
Bill Gates says Covid2 is coming and it will be much worse. They're testing us before they bring in the real depopulation bio-weapon. Now, a Trump rally in North Carolina. But people are wearing masks there at the rally which is terrible. Take off your masks, people. Joy Villa.

Does that mean you love welfare?

I like to have a house that is mine. I don't want you to come into my house uninvited and say private property is a social construct. I want to have a wall and lock my door. I believe in the freedom of doing whatever the Hell I want in my house or on my alleged land. I don't want you to put up a tent in my yard and say you can do whatever want on my alleged property. I don't want you to come into my house and eat all of my food.

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2020-09-08 - Tuesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-09-08 - Tuesday
Published in September of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-09-08 18:32:55 Newsweek Published How Hillary Clinton Won in 2016.png
2016 - Newsweek published this before the election results and didn't have anything ready for if Trump ended up winning.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Category | Community | Directory | Timeline | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey

When a Boy Becomes a Man

09:25 PM - YouTube Video


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


Learn English You Can Eat


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#IJustDontBelieve CDC who said 96% of Covid Deaths are not Covid Deaths.
Bill Gates who said COVID2 is coming in 2021, the big one, a big bio-weapon. No way. Bill Gates is wrong. I do NOT NOT NOT NOT believe him.


Information You Can Gobble

Give Government Our Guns?

12:02 PM - Hive

You want government to have all the guns? You trust the government that much? You want government to get bigger? How do you keep government accountable if you have leverage?

Winter Hell Plan

01:22 PM - Twitter

The plan is to attempt to do what they're doing in Australia right now in September of 2020 in the United States in December as we approach our winter season. The good news is that police can't enforce masks if enough people simply said no.

Can yo know what you know?

06:01 PM - Hive

I wonder if there is a level 3 or beyond. Oh, maybe I'm getting too meta here lol.

Does that mean you love welfare?

07:19 PM - Hive

I like to have a house that is mine. I don't want you to come into my house uninvited and say private property is a social construct. I want to have a wall and lock my door. I believe in the freedom of doing whatever the Hell I want in my house or on my alleged land. I don't want you to put up a tent in my yard and say you can do whatever want on my alleged property. I don't want you to come into my house and eat all of my food.

Joe is a little Chinese watch dog. No, weenie dog.

Joy Villa Trump MAGA Shoutout

09:07 PM - Twitter

The dress makes the woman or in your case, the woman makes the dress, beautiful, MAGA, exactly how we like it.
I love it. I love Florida but have never been to it. But my grandma was born there.
Hollywood be like let's make China great again.
Oh, Zucker, what did you say?


You Are What You Eat

Bill Gates is our savior?

12:04 PM - Hive

Do you love Bill Gates and his vaccine that much? Why were they mass producing test kits for Covid in 2017 in many different countries?

Only Kids at School Not Wearing Masks?

02:57 PM - Hive

Your kids can be the leaders and other kids can eventually follow them because leadership is contagious.


I Believe

12:00 PM - Hive

I believe in rights and I believe in free markets. I do not believe in equality. I believe that you should have the freedom to do what you want to do. I do not want to put you in jail.

I am C3PO. He would give out the statistics.

Supply and demand means people are in control if they want to be in regards to airlines, airplanes, airports, or anything really.

One example is this NY Post headline posted yesterday: "More than 700 airline passengers banned in US for refusing to wear masks."

Specifically, DeAnna Lorraine @DeAnna4Congress shot a video when she was on an airplane wearing a Trump mask. The mask slipped off while she was sleeping on the plane. I saw the video of the flight attendant talking to her.


They say this in fencing when an opponent gets you and the idiom is like that when a person has a cleaver counter-point or comeback remark.

Equality is Dangerous?

05:56 PM - Hive

Justice should be objective and universal from God Himself, from his ruling. Without God, things can become too relative and subjective. The term of equality has been co-op and weaponized by the radical left to mean communism which is what I'm really against. They're always changing the definition to words. If you want a big house, you got to work hard to get it. But some have a lot and some have a little. Equality of opportunities can be good but welfare has damaged African Americans in the USA in the 1900's to ruin the roaring not 1920's but the roaring 1890's.

How bad is the media?

06:08 PM - Hive

Media started going down hill in the 1900's according to the book called The Killing of Uncle Sam. You can follow the money and follow certain things that happened, some of it by the Rockefeller dynasty in America and also others too, globally speaking on top of that.

The things these governors are doing. If only more people would see Australia Tyranny coming.
Don't wear a mask September 15, 2020. They cannot stop all of us.
A nightmare hippy show in the making.
That Sarcastic Ginger🌺
Hopefully never with a smile like that.
Tomi Lahren is the blond next door with the fire of a red head. Words of wisdom coming on out.


The 100

2020-09-08 - Tuesday - 01:52 AM - 02:33 AM - The 100 310

Lincoln was killed.

The AI controls the people who ingest the AI minus Raven who fought the high until she was introduced to all of her lows.

2020-09-08 - Tuesday - 02:34 AM - 03:21 AM - The 100 311


Do EMPs affect the body?

Red Guy

11:51 AM - Alex Jones Labor Day Special - September 7, 2020

Insulin resistence can help?

Covid problem?

Inflammation is a factor which can hurt people.

Bill Gates says Covid2 is coming and it will be much worse. They're testing us before they bring in the real depopulation bio-weapon.

Trump said TAKE VACCINES and Trump said VACCINES ARE GOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

What Trump says is WRONG...... Trump says VACCINES IS JESUS
TRUMP SAYS 5G NO give us humans CANCER... TRUMP is RETARDED. I don't believe anything Trump says.

How do you get people to wear masks?

It only works if people think they have to do it. There are enough police officers to enforce it.

Red Guy

12:58 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - September 8, 2020

Diamond & Silk

04:14 PM - Watch LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds Campaign Event in Winston-Salem, NC 9-8-20

Instead of Where is Waldo, let's play Where is Joy Villa in this screenshot of mine from RSBN.

Adds 2 things to Covid Deaths to create PIC

PIC as in Pikatchu Pokemon, gotta catch them all. CDC also said that 94% of the almost totally fake alleged Covid Deaths are NOT Covid Deaths. That's on top of this and other things too they do to inflate the numbers.

General Shepherd

06:31 PM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 09/08)20 RE-UPLOADED Full Show

Newsweek Published How Hillary Clinton Won in 2016

BLM are the Spawn of Satan
Indeed a scamdemic unlike anything the world has ever seen before.
Ever heard of Reverse Psychology lol?


The 100

2020-09-08 - Tuesday - 01:52 AM - 02:33 AM - The 100 310
2020-09-08 - Tuesday - 02:34 AM - 03:21 AM - The 100 311

Red Guy

11:51 AM - Alex Jones Labor Day Special - September 7, 2020

Red Guy

12:58 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - September 8, 2020

Project Veritas

03:01 PM - NH Attorney General Gordon MacDonald Announces FOUR Reforms In His Office

Diamond & Silk

04:14 PM - Watch LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds Campaign Event in Winston-Salem, NC 9-8-20

General Shepherd

06:31 PM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 09/08)20 RE-UPLOADED Full Show

Kerry Pickett

Living Jesus

With oatmeal in my bowl
Is Jesus in your soul


With oatmeal in my bowl
Is Jesus in your soul


10:45 AM - Cereal. Later on, coffee. Now, 11:48 AM. I'm not going on errands. Stores. Was looking at this book of ours, What Every 6th Grader Needs to KNow. Looking at thhe I Have a Dream speech by Martin Lether King Jr. Also, did you know there was a song written in honor of Abraham Lincoln in 1900 which became the national anthem for African Americans?

11:55 AM - Hive is down for me. But then it started working 2 minutes later. Turkey meat sandwich around like three. A nap after that until 04:10 PM. Now, a Trump rally in North Carolina. But people are wearing masks there at the rally which is terrible. Take off your masks, people.

05:40 PM - Was reading through What Every 6th Grader Needs to Know and ran into a variety of subjects in the book that I find interesting. A bit on math, geography, literature, history, slavery, art, etc. Dinner at 07:30 PM - Rice, meat balls, salad. It was good.

When a Boy Becomes a Man:

elsa xx from frozen  2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon JSA OJawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook Twitter Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats asian cake Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg
Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold?

Each State Perfectly Portrayed By One Photograph

Not really a reboot if it is changed too much. Most likely, this would echo the success of Ghostbusters 2016.

Julian Assange is a patriot fighting in this information war.

I heard that too and knew it was you. Aint nobody can do it like that.

This is why we love the Bible Belt.

America First. Taught English in Vietnam. I do a variety of things on my Hive Blog. I'm from Oregon.

Gotta call up Wall-E and see how much AIDS and COVID he is getting in dee future. Ironically, it didn't scare Eve away. Must of been a miracle. Can't wait for Wall-E 2. Escape from COVID Planet.

Facebook Censorship

Kimberly Klacik @kimKBaltimore

Look up eye of the tiger in the dictionary and you will see this face: Candace Owens.

The new hot spot, gun shops over bars.

Drug maker AstraZeneca pauses COVID-19 vaccine trials for ‘routine’ checks due to ‘potentially unexplained illness’ during tests

In #Australia a reporter who received a license the #Government to attend and co ...

Reporter arrested in Melbourne, and Piers Corbyn makes a statement...

Virus not Concluded to be Deadly - Says Bulgarian Pathology Association President

Living The Lie

Facebook/Instagram Really Wants Me To Vote By Mail

Knowledge and Epistemology

Freedom First Network

If they were to ever make a Conservative James Bond film, they would cast you as a Bond woman.

Kickass Conservative!

Masks violate the 4th amendment.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: My new film “Trump Card” will be available on demand October 9. Also on DVD.

Spotify deleted all the Alex Jones appearances — and other guests too — from Joe Rogan’s podcast archives.

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