
Bill Clinton and Bill Gates are behind the Army of Tracers. Bill Gates has the vaccine ready right now and will probably release it by the fall of 2020. It is the Bill Gates Corona Virus and Vaccine. Bill Gates had a dad who ran Planned Parenthood? Did Bill Gates get a bunch of money from his dad? Did Bill steal the Microsoft operating system from other people? Is Bill trying to depopulate the planet?

Mass Suicide

Will many people be committing suicide as the globalists accelerate in taking over the world a thousands times worse than what the Nazi did? To be honest, many are killing themselves because of the 2020 shutdown globally. So, to be frank, people are losing hope. Why not give people hope before they die? Why not do what you can to reach out to people while you can and while they are still breathing?


A decision was made like 2,300 years ago in Greece to keep knowledge away from the general public in order to control them and everything. Christians began to break that and get the printing press to go wild and many things. After that, the control freaks came back to counter-strike that in the centuries to follow that.

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2020-04-30 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-04-30 - Thursday

Screenshot at 2020-04-29 22:00:21.png
War Room Show

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in April of 2020

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

PT Channel

12:00 AM - The Walking Dead & Fear The Walking Dead Huge News - Is This Really Happening?

The Rubin Report

12:11 AM - YouTube Now Censoring Doctors Who Question Govt? Dave Rubin Responds | MEDIA | Rubin Report

Joe Rogan

12:22 AM - 03:42 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1466 - Jessimae Peluso

Is Jess promoting globalism?

Fauci saw it coming. Fauci said in 2017 that Trump would meet a big pandemic during his administration.

Snitches get stitches. Wait, now, stitches get riches hahahaha.

Get off the Guinea Pig Wheel lol.

Stay at home like fat Wall-E people.

Facebook Groups

In Vietnam, when it is hot outside, I think cold coffee be pretty refreshing. When I would go to Anh Coffee, I sometimes ordered ca phe sua nom, hot coffee, and it would co duong, have sugar. And bad sugar can mess me up. Also, hot coffee can make me feel too hot if I am already hot. Tu La Đạo, I could make you an admin of a new Facebook group called Oatmeal Market. It has 28,000 members. toi an banh mi, oh, I miss my banh mi in my mouth

Admins, if you want to delete spam posts and comments, then have fun with that. You got the power AHHAHHAHAHHAHAAAA!!!!

This group only has one rule. Please add me. Please send me a friend request. That's it. Thank you.

Welcome to Oatmeal Market. Feel free to buy and sell in this Facebook group or get out of your own BEEPIN' house and find a real market ahaha.

ET Phone Home to Michael ahahhaaaa.

Dear admins, other admins may try to remove admins. If some admins go rogue and try to dump the oatmeal, admins should consider dumping the anti-oatmeal admins ahahhaahha. Because someday, or at any second, people may try to take over my groups while I am sleeping or on the OATMEAL GOLD TOILET OF GOLD ahahaahaha. So, l will be unable to save my groups. So, I invite people to be admins of some of my groups and I wish them the best to cultivate the land. Whatever you do admins, I at least prefer having a link somewhere in my groups that take people to my blog. Go do whatever you want admins, I guess. Go wild. Girls gone wild. Oatmeal gone wild. I am paying it forward. I decided to pass on whatever I can to other people. Consider this to be like charity so to speak. There is value in these groups, pages, accounts, etc. Feel free to copy and paste. Remember that censorship is big. That means many things are removed by Facebook, etc. That means you should always download. Always share to different websites. If something is important to you, have backups. Be smart. Be resourceful. Be ready. Have fun ahhahahaa.

Tu La Đạo anything you want, all of the above, or nothing at all, really. There is value in being an admin, even if you do nothing.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome, LEGO Master, Tu La Đạo.

Dear Oatmeal Facebook Admins

02:52 AM - Facebook

Tu La Đạo I invite many people to be admins to increase probability that stuff may happen. Also, Facebook terminates accounts. That is why some groups have no admins. That is how I found that group. Two of the admins were destroyed. Now, as an admin, you can invite new admins and you can remove admins. You got that power, if you are an admin. You could even remove me and steal the groups, pages, etc, from me, etc. So, I am risking a lot perhaps. But I choose to live life dangerously. So, you could remove admins who try to remove the link that takes people to my blog. I mostly want want to encourage people to interact in the groups. My benefit is that I get a free ad, and that is a link to my blog. Everything else doesn't really matter. I am abandoning Facebook and have been for years. I am on other websites. But I remain on Facebook to encourage people to try better websites. Facebook is a ghetto. Facebook has problems, etc. But three billion people are on Facebook. Well, maybe not 3 billion but almost 3 billion and someday maybe 3 billion. I am an admin of around 131 groups. Oatmeal Market is the biggest one I have as of right now. I am currently looking for other groups I can take over. Anybody can do this. You can search Facebook and find groups with no admins. Someday, I may find an even bigger group. I also invite people to be admins to test people and to show people I trust them. But of course they can stab me in the back and steal my groups. But that is life. That is the game. It is a business. Life is full of risks. I encourage admins of my groups, pages, to make the best choices possible. So, in theory, you could remove some admins if you want. If an admin tries to remove me, then I encourage other admins to remove those admins. There is so much value in these groups, etc. Be smart. Make good decisions. You could remove spam. You could remove bad admins. You could promote your own stuff in some of my groups, etc. I would encourage admins to honor me, the vision of the original oatmeal, as they do whatever they want as admins, etc. For example, you could share my blog posts from other websites, my photos, memes, videos, etc, on my Facebook groups pages, profiles, etc. Have fun.

Tu La Đạo, I invite you to be an admin here too as you also know me and someday Facebook may kill me. You can continue my legacy if I am gone.

This is a free for all group. Feel free to post like crazy. Admins can delete the porn if they want.

If an admin is posting spam or porn or whatever, another admin could ban that admin perhaps. Have fun. BWAHAHAHAHHAAAAA!!!!!!

Admins could invite new members and admins.

Have fun.

Ty Huu Bui asked if I was talking to him. Are you made out of LEGOs too? No. I was talking to Lego Mark.

Tu La Đạo, and you can click on announcements to see a list of like 15 of my top groups as of right now that you could be an admin of as well. Pick whichever ones or all of them or none of them. I've joined thousands of groups on Facebook in the 2010's. Currently in like 800 or less groups. I spam groups and then leave them. I stay in some of the groups. I take over some if they have no admins. People can make their Oatmeal groups, pages, etc. For example, I have Oatmeal Trump, Oatmeal English, Oatmeal Music, etc. I encourage people to make their own oatmeal stuff. It could be anything. Like Oatmeal LEGO. Fill in the blank. Have fun. Good luck.

Ty Huu Bui said he would save me. But how can you if you are not admin of Oatmeal Market?

Ty Huu Bui Hindsight is blissful.

Charvee Makwana the phantom eggance

Stefan Molyneux

03:45 AM - "DO/DID YOU LOVE YOUR FATHER STEFAN MOLYNEUX!?!" Rev Jess Lee Peterson Interviews

Don't confuse forgiveness for salvation or other things. Don't confuse freewill with aspects within freewill.


2020-04-30 - Thursday - 04:41 AM - 05:27 AM - Vikings 210

They party. It takes courage to raise a deform child. THe servant girl has freedom now.

Lord's Prayer

Sleep. Grapes. Banana. Tea.

Stefan Molyneux

10:55 AM - "DO/DID YOU LOVE YOUR FATHER STEFAN MOLYNEUX!?!" Rev Jess Lee Peterson Interviews

Does Jesse believe in freewill? I think maybe he does but he may have different words for describing addiction, lifestyle, that can trap us from escaping loops that continue generation to generation. To some extent, people can feel stuck and they should pray. They should seek out for help. Freewill is real but it can be hard when you are stuck. Not impossible. I think Jesse agrees that you can get out. But Jesse describes things in certain ways that might be a little confusing.

I am not sure if Jesse believes in freewill or not. There can be different definitions and aspects to freewill and to addiction. I have a feeling Jesse has some specific definitions or meaning to some of these words like freewill and other things. It seems that Jesse and Stefan Molyneux are sometimes not on the same page because they can use some words differently. But if they were both to get down to the principles isolated from religion or no religion, then you would begin to see that they may agree with each other a lot more than it appears.


11:02 AM - Hive

Karate is a general word that can include Taekwondo. I studied Taekwondo and people would refer to it as karate.

Health Variety

11:05 AM - Hive

Yeah, to some extent, different people are different and that can include immune systems as well. But I would not give up hope. Yeah, it can be harder for some people, perhaps. It depends. For example, when I get headaches, I take Magnesium.


11:20 AM - Hive

I was not assembling computers at the age of eight like you but I was getting into electronics as a kid and started learning how to assemble computers when I was like 22. You are pretty talented. Welcome.


11:54 AM - Facebook

I don't want to say you are what you eat. I can say that I like burritos. We would have burritos as kids. I enjoyed going into the freezer, grabbing one, and popping it in the microwave in the 1990's in Oregon.

I used to enjoy eating processed fish sticks. Would stick em in dee mic. Dee microphone. No. I mean, dee microwave.

Camels are like mutated giraffes.

Cereal soup. Like oats or rice but different.




Bill Clinton

Taking over the world

Ron Gibson


Army of Tracers

Bill Clinton and Bill Gates are behind the Army of Tracers.

Who is Dahl?

What is the Clinton Foundation up to?

Intellectually delicious.

Scientific Dictatorship

More news today than the previous 26 years put together?

It will double by tomorrow?

12:42 PM

Mass Suicide

Will many people be committing suicide as the globalists accelerate in taking over the world a thousands worse than what the Nazi did? To be honest, many are killing themselves because of the 2020 shutdown globally. So, to be frank, people are losing hope. Why not give people hope before they die? Why not do what you can to reach out to people while you can and while they are still breathing?

Is Trump saying China and WHO will pay for the Bill Gates Virus?

But is it too little too late?

Better safe than sorry.

Bill Gates has the vaccine ready right now and will probably release it by the fall of 2020.

Dogs that smell Covid.

Brigades are coming to your house to force you to take bad vaccines that will make you sick and will kill many. bill Gates admits that many will die from the vaccines and many have already.

The mind of an abused will begin to swith to love the abuser.

01:00 - 04:30 PM - Dishes. Bleached boards like yesterday. House exterior white paint painting. I put a label on it saying white house paint. Laptop power cord issue. Got it fixed by bending the cord a bit to get power to run through it. Wifi issue. Got it fixed. Found out I plugged in the wrong USB cord. Soup. Coffee.

Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Chinese Communists

Mao was smart. He had something like the Hitler Youth. But that is not what they called it. They would talk about the youth could come and learn how to bring people electricity and good things. So, the parents thought that was good. But when the kids came back, they came back all proud and mighty. They started rating out their parents and the older generations.

Bill Gates

Said that 700,000 people will die from the vaccines and that is why they need liability protection.


They say they are watching in live time. They are listening to your phone conversations and more.


Will eat your testicles.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates had a dad who ran Planned Parenthood? Did Bill Gates get a bunch of money from his dad? Did Bill steal the Microsoft operating system from other people? Is Bill trying to depopulate the planet?

Alex Jones

Can say things that Trump can't yet and that is his job and our job, to get the general public to understand what is happening.

The heart stopped.

I know you don't want to do heart surgery.

But the heart stopped.

The world stopped.


A decision was made like 2,300 years ago in Greece to keep knowledge away from the general public in order to control them and everything. Christians began to break that and get the printing press to go wild and many things. After, the control freaks came back to counter strike that in the centuries to follow that.

Body Snatchers


Problem with copyright

Replacing original stuff with fake stuff



Stay at Home

Nazi Concentration Camps

Communist Chinese

Too Many People

When Bill Gates says there are too many people on earth, it would be great if he rammed a crowbar up through his eye like the fish did in Gotham.

Starving Africa

They caused it. They can get Angelina Jolie to hand rice to a starving kid. But they scam. They take so much. They caused it in the first place.

Fear vs Knowledge

A lack of knowledge causes people to fear which makes people more controllable.

Youth Brigades to come house to house in America to force people to take vaccines. Bill Clinton talked about that in 2020.

Dogs trained to smell Covid?

CPS investigating parents who take their own kids to the bank.


Try to reverse natural laws because they want to be above God and not under natural law.

06:12 PM - 07:30 PM - Nap

07:30 PM - 08:55 PM - Helped put together a planter thing on 2 fence poles near the back patio. We got hummingbirds. After that, dishes. Sweep. Mop.

Ron Gibson


Steven Crowder

09:03 PM - LIVE: CNN FACTCHECK! #MugClubQuarantine FINALE! | Donald Trump Jr., HodgeTwins, Nick Di Paolo

Bill Gates father worked in Planned Parenthood, right?

Aqua Man vs Jack Sparrow

11:15 PM - Facebook

Akari Hoshino, Oh, I hear that ladies love the actor that plays Aqua Man. When he takes off his shirt. I would more likely be Jack Sparrow because I would rather be on the water than to be in the water haha.

Asian Angelina Jolie

Instead of Xena, we could use this as a cover photo for a new show called Akari: Tree Ninja.

If Little Mermaid was Asian, then this would be the point where you get legs from the witch and you wash off on the beach. Eric finds you stuck in a fish net.

Little Miss Muffin decided to wear blue today.


PT Channel

12:00 AM - The Walking Dead & Fear The Walking Dead Huge News - Is This Really Happening?

The Rubin Report

12:11 AM - YouTube Now Censoring Doctors Who Question Govt? Dave Rubin Responds | MEDIA | Rubin Report

Joe Rogan

12:22 AM - 03:42 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #1466 - Jessimae Peluso

Stefan Molyneux

03:45 AM - "DO/DID YOU LOVE YOUR FATHER STEFAN MOLYNEUX!?!" Rev Jess Lee Peterson Interviews


2020-04-30 - Thursday - 04:41 AM - 05:27 AM - Vikings 210



Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Steven Crowder

09:03 PM - LIVE: CNN FACTCHECK! #MugClubQuarantine FINALE! | Donald Trump Jr., HodgeTwins, Nick Di Paolo

Stefan Molyneux

12:43 AM - General Flynn Versus the FBI! Lawyer Robert Barnes and Stefan Molyneux

Random Notes

Admins, please delete spam, porn, etc, if you wanna. There is some here in this Oatmeal Market group. Have fun.

Oatmeal Market

As the head admin, I generally don't moderate my groups. But other admins and mods could if they want. It can take a lot of work and a lot of time sometimes.

Do you want to be an admin of some of my pages? who is amy again? or is it ama in ask me anything... a show from the 90s called even stevens... is columnbia full of mafia? mj number

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