
An older woman called in and talked about how they murdered her father to steal his estate and it is all about the money and they have been stealing money and things and land and property and houses and cars and more from people for decades in a variety of ways and especially in the United States and especially in the 1900's and to this day.

Windows vs Xerox

Did Bill Gates steal the Xerox engine to turn it into Windows? Did Steve Jobs of Apple reference stealing the stereo on top of that?

True Evil

True evil is intellectualism to the elevation of the garden of Eden, that is of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from a perspective and ultimate intent of Luciferianism. The government is my mommy. I ask the government, "Can I go outside and play?"

1990's Videos


01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12


2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029


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2020-05-27 - Wednesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-05-27 - Wednesday | Published in May of 2020

2007-12 - GYJO Starring Oatmeal Screenshot at 2020-05-27 14:08:14.png

December of 2007 in Hawaii

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Published in May of 2020 | Categories | Communities | Directory | English | Health | Highlights | History | Timeline

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

1990's Videos

01:18 AM - Hive Post

Thumb Wars - Wallpaper u2BCdYTQQvCoAVk8a0a8B53OTrS.jpg
Thumb Wars

Here is an outline of some of our home videos from the 1990's. As a family, with the help of VCRs, we started recording shows, movies, etc, at least by the 1980's. We would continue recording random things off the TV into the 2000's.


02:09 AM - Hive Blog

But to make you feel better, when I rode a horse when I was three, I had help lol. When you were eight, did you have help while riding the horse, was somebody walking the horse?

Social Credit Score

02:26 PM - Facebook

The blocking, the censorship, etc, could be automatic, manual, or a little bit of both. It kind of depends on a few things. I think some things like that happened to me and I have heard other people talk about stuff like that too. It depends but yeah, oh buddy oh my. Part of the problem could have something to do with facial recognition as Facebook scans faces and has a database of as many people as they can get including people who may not even be on Facebook. Basically, it is like a social credit score thing which you might find in that one big country that rhymes with Tina but starts with cheese.

Facebook Groups & Pages

Akari could create a fan page if she hasn't and that page could join this group. In my experience, I feel like pages may get censored and blocked less than accounts do. I cannot say that for sure. I cannot promise you that would work totally but you guys could make pages and experiment. You can also have different admins for the pages like you have admins for groups on Facebook. It's good to have different admins because when Facebook bans an admin, then the other admin still has control over groups and pages. Then you can make new accounts and the admins can turn the new accounts into admins. And you guys have done that already and that is good. You've done that here with this group and you can do that with Facebook pages too.

Facebook Scanners

I have tagged dozens of my Facebook accounts many times and have used the same IP address and phone number for those same accounts and have not lost some of those accounts. So, I don't want to say they cannot link accounts. But I guess it depends on a few things. If they wanted to target her, I guess they could. But I don't think Facebook tries to ban people like you guys. Yeah, I could be wrong about that. It does seem like Facebook scans photos and flags what it thinks might be nudity, violence, etc. And it has a list of whatever they want to ban. And the scanners can be wrong. And that might be what is happening. But I don't really know what is happening. Maybe some people are jealous and are trying to flag photos. And it could be many different things happening at the same time.


2020-05-26 - Tuesday - 02:52 AM - 03:42 AM - Vikings 505

Rats. God works in mysterious ways. They come out of the sewers like turtles to fight the Saxons like cleaver Vikings. Arab world. Sand. Different world. They get high. Women. Shemale too. Surface level. Floki returns. Talk about who is god and are the demons. The cripple who now kind of walks says he has seen Odin. Iva the boneless said he saw Odin. But how do you know that? And the other guy talked about Allah. And the third group talks about Jesus. Beheadings. Are these arabs eating people?

2020-05-26 - Tuesday - 03:43 AM - 03:32 AM - Vikings 506

The grandson pledges to his dead grandfather that he will become king of all of England and not just of the divided kingdoms of that island or die trying. Scarlett Johansson Aggy lets Floki and his true believers of Odin sail off to the land of the gods. They rape the queen. Arthur goes to fight with the heathens.



10:55 AM - 🔴 🚀 SpaceX LIVE Demo-2 Launch - All Day Coverage From NASA TV

Trumpster Bob

11:00 AM - Joe Rogan Fake, Conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones Replacement or the Real Deal

I wrote that I love Alex Jones in the live stream and then Trumpster Bob started mocking me ans swearing. He seems to hate Alex Jones. He was just going off on and on about how terrible Alex is and Alex is revealing how bad the gloablists are decades before they did or do what they do. I wrote that Bill Gates love you.

American Countdown

11:04 AM - Can Masks, Tracking & Tracing Take Your Job, Remove You From Your Home, And Take Your Kids FULL SHOW 5-26-2020

Viruses are smaller than the air holes on masks.

Telnet vs Internet

Telnet was more mechanical and privacy was limited by the operators who would literally plug in and out lines manually as opposed to how many things now are physically always on and always connected as a two way window or mirror. THe Internet is more like spyware to an extent when compared to telnet for example.

Illegal Facebook

11:22 AM - Facebook

The problem is that Facebook don't really have rules and they don't really tell you what the rules are and their rules contradict their other rules. Plus, it violates the 4th amendment of the American constitution which means Facebook is illegal. There is a debate between whether Facebook might be a Publisher or a Platform. Facebook acts like Publisher but they operate as a business, legally or illegally, pretending to be a Platform. But Facebook is a Publisher and not a Platform and yet they got government money and liability protection as a Platform. Yeah, we call it a swamp. Yeah, politicians, corporations, doing bad stuff, yeah. Maybe Akari could hide her photos from the public on her Facebook account and only let friends see the pictures and everybody in this private group. Part of the problem might be some people flagging pictures. But yeah I know, that might not be the only problem.

Facebook is a utility like phone companies and yet violate that.

Not Immune But Aware

I like what you are saying, "Not Immune" but aware, exactly, and that is a secret to life, that kind of philosophy.

Windows vs Xerox

Did Bill Gates steal the Xerox engine to turn it into Windows? Did Steve Jobs of Apple reference stealing the stereo on top of that?

Truth Seeker 1776

01:14 AM - War Room 5/27/20 Full Show

Suicide hotline phone calls increased 600 percent in 2020.

My son is Needa Condom. I yell at a mall when I lose him, Needa Condom. Imagine if my son was Allah Akbar.

Video - 2000's

02:13 PM - Hive Post

2007-12-15 - Saturday - Get Your Joy On GYJO - Finished - Screenshot at 2020-05-27 14:09:17.png
Get Your Joy On

Highlights include, in 2001, Gangster Run and Cat's Life, in 2002, Phenomenon, in 2007, Get Your Joy On, and in 2009, I appeared on WANTED: Adventure Host and iJustine.


2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009


1980's | 1990's | 2000's | 2010's | 2020's | 2030's

I Want It

Gangster Run

Cat's Life


Get Your Joy On

WANTED: Adventure Host




What is the big deal about the Covid Scam? Is that the UN is running it or is that they are using this to take down Trump?

Video - 2010's

03:17 PM - Hive Post

2011-02 - Metal Gear Joey - Joey, Snake Matt - What are you doing - Choking Attempt - Screenshot at 2020-05-27 15:02:26.png
Metal Gear Joey

My favorite video of the 2010's might be Metal Gear Joey. Outside of that, I made Arnold Attic Teaser Trailers, random videos in Vietnam, etc.


2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019

Chop Chop

Ron Gibson


Thor Skywalker

03:52 PM - Why would Luke want to make sure his vision actually happen in the first place?

Why would Luke want to make sure his vision actually happen in the first place? Was the plan just to get Leia to be in a slave outfit? Maybe. Because Luke still loved Leia and wanted to save her again and didn't know she was his sister. If so well guarded, how did Luke get into the palace in the first place?


04:00 PM - 06:15 PM

Agenda Free TV

06:26 PM - Minneapolis Protests - LIVE NEWS COVERAGE

Baked Blunts

06:29 PM - Trump Vows to “Shut Down” Big Tech Censors - The Alex Jones Show (5/27/20)

An older woman called in and talked about how they murdered her father to steal his estate and it is all about the money and they have been stealing money and things and land and property and houses and cars and more from people for decades in a variety of ways and especially in the United States and especially in the 1900's and to this day. They're killing baby boomers.

07:40 PM - Dishes


07:55 PM - Soup on macroni and cheeses.

Alex Jones


True Evil

True evil is intellectualism to the elevation of the garden of Eden, that is of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from a perspective and ultimate intent of Luciferianism.

When did Contact Tracing begin?

In 2020, globally, they were rolling out alleged Contact Tracing to combat Covid-19, allegedly, but when did Contact Tracing begin? It did not begin in 2020. Instead, they've been spying on us for years and much more, violating the 4th amendment and beyond.



Ron Gibson

08:14 PM - AMERICAN COUNTDOWN • Wed - 5/27/20 • COVID-19 A Bioweapon? Central Banks More Power Using Pandemic?

Peter Morley is fake news.

David Leavitt is fake news as he cries about Trump on Twitter.

Twitter is breaking the law.

They did experiments to thousands to millions of Americans directly during world wars in the 1900's and they were exposed and contaminated many millions of Americans and potentially globally to the world indirectly as well.


09:17 PM - Hive Post

Did you know that Animals Are Dying? I love Music. I like to sing, dance, write songs, play guitar, piano, make music videos, etc. The purpose of this post is to highlight some of my songs, lyrics, soundtracks, audio, video, articles, outlines, etc, and anything relating to music.


I say one step at a time. You could experiment. Try different things. Day by day. Little by little. Step by step. Keep it simple. Take notes. Have fun. I didn't know you had two hearts. I am good, Joey, thanks for asking. Yes Yes, two beautiful, well-rounded, caring personalities. Haha, that is the kind of personality I like, naturally rounded personalities, I love it. Viruses can go through the air holes in masks because viruses are very small. Vidal Herrera, healthy people are not supposed to wear masks. Hello Chicago. I try to stay protected, I have a sock. I'm big fan of Jason of Friday the 13th.


10:30 PM - Minds

The United Nations said the lock-down will never end. Well, long story short, they are trying to make sure it continues at least to 2022 and they will be trying to put states and cities back into lock-downs this fall and each year with new viruses, new pandemics, each year. Millions of people are dying in 2020 because of the lock-down and not because of the viruses, and part of it is because people are starving to death, also suicide is up at least 400% in some places, and there are other long-term effects on top of that, long story, and Facebook censors people who talk about some of this and Facebook and others try very hard to make sure you do not know what is happening. I tried to tell Akari Hoshino and she said she was pissed and she wanted to stop talking about this. Millions of people are dying because we stay at home and she wants to continue to help murder people. That is too bad. I will tell you what is happening. If you don't try to stop evil, then you are evil. You are a murderer. I say that to me. I say that to you. We can do more. We always can do more. Be aware of what is happening and spread the word before it is too late. 50 Shades of grey, not sure how gentle I can be but I'll try. I'm sorry. I know girls just wanna have fun. So, I'll try not to be Jason of the Friday the 13th world. If Jack Sparrow and a zombie had a baby, the baby would be Beetle Juice. Vidal Herrera, I choose Kanye West. i love John Wayne and I love Clint Eastwood, real men. Grand Theft Auto. Hiroshi Izumi, Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer wants to have your babies. Hiroshi Izumi, If only Twilight had you, then Bella wouldn't have to fight over Jacob and Edward through a kabillion films which I only saw like the first one. Did you steal those boots from Britney Spears, oops I did it again?

The government is my mommy. I ask the government, "Can I go outside and play?"

Masks are making people sicker.

I typed in Masks on Facebook and Facebook gave me a CDC ad where it was trying to take me to another page full of fake news. I submit my Facebook post and I saw this ad appear above my post on my timeline. YouTube and Twitter does that too.

Not On Facebook

10:55 PM - I am not on Facebook. I have a blog. I write on a blog on Hive Blog. Tôi không ở trên Facebook. Tôi có một blog Tôi viết trên một blog trên Hive Blog.



2020-05-26 - Tuesday - 02:52 AM - 03:42 AM - Vikings 505
2020-05-26 - Tuesday - 03:43 AM - 03:32 AM - Vikings 506

10:50 AM - Michael Jordan on Jay Leno in 1996


10:55 AM - 🔴 🚀 SpaceX LIVE Demo-2 Launch - All Day Coverage From NASA TV

Trumpster Bob

11:00 AM - Joe Rogan Fake, Conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones Replacement or the Real Deal

American Countdown

11:04 AM - Can Masks, Tracking & Tracing Take Your Job, Remove You From Your Home, And Take Your Kids FULL SHOW 5-26-2020

Space X Launch Today

Truth Seeker 1776

01:14 PM - War Room 5/27/20 Full Show



Ron Gibson


Thor Skywalker

03:52 PM - Why would Luke want to make sure his vision actually happen in the first place?

Agenda Free TV

06:26 PM - Minneapolis Protests - LIVE NEWS COVERAGE

Baked Blunts

06:29 PM - Trump Vows to “Shut Down” Big Tech Censors - The Alex Jones Show (5/27/20)

Ron Gibson

08:14 PM - AMERICAN COUNTDOWN • Wed - 5/27/20 • COVID-19 A Bioweapon? Central Banks More Power Using Pandemic?

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