
Maze comics. Telegram. Speaking of both, it's not like people ever fight over the abundance of water which is not scarce and yet is scarce, am I right? I'm being sarcastic and on top of that, companies make billions of dollars selling bottled water. I would not be surprised if they were not also selling bottled air as well.


Some may argue and say the Rothschild family dynasty is no longer the richest empire in the world. But they certainly have been in the 1800's. After that, we saw the rise of Rockefeller for example and the list goes on and on.

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2020-08-22 - Saturday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-08-22 - Saturday
Published in August of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-08-22 22:52:28.png
The Boys

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Categories | Communities | Directories | Timelines | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

The Best of Gavin

02:08 AM - Gavin on Millie Weaver

Fiat is like an Arcade

11:02 AM

Fiat is like a monopoly, like one arcade.

What would you rather have, centralization or decentralization?

Rothschild did nothing wrong?

The problems with fiat and with connected issues are multifaceted and multilayered.

The problems with centralized fake money is interconnected with a series of things that leads down a path gradually over time. It has been manipulated and guided by dark forces.

David Tyrrell, your arcade token analogy on fiat money is really cute, so cute, hypothetically and theoretically understandable to an extent perhaps, but incomplete, a little inaccurate, and again, really really really really incomplete.

Shadow Gate Review

01:53 PM - Facebook

Gregg Huestis, I watched Kaitlin's video and then I watched through the documentary, Shadow Gate. It mentions Roger for a few minutes or less. Very brief. I didn't hear that one man talk about Roger. I heard the chick with the glasses saying that Roger Stone was loyal to Trump. She said Roger is neither a saint nor a devil. She said he does his job very well. The documentary itself is one thing. However, I can understand, as Kaitlin Bennett pointed out, details regarding the woman in the glasses and that other man. I can study their body language. So, outside of the documentary itself, these two individuals may be misguided or working for the wrong people or perhaps a number of things. The documentary itself doesn't seem to be too deceptive minus perhaps ten to twenty percent of it maybe. The documentary might be a little too Qanon like in the sense of not motivating people to get involved like Plandemic 2 did which had a great ending. I agree with Kaitlin regarding trying to encourage Millie back. I hope that these people didn't hold her kids hostage. It is very possible that they blackmailed Millie or something.

Gregg Huestis, and Alex Jones would get setup too which I see as just an observation and not an attack on Roger or Alex to say people setup and try to take down and destroy patriots like Roger and Alex.

Covid vs 6th Amendment

02:10 PM - Hive Blog

Still better than holding every human on the planet forever. Bill Gates, the United Nations, and others have said the lockdown will never end.

Ice Train World

02:11 PM - Hive

Reminds me of a show where they are on a train and the whole world is freezing.

Forgot to Mention PRISM

02:58 PM - Hive

After watching what Kaitlin Bennett had to say, I rewatched Shadowgate. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but I think the documentary talks about PRISM but refers to it by some other names I think. I can't say there are not other NSA secret programs that are connected or other things. So, I don't want to say there are not bits and pieces of truth regarding that. But if they didn't mention Snowden or PRISM, than that is too bad. They could have at least mentioned any of those two things. They could have mentioned Infowars, Project Veritas, or even WIkileaks. The documentary covers bits and pieces of things that other people have already covered. I am still studying this story. I feel that Kaitlin may be right regarding what she was saying in her video.

Comic Mazes

Here are some mazes I made. This was the most recent one I made today.

IMG_20200822_162241 MAZE.jpg

The previous one I made today. Should I share some of the close-ups as well so you can actually read these comic mazes?

IMG_20200822_133640 Maze Comic 1.jpg

Here is one maze I made on Friday, that is yesterday, the 21st of August of 2020.

IMG_20200821_220137 MAZE CROPPED.jpg

These are the only three mazes I've made in August of 2020. I started making mazes as a kid. I remember making mazes at the age of eight (1993). So, I've been making mazes ever since then, if not longer than that. My neighbors, I mean best friends when I was eight, made video game like mazes which involved making choices. Well, at least one of the two boys was drawing them out and explaining it all to me. So, that would inspire me to draw my own.

My Drawings

Scarity of Water & Air?

06:51 PM - Minds

Speaking of both, it's not like people ever fight over the abundance of water which is not scarce and yet is scarce, am I right? I'm being sarcastic and on top of that, companies make billions of dollars selling bottled water. I would not be surprised if they were not also selling bottled air as well.

Imagine being in only one arcade. Now imagine that the arcade is actually a casino. Now imagine the staff rigging all of the games. Now imagine them making a lot of money while you continue to lose and lose and lose some more.

The name of the casino is Rothschild Forever.

Imagine what happened with the Bank of England in 1695.

What does the Federal Reserve do?

What do the central bankers do?

Bitcoin attempts to be a second arcade.

Gold has been a primary arcade for thousands of years in some ways.

What happens when hyper-inflation hits Venezuela or other countries?

Long ago, many banks issued bank notes, which was their own version of paper fiat money, meaning that paper money was a bit more decentralized at least in theory due to that and due to their attempts at trying to remain on the gold standard as much as possible.

Are you talking about the 1930's?

Are you referring to the restrictions which rose in the 1930's?

Did the gold standard cause the Roman Empire to fall many years ago?

The Roman Empire fell because they went away from the gold standard.

Venezuela went away from the gold standard.

In the 1930's, America was becoming more and more fascist.

In the 1930's, gold was even banned.

Many countries tend to borrow.

Venezuela has a lot of natural resources, like oil, like you said.

England wants borders. I want a big wall around my house.

I prefer independence.

I prefer robot body guards.

The EU was unelected.

You can find Rothschild banks all over the world.



There are only like three countries left.

You have these people who try to take over the world.

Some may argue and say the Rothschild family dynasty is no longer the richest empire in the world. But they certainly have been in the 1800's. After that, we saw the rise of Rockefeller for example and the list goes on and on.

But that affects you.

That is why people work so hard on cryptocurrencies.

China has ghost cities.

China has suicide nets at the factories.

China harvests organs while the victims are alive.

Wuhan was funded by the U.S. government.

It happens in America but not as aggressively.

When I got a new Washington State I.D., I made sure not to have a donor sticker on it because when you get in an accident and you are unconscious, you would be surprised to find out what happens sometimes.

ahahahahahah and why not just unplug grandpa against his wishes, ahahahahahhahaha

lets just put covid patients to sleep like we do with dogs ahahahahhahaahahhaaaaaaaa

In the U.S, they may wait until the person dies or they may sometimes not save a person or let a person die or sometimes somehow help the person die so they can take organs or they make take the organs before the person dies in some cases.

Don't get me started with what they do with babies.

6th Amendment Value

10:20 PM - Facebook

Marilyn Mitchell, the 6th amendment has no value to you?

Eliminate Poverty?

I am not interested in eliminating poverty. I'm simply dedicated to trying to help people make the best choices they can in life.

Geeks + Gamers

10:28 PM - Kathleen Kennedy Lied To George Lucas About Star Wars

I don't doubt that at all and it doesn't surprise me.

Making Better Choices

10:32 PM - Hive

Before we get people to help other people, we could at least get people to help themselves which they are not doing enough of. That is too bad. So, I try my best to help encourage people towards making better choices.

Privacy Rights

10:33 PM - Hive

Exactly. That is another thing on top of many things. I would connect HIPA to the 4th amendment.

James Jani

10:46 PM - The Untold Truth About Money: How to Build Wealth From Nothing

My favorite word from that video is scalability.


10:57 PM - The Boys - Official Trailer | Prime Video

The Boys


The Best of Gavin

02:08 AM - Gavin on Millie Weaver

Geeks + Gamers

10:28 PM - Kathleen Kennedy Lied To George Lucas About Star Wars

James Jani

10:46 PM - The Untold Truth About Money: How to Build Wealth From Nothing


10:57 PM - The Boys - Official Trailer | Prime Video

Geeks + Gamers

11:05 PM - Tom Hanks Hiding In Greece | Hollywood Is Breaking Down


11:15 PM - Celebrities FLEEING Hollywood in Droves! Tom Hanks and Co. Escape From LA

The Amazing Lucas

11:50 PM - Ryse: Son of Rome/ Fall Guys

Library TV

I picked 0.001 LBC. I had 0.16 LBC. Now, the video appeared to have been uploaded. It is waiting to be confirmed. But I now have 0.09 LBC. It looks like 0.05 LBC is how much it cost. I typed in the lowest number it allowed me to type. I added a bunch of zeros. It said it was too small. I kept on deleting zeros until I got to 0.001 LBC. But 0.05 LBC might actually be the minimum. At least, that is what I was charged as far as I can tell, even after picking a smaller number than that. If that is the minimum, then it shouldn't let me type in a smaller number like it did.

Can I confirm my former LBRY channel? I created a new account because I wasn't sure if I had one already or if it would move over from the former domain name that LBRY had before. I confirmed my new account today and was able to upload a video. I may try going back to my old account.

Network fee is at 0.05 LBC and video fee minimum is 0.01 LBC and that is why I paid 0.06 LBC on library tv.

07:30 PM dinner was really good, beans, chicken, taco wrap, rice, corn, salad, etc. Really good.

Back digging a mote at 8 PM to like 09:30 PM. Water. Don't run around after eating a lot. The more important question is what will you do next time.

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