. A quarter century ago. Time to make more Arnold Attic Films.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: orange. Big orange bowl of oatmeal, 12:12 PM.
Lunch: soup, rice, around 3 to 4 PM.
Dinner: bacon or something in something. Fruit mix. Candy stuff. Like brownie popsicle. I mean lollipop. Not really but kind of. Black and then lay la la strawberry deep voice not os much thank you no problem. Something else that I forget or don't know. Around 06:15 PM. More orange which I had in the afternoon around 08:45 PM.

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