
The good old days were better as it had less pollution and other things in the air. We know it but blame it on our brain, on nostalgia. Escape the kill grid. Clone Wars 710 was good. Wood shed frame construction. Facebook skit on Infowars War Room.

Corona in USA in 2019?

Was the Corona Virus in America in November of 2019 or was it not here until February of 2020? Why were people getting really sick in 2019? Has COVID-19 been in the United States longer than that, possibly? If COVID has been here longer than we thought, then how could Stay at Home Lockdown isolate and stop a virus that is already running around in circulation among billions of people? Was COVID weaponized? Is the virus a GMP chimera beast? Can we take zinc and other vitamins to fight it? Should we stop Bill Gates and others who have been behind the creation of these types of bio-weapon diseases?

Hitler IBM

There are books about it. In 2020, this year, because of Bill Gates, because of lockdown, globally, not 10 million as generally do but over 30 million people are starving towards death.

Vietnam Arrested

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2020-04-24 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-04-24 - Friday

Screenshot at 2020-04-24 23:33:43.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in April of 2020

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2014 - Year in Review

2020 Version

long khanh

2014 - Year in Review - 2020 Version


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Lionel Nation

12:17 AM - Live Stream: The Numbers Show Incomprehensible Fluidity

Lionel Nation asked if any vaccine has ever worked. But that is like asking if NBA basketball star Michael Jordan could have closed his eyes and make a basket from the other side of the court after spinning around a few times. It can be done. But that does not mean there are not better ways of doing things. There are better ways of doing things. Natural remedies. It is all about building up your immune system. Yes, it depends. But generally speaking, it is better to think long-term.

Joe Rogan
Joe Rogan Experience #1139 - Jordan Peterson


2020-04-24 - Friday - 04:48 AM - 05:35 AM - Vikings 206

She wants stuff back as she was the former queen. This guy kisses the skull of his dead former wife. Interesting tree branches at the back or the head of the bed of Scarlett Johansson wife lady. They beat her up. Talk about similarities between religions and gods. Talk about the Roman Empire, their art, their gods, and how they took over the world. Not a land of giants but of the Romans perhaps. But there were giants in the world.

Sleep. Orange. Coffee.

Golden State Times

11:28 AM - THE POSTAL SERVICE IS A JOKE: Trump SHOCKING Briefing with the LIBERAL Media

Amazon takes advantage of the postal service. So, the postal service should charge five times what they have been charging Amazon.


11:44 AM - Mark Zuckerberg went LIVE on Facebook at 11:00 AM PST.

14,000 people were watching. Only that many out of over two to three billion people who use Facebook. Tune in here on April 24th at 11am PT, as Mark Zuckerberg goes live to share some new product updates we've been working on, to help everyone feel more connected with each other even while we're apart. I watched for a minute and left the following comments:

MySpace had More Options

Not Platform For ALL IDEAS Like Mark Said It Was


Banned News

11:50 AM - Why was Tom Hanks SNL appearance CGI ? Infowars , covid 19 , pedogate 2020 , spygate

Ron Gibson


Corona in USA in 2019?

Was the Corona Virus in America in November of 2019 or was it not here until February of 2020? Why were people getting really sick in 2019? Has COVID-19 been in the United States longer than that, possibly? If COVID has been here longer than we thought, then how could Stay at Home Lockdown isolate and stop a virus that is already running around in circulation among billions of people? Was COVID weaponized? Is the virus a GMP chimera beast? Can we take zinc and other vitamins to fight it? Should we stop Bill Gates and others who have been behind the creation of these types of bio-weapon diseases?


Are these vaccines reprogramming people for the worse? Can we compare it to zombies? How many have died from these vaccines? WHy is Bill Gates saying many will continue to die because of the vaccines?

Building Aliens

Are globalists building aliens via building nano bots? Why do globalists believe they are receiving divine information from aliens? Does this go back at least 150 years to the late 1800's to England where they started iniating some of this?


12:50 PM - 01:06 PM - Picked up around 8 boards for the wood shed from the smaller trailer in the backyard. He is working on that. Keep it under the patio cover, away from the rain. Dishes. Talk about Trump. The television. Back to Alex Jones.

Gradual Lockdown

Globalists have been slowly locking down America going back at least to the late 1800's and especially since the 1930's. Will they be mopping up people via bots and drones into garage trucks in the future?

Population Control

Did Bill Gates found an organization in 1998 for population control?

Ron Gibson


Training Wheels

All of this is getting us ready for worse things. Run for the hills. Electromagnetic warfare is coming. 5G is putting out 70 times beyond what is legal. Live in smaller cities. Get away from the larger cities.

Cell Phone Free

They're passing laws to have no cell phone towers in places like Montana, West Virginia, New Zealand.

Real Nazis

THey're still around behind depopulation programs. They go to retarded people and say to them that they are not essential and that they cost more than normal people. Then those retarded people ask if they must commit suicide. They are behind controlling people via waves through the air and I have felt it in Portland, OR around 2009 at times and it is zapping us and my brain feels different now than it did in the 1990's.


The good old days were better as it had less pollution and other things in the air. We know it but blame it on our brain, on nostalgia. Escape the kill grid.

Hitler IBM

There are books about it. In 2020, this year, because of Bill Gates, because of lockdown, globally, not 10 million as generally do but over 30 million people are starving towards death.

Not So Obvious Establishment

Go after the whole swamp, not just the obvious people like the Clintons, Soros, Bill Gates, Obama, Bush, Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc. It goes beyond that. It goes beyond WHO of China. It goes beyond Big Pharma. WHo is Robert Kennedy and what is he doing? Look at that guy. Why did Robert endorse Hillary Clinton?

02:40 PM - We continued working on the wood shed for 20 minutes or so.

Last Broadcast

Alex Jones is talking about recording a message that would be released in the event he is murdered by globalists or whever and they are trying to kill him. He is talking about trying to record the video message next week and have it here just in case. But hopefully, it will not be his last show and that he can continue for decades to come. But you never know.

Ron Gibson


Lady Gaga

She made her female assistant sleep with her because demons try to eat Gaga at night. So, there is a lawsuit against Gaga from 2011. Gaga serves Satan. Gaga is tormented. That is weak. That is bad. Alex Jones said he can rise up to a mountaintop to see for miles all around. Me too. That runs goosebumps all over my body. When I see Gaga, I see terror in her. We can be light as celebrities are scared.


In history, these fortune tellers and others would stumble into towns and tell them stuff. They would kick these old guys or whoever out and yet the things would come true. They came from priesthoods and stuff. They would come from pyramids and advance things. This would go an globally for thousands of years. They are still around and they are behind COVID and many things. They infiltrate governments and towns to trick people. They would tell people to hop into ships and then they would sell them into slavery and the list goes on and on. This is a pattern in history. We should study this. Why are we not studying these people who would do this?

Vitamin C

When you fail to have Vitamin C, then your teeth rot and your cuts and skin start to open up and then you bleed to death out of your butt.


Oxygen eats metal? Is sun good for your skin?

Ten Feet Protection

Between us humans and the sun is at least ten feet of water and astronauts have to protect themselves in space behind ten feet of the water tanks as solar flares come out.

Sun Kills

Sun is good and too much sun will kill you. So, limit your exposure and don't have too little either.


Globalists try to tell us NOT to connect the dots. Disconnect.

Wood Shed Frame

04:00 PM - 06:44 PM - For two to three hours, we worked on the frame for the wood shed.

Ron Gibson


Millennial Millie

07:29 PM - Espionage Unmasked - Reality Hackers Revealed!

Many spies hide in plain site wearing masks like clowns like the master of diguise.

Reality Hackers

Spies pretend to be any occupation. Like Pretender.


1963 - Dawn of the Internet

The telnet was a spy network and the tapes were taking up too much space. So, they had to upgrade to the Internet.

Predict the Future

Then Determining Who Will Get in the Way



Data Bridges

Interactive Internet Activity (IIA)

Shadow Net

Reviewing 2014

09:00 PM

Vietnam Arrested

2014 - Year in Review

Long Thành, Đồng Nai Trip

Saigoniz Cousine Kids January. Long Khánh Tet February. Leaf Pagoda Ended March. Moving to Thu Duc April. Vietnam Egypt May.

Mr. Ribs BBQ

Wallet Stolen June. Ribs English July. Ribs Opened August. TLL English Videos September. Police Arrested Me October. Moved into Old Ink. Park English November. New Camera December.


09:30 PM - Victor Davis Hanson on Corona, California, and the Classical World

Modern Left

Worships the EU

Clone Wars

2020-04-24 - Friday - 10:47 PM - 11:12 PM - Clone Wars 710

Ahsoka faces Maul who mentions Palpatine who they don't know is the Sith Lord behind the Clone Wars like Rothschild in our own world in real life. Events meet that of the beginning of Revenge of the Sith. Maul asks Ahsoka to join him in stopping Palpatine. No. So, they fight. She captures Maul.

Star Wars Theory

11:24 PM - Clone Wars Episode 10 FULL BREAKDOWN and ALL EASTER EGGS - ORDER 66 IS COMING

Best Episode of all seven seasons so far.

Overlord DVD

11:39 PM - Friday Night Frolics! Top Ten Feel Good Movies! Fun and Frivolity!

Mando 2 will be ok.


Lionel Nation

12:17 AM - Live Stream: The Numbers Show Incomprehensible Fluidity


2020-04-24 - Friday - 04:48 AM - 05:35 AM - Vikings 206

Golden State Times

11:28 AM - THE POSTAL SERVICE IS A JOKE: Trump SHOCKING Briefing with the LIBERAL Media

Banned News

12:00 PM - Why was Tom Hanks SNL appearance CGI ? Infowars , covid 19 , pedogate 2020 , spygate

Ron Gibson


Ron Gibson


Millennial Millie

07:29 PM - Espionage Unmasked - Reality Hackers Revealed!


07:59 PM - Watch Live: Triggered! Hosted by Donald Trump Jr 4/24/20

Baked Blunts

08:02 PM - Veterans Call-In Special: America Ready To Fight For Its Freedom - War Room Full Show


09:30 PM - Victor Davis Hanson on Corona, California, and the Classical World

Clone Wars

2020-04-24 - Friday - 10:47 PM - 11:12 PM - Clone Wars 710

Star Wars Theory

11:24 PM - Clone Wars Episode 10 FULL BREAKDOWN and ALL EASTER EGGS - ORDER 66 IS COMING

Overlord DVD

11:39 PM - Friday Night Frolics! Top Ten Feel Good Movies! Fun and Frivolity!

2014 - Year in Review

2020 Version

long khanh

2014 - Year in Review - 2020 Version

Random Notes

can a saint fly 2 hours is a question.... angels before the age of vikings.... to be a jewel in jul. i am not ana

01:10 PM - Four by eight might be too big. 3 or 4 planks. Carried them to the trailer in the front yeard. Wait. No. Truck.

02:40 PM - We were working on the 2 poles. Ladders. String. Measuring.

03:02 PM - Break time. He made a phone call. I put my jackets and hat on.

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Dick Virus

New Youtube Guideline that is pro WHO could put your channel at risk/video deleted!

Doped out on Hopium: Paytriots Playing You Yet Again - Their Only Messiah Will Be a Liar

Dr. Whitmer will say "Stay Home Stay Safe", but We All KNow She'll Push the Sting 'n' Squirt

White House 'Hot Mic' About Lower Death Rates Spinned/Ignored by Media

Coronavirus: WHO – Nucleus of a Global Government and the Russian Illusions

21 year old man murdered by police while laying in bed with his pregnant girlfriend, no warrant or evidence provided and the family is threatened with jail time and fines if they protest...?

Countries Admit They're Inflating COVID-19 Death Counts

A Step Closer Towards Techno-Tyranny?

Interesting Documents that I Left Out of My Deep Dives Article on General Mills Inc.

Vietnam Arrested

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