
I have a perfectionist mindset inside my skull as well, like a mental jail that I am stuck in, and I force myself to at least put out a daily journal post each day and I copy and paste the daily posts to as many websites, blog sites, blockchains, etc, as possible. Wordpress banned me already. As of right now, I post to around 12 different sites. That includes Hive, Steemit, Bear Shares, Blogspot, Live Journal, Read Cash, Uptrennd, Cent, Weku, etc. Why? Because the more the better. If one website blows up, I at least got backups on other sites, AKA decentralization.

Father & Son

The main story plot of Star Wars is concerning a father and his son. That is something boys and men can relate with.

Romeo & Juliet

The secondary story-line is a Romeo & Juliet story arch between a young woman and a young man. Many people relate to that.

My Autobiography

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2020-04-19 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-04-19 - Sunday

Screenshot at 2020-04-19 14:31:06.png
Are we in the last dance as humans or can we beat the Global Jazz?

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in April of 2020

Contact Me

Bitchute | Brighteon | Cointr.ee | Discord | Dissenter | Facebook | Gab | Hive | Minds | PeakD | Read Cash | Steemit | Telegram | Twitter | YouTube | See More


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Are You Included

01:44 AM - Facebook | SgClassifiedAdvert.Com

Ananda Ingle posted a room for rent ad and I replied: "Are you included?" She responded: "What do you mean?"

Facebook Groups

I am in 996 Facebook groups via JAVN right now.

Platform Games

02:59 AM - Hive Blog

How is Mario not a platform game like Crash Bandicoot?

Hive Steem Sim

03:02 AM - Hive

Are you on Hive and Steemit at the same time or how did you post to Steemit and Hive Blog at the same time?

Hot Tub Fridge Time Machine

03:06 AM - Hive

Back to the Future was originally going to have a fridge time machine instead of a car. They didn't go with the fridge as kids may imitate what they see in the movies and suffocate in fridges. Oh my God, kids might go inside fridges. Let's encourage them to drive 88 miles per hour instead lol. What a great compromise, sarcasm detected and deleted lol. Oh, did you just make a Mandela Effect Reference with that last paragraph? Brilliant.

Saved by the Bell

03:13 AM - Hive

Did the Good Morning, Miss Bliss television show predate Saved by the Bell and Zack Morris was in both shows? Same actor and same character? I say I like this theory.


2020-04-18 - Sunday - 03:22 AM- 04:26 AM - Outlander 509

They hunt a bear. A group of five or so guys. A snake bites Jaimee and Rogers sucks out the poison. The other men left without knowing. Jaimee eats the snake by a fire. Anti-venom, a venom to battle the venom. If Jaimee dies, I'm blaming Roger for not running back to get Doctor Claire. The venom is in the blood. His body will have to fight it. They found some maggots to eat up dead flesh. A buffalo came to eat the baby or whatever. Claire shot it. Jaimee says do not cut my leg. But changes his mind later on. They looked at the head of the snake. They figured out how to make a thing to cure the sickness. An anecdote. People assume that vaccines are anecdotes and yet they are not.


Is on season 34. Never heard of it but it is an interesting show that started in 1986. It predates ER. I watched a few minutes of an episode of this a second ago.

Power Rangers

Is on season 27 and I saw a few minutes of it. Power Rangers Beast Morphers. The bad guys are kind of cool and also silly. 22 minutes long. It is not Nick. The template is still pretty much the same as it has been for years. the characters are somewhat normal for the show but perhaps not totally like the first 5 seasons. I was watching it a lot the first five seasons from 1993-1998 and a little bit after that to like 2004 and that was the end until I came back to watch through the first 13 seasons near the end of the 2010's. This particular episode had the zords fighting in a wrestling ring. They can double morph. When things are really tough, they morph again. They fell out of their zords. A female Zordon. A 5th robot ranger. They talk about teamwork. They use a variation of the original Power Rangers music theme from the first five or less seasons now.

Sesame Street

is on season 50.

04:56 AM - Sleep. My computer froze last night as I was trying to go into sleep mode. So, had to force it off and turn it back on when I woke up around noon.

Dr. Berg

12:07 PM - What I Would Eat If I Had COVID-19

He talked about insulin being too high which may cause health issues. So, he says to lower that. He said to eat good fats. He did not talk about the difference between good and bad cholesterol. He should have and yet doctors tend not to. Eat fish, berries, leafy greens. Lookup natural remedies for boosting the immune system. He talked about low carbs.

Alfonso Harris

12:16 PM - LONDON REAL ALEX JONES 18-04-2020 - London Real

1999 - Infowars was launched.

PKA Clips

12:28 PM - Anthony Cumia's Show on Info Wars w/ Alex Jones | PKA

Front Row Brian


If that doesn't inspire you, then you must be a gay frog.

Kory Man X

12:44 PM - Rally Preview | Protest Austin Texas | Saturday

Alex Jones agrees with you. So, why fight Alex Jones?

Alex Jones encourages people to go back to work.

Kory Man X goes to Alex Jones who is speaking at the capitol in Texas on Saturday, which was yesterday, and Kory started mocking Alex who agrees with him. So, Kory seems to be insane to attack a friend. Alex is not his enemy but Bill Gates is.

The Burnett Network


He talked about how stay at home orders in Los Angeles County is to the end of May of 2020 as of right now it seems. Like to the 21st.

So what are you asking he asking as you are stuck at home. I said The Expanse and West World.

He mentioned the protest in Olympia, which is thirty minutes from me as I'm in Shelton.

I'm in Shelton, WA, near Olympia.

Hundreds of people are protest in Olympia right now and I'm missing it?

Gematria Effect News

02:27 PM - Who is really behind the "Hazardous Liberty" Olympia, Washington anti-COVID-19 stay @ home protest?

Sports Wars

02:31 PM - The Last Dance Starts Tonight | The Final Season Of Michael Jordan And The Bulls Dynasty

Thug Goosh

02:41 PM -THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

Invalid Cookie


What is Love?

02:52 PM - Hive

Both as love involves choices and feelings simultaneously. Love is commitment. Love is something you do. Real love is a choice and the feelings of love can be of love and some of the emotions can be of lust and possibly other related things.


Vaccines lower your immunity to viruses and we have trillions of viruses in us right now that can kill us.


03:20 PM - Hive

I have a perfectionist mindset inside my skull as well, like a mental jail that I am stuck in, and I force myself to at least put out a daily journal post each day and I copy and paste the daily posts to as many websites, blog sites, blockchains, etc, as possible. Wordpress banned me already. As of right now, I post to around 12 different sites. That includes Hive, Steemit, Bear Shares, Blogspot, Live Journal, Read Cash, Uptrennd, Cent, Weku, etc. Why? Because the more the better. If one website blows up, I at least got backups on other sites, AKA decentralization.

Drones & Potatoes

03:28 PM - Hive

You have a drone? Amazing. Cute sheep/ Delicious potatoes.

Better Than Ever

03:42 PM - Hive

When Star Wars premiered in theaters for the first time in 1977, it had some of the best special effects ever mixed with a kind of fantasy story that would inspire many children, teens, and even some adults of that time.


So, at that time, it was new and it was different. It was also better than other movies, other films, at that point in world history. People begin falling in love with the simple adventure story it has.

Father & Son

The main story plot of Star Wars is concerning a father and his son. That is something boys and men can relate with.

Romeo & Juliet

The secondary story-line is a Romeo & Juliet story arch between a young woman and a young man. Many people relate to that.

Bow on Top

These two big stories are wrapped around a science fiction space adventure. Some people like drama. Some people like action. Some people like space and aliens. And Star Wars had a combination of all of these different elements.


On top of that, the first three films that were made in the 1970's and 1980's was put together in a very fun and interesting way. In other words, it is not too boring of a trilogy. It has a lot of heart. And the characters had so much charisma with each other.


People enjoy watching interesting characters interact with each other. The biggest thing that got people to love Star Wars was the chemistry between the very actors. That is what people love watching.


The fighting, the sword fighting, the space battles, the aliens, the robots, the action, is secondary to the very heart of Star Wars. The action is kind of like makeup that they add to make it look cool. But the action is not the heart of Star Wars. The heart is.

Platform Gaming

03:50 PM - Hive

Mario has been many things over the years in different games. So, some of the games are more like RPGs. But Mario is still Mario. And Mario is not just one thing. Mario is flexible. Mario can do many different things. And Paper Mario is still like other Mario games in some ways. And Mario is flexible. Mario can be a doctor. Mario can play tennis. Mario can play basketball. Mario can play golf. Mario can even play in the Olympics with Sonic. I guess it comes down to the definition of platform gaming. Mario is the main like mascot for Nintendo since the 1980's. If you're using a more specific and defined definition and meaning to platform gaming, then you could argue that Mario does not fit the requirements for that. I would argue for a more general and more vague definition.

Down Into Earth

04:05 PM - Facebook

I would say that i do not know what is down there and i would be tempted to take a crew and a bunch of cameras down there and do a live stream as we went down.

Dan Beaty

04:07 PM - Facebook

Mom was asking me what was going on. Marilyn Mitchell, I asked Dan Beaty when they started attending our church and he said 1995 and and 1996 maybe and I agree as my memory of them goes back to around that time.

Lionel Nation

05:13 PM - Live Stream: Pricked, Stuck, Tagged & Bagged

Hail America

Lionel Nation saw my comment in the live stream on YouTube and read it and added the Spock Live Long & Prosper Star Trek Hand Sign. Hail America. Hello Patriots. That is a powerful slogan.

Buy Your Walky Talky to stay in contact with people just in case the Internet goes down. Make a Walky Talky. @Charlene Richards, depends on the walky, some might reach several miles. I don't know if they sell short-wave HAM-Radio style walky talkies which should be able to reach around the globe. @Charlene Richards Yea, you can yell lol.

1776 Will Commence Again

I am Alex Jones

Bill Gates was funded by IBM and Rockefeller.

Mesh Network

Zorro Patriots

Can they spray stuff in the sky? Can they?

Can they do what Facebook did to gather data? Can they?

Can they arrest people for collecting rain water? Can they?

Can they tax people? Can they?

Can they start a foreign banking system in 1913? Can they?

Can they reward some people via welfare? Can they?

Can they Eminent Domain? Can they?

Can they ban gold like they did in the 1930's? Can they?

Can they ban alcohol like they did years ago, the alcohol prohibition? Can they?

Can they violate the 4th amendment? Can they?

Can government fund Google? Can they?

@Charlene Richards I got some vaccines for going to college around 2004. That was the last time.

They CAN do as much as people let them.

Learned Helplessness

Critical Thinking

What One Generation Tolerates, The Next Generation Propagates.

Box for packing. Knock it off with something. I used a shovel. Big garage. And then me too kind of thing. 2 more smaller boxes.

Matt Christiansen

06:27 PM - Protesting Is Non-Essential, Sand in the Skatepark, Everyone Endorses Joe & More LIVE 9 ET

Let's Save Old People But Not Babies.

Life is Full of Risk

But Life is Your Choice, Not Their Choice, to Live, to Die

Porn is on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

Selective Enforcement

Let's logically conclude that Alex Jones is wrong about everything else, however.

Sarcasm Detected


Stay at Home 2020 is murdering millions and millions of people.

@The Boomer Maynard Crow are you a mod?

@Anthony P Yes and no. I like Battle Star and Star Trek Next Generation. I would probably prefer Battle Star but I still love Picard.

Just like 9/11, we gotta curb deeeee TERRORISTS lol and now in 2020 the virus.

They are bull dozing skate parks by putting sand on it.

Oregon Trail Corona

06:58 PM - Facebook

Have died of Corona Virus. Oregon Trail. Great Game.

Already Exposed

If many of us have already been exposed to Corona, then what's the point of stay at home if the spread already happened?

Vice President Hillary Clinton for Joe Biden


Biden Clinton 2020

If not Hillary, then Michelle Obama


The plan is to get JOE to win and THEN STEP DOWN.


JOE, to quote Star Wars, it is a TRAP

If Joe was smart, he would pick Bernie Sanders as his VP.

Biden Sanders 2020

i dont care, words are words

the word is NOT worse than the FFFFFF word

there is a COUNTRY called Niger

i want to go to the NNNNN country

I want to talk to the NNNNNNNNNNNN country people


Tell me CRACKER is not the C WORD.


Do not say wet and also back.




Hey Niger

Hey Nigger



Spirit Wars

07:54 PM - Super Trump with Putin on the Piano

Maestro Ziikos

07:54 PM - Super Trump with Putin on the Piano


08:04 PM - An email message from customer_service@freefilefillableforms.com sent to me in regards to application for some free money from the government: they wrote about an error in my application: the email reads as follows:

Dear Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info customer:

We could not accept your Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info return due to the error(s) listed below.

Your Submission ID is: 440895202010703njn1z

To resolve this error please visit https://www.freefilefillableforms.com/#/fd/eip.rejection.faqs and use the error code below to determine your next steps.

Then sign in to your Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info account at https://www.freefilefillableforms.com/#/fd/EconomicImpactPayment Fix your error(s) and submit your return again. Be sure to re-enter the date in the Step 2 tab of Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info.

If you are unable to resolve the error(s), you can print and submit your tax return to the IRS by mail.

Here is your error(s):
Issue : Business Rule IND-031-04 - 'PrimaryPriorYearPIN' or 'PrimaryPriorYearAGIAmt' in the Return Header must match the e-File database.

The following information may help you determine the form at issue:
Field/Xpath: /efile:Return/efile:ReturnHeader/efile:Filer/efile:PrimarySSN

This email was generated by an automatic system that is not monitored for responses.


It said something didn't match the previous year. Yeah, because I had no income the previous year and therefore nothing is in the database for the previous year. So, it is not going to match because you cannot match something with nothing.

Free Gov Money

My application for free government money, which you gave me a link to, was rejected or ran into an error. I got an email saying that the info I put didn't match that of previous years. The problem is that I've not had an income for years and therefore there is no info there to match with as I didn't list them as income under 10K annually is generally considered by some as not important.

Oatmeal Education

Oatmeal Education - Facebook Page
Oatmeal Education - Facebook Group

09:00 PM - 10:00 PM - Nap.



2020-04-18 - Sunday - 03:22 AM- 04:26 AM - Outlander 509

Dr. Berg

12:07 PM - What I Would Eat If I Had COVID-19

Alfonso Harris

12:16 PM - LONDON REAL ALEX JONES 18-04-2020 - London Real

PKA Clips

12:28 PM - Anthony Cumia's Show on Info Wars w/ Alex Jones | PKA

FrontRow Brian


Kory Man X

12:44 PM - Rally Preview | Protest Austin Texas | Saturday

Jennifer La Fontaine


The Burnett Network


Gematria Effect News

02:27 PM - Who is really behind the "Hazardous Liberty" Olympia, Washington anti-COVID-19 stay @ home protest?

Sports Wars

02:31 PM - The Last Dance Starts Tonight | The Final Season Of Michael Jordan And The Bulls Dynasty

Thug Goosh

02:41 PM -THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

Invalid Cookie


Lionel Nation

05:13 PM - Live Stream: Pricked, Stuck, Tagged & Bagged

The Pholosopher

06:14 PM - Clean and Stream while Discussing Current Events

Liberty Hangout

06:25 PM - Quarantined With Kaitlin - Episode 5

Matt Christiansen

06:27 PM - Protesting Is Non-Essential, Sand in the Skatepark, Everyone Endorses Joe & More LIVE 9 ET

Maestro Ziikos

07:54 PM - Super Trump with Putin on the Piano

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