No. 1 Tv show in the 90s

Back when we were growing up in the family house in, there were TV shows we never missed, thought of missing, or even talked about missing. These were the ones we didn't need to go to the cinema to watch; we watched them at home with everyone seated on the floor and couches in the parlor, glued to the TV screen. During those moments, one couldn't laugh or talk randomly because laughing or talking at a sensitive point would mean missing the gist, and TV shows weren't something we could replay to watch again.


Back then, there were no phones, so we couldn't access the social media pages of those movie companies to follow their trends or even go to YouTube to watch a missed episode. Once missed, it was forever missed.

Whenever an episode ended, we would usually see a teaser for "next week on..." with striking trailers of what was to come.

Oh, those days were gold!

No doubt, it's better these days with the common availability of gadgets to watch trailers and catch up on missed episodes, but the truth is, it was more fun back then than what we have today. Those days, the whole family would assemble in the parlor to watch, and if by any chance the power went out, you needed to see how we would run helter-skelter to turn on the generator to get back on track.


Without further ado, let me share with you my most loved TV shows:

Papa Ajasco

This TV show from the 90s had a special vibe every week. It was a very comedic show consisting of a particular family: Papa Ajasco, Mama Ajasco, Ajasco, Pa James, Boy Alinko, and Miss Pepeiye. Each episode came with a humorous plot, and it was always amazing to watch.

While writing about this, I decided to delve deeper, so I walked over to YouTube to search for the ear-tickling soundtrack that always knows how to awaken memories. I found it, played it, and found myself transported back to the days when we used to enjoy every scene of this show. The soundtrack, even today when played to someone born in those days, will surely elicit a high five.

The main characters of this show were born to be hilarious because they just knew how to make things work and spice up the show. The one I loved most that always cracked me up was Pa James. He spoke Pidgin English, and all his scenes were filled with loads of laughter.

The TV show is still active, but it's no longer as interesting as it used to be back then. The main character, the father of the house, Papa Ajasco, passed away, and a lookalike was used to replace him. However, two years ago, the replacement also died. I don't know how they're coping with the void now.

It's a TV show owned by Wale Adenuga Productions, and they have a common slogan: "We are nothing but a pencil in the hand of the creator"


This is my entry to the Aprilinleo prompt, Day 13
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