
Do NOT stay at home as that kills millions of people in 2020 as it kills supply chains, economically, which means millions starve to death as they have no food. I'm an American English Teacher. Please add me and check out my blog.

Marxist Microsoft

Did you know that Bill Gates is trying to depopulate the planet? Did you know that Bill's mentor was Watson of IBM? Did you know that IBM goes back to Hitler? Did you know what Watson did to help find and murder Jews during World War II? Do you know about the Bill Gates vaccines that murdered people in India? Do you know about how Microsoft spies on people's private messages in real time and much more?

Saturday in Texas. Be there or be in your prison lol.

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2020-04-17 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-04-17 - Friday

Screenshot at 2020-04-17 22:18:25 Gretchen Smith.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in April of 2020

Bill Gates Your Body My Choice.jpg

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Screenshot at 2020-04-17 18:44:42 Owen.png
NAZI HITLER Banned Owen Shroyer !!!!! YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!!


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Stay Home Girl

01:35 AM - Facebook - Nguyệt Đoàn - Photo

She wrote Stay Home on her face. I commented, don't stay at home because that kills people. Because it hurts the economy and people starve. Do NOT stay at home as that kills millions of people in 2020 as it kills supply chains, economically, which means millions starve to death as they have no food.

Baked Blunts

01:46 AM - The Science Agrees With Trump: Time To Reopen America | American Countdown (4/16/20)

I'm an American English Teacher. Please add me and check out my blog. How many colleges are shutting down in 2020 and how many will struggle to come back? It can be impossible for many stores to get back to business. Many high school seniors applied to go to college and it can be hard as everything is put on a hold. There is a backlog in doctor appointments.

Stefan Molyneux

03:40 AM - #CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai and Stefan Molyneux (HD)

Consolidation twords giving people grants and scholarships and money for weapon related stuff inventions, etc.



West World

2020-04-17 - Friday - 04:19 AM - 05:17 AM - Westworld 304

Clay Aiken Clint Eastwood wakes up in a flooded bath where he was probably trying to kill himself. His dead daughter who he killed haunts him.


They still got taxes in the future.

Delores said she thought the real world would be different than the matrix world she is from but they are not different at all.

Maeve disables smart locks and smart guns.

Maeve is the female Matrix Neo.

Delores made copies of herself and put her minds in different bodies. SHe becomes like a trinity.

Sleep. Up at 11:50 AM.

Stefan Molyneux

11:53 AM - #CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai and Stefan Molyneux (HD)

Continued watching this.

Does HIV cause AIDS or is that a scam?

Is Facci a prostitute of science? Was he behind many things for decades, going back to the 1980's? Yes.

The immune system is one of the oldest operating systems out there that helps us in the mist of illness as an average human has over 380 trillions viruses or something like that.

Before the 1960's, it was thought that there was only two main parts of the immune system. So, they would try to create vaccines or find ways to get the body to build up antibodies. But the problem is that they were ignoring the third part of the immune system. And they were also putting extra things in the immune system. things like aluminum, in a desire to get the body to react more or better.

The people that got AIDS were sick immune compromised people. People taking drugs, people getting blood transfusions, people who were ill, had suppressed immune systems.

Social interaction helps people live longer.

Bobby Kennedy endorsed Hillary Clinton three times and that is bad and we should watch out for people like Bobby, the not so obvious globalists.

Look at the rise in the late 1800's. Good things were happening with the working class rising and globalists hated that. And around the 1950's and since then,globalists would try to call some people as communists as a way to stop some good people who are not communists but they would do like a psych-op or co-op or something that would make good people look like bad people.

Wood shed

12:30 PM - 03:30 PM - Two working on the foundation of the wood shed near the patio. We dug out the ground a few inches. Did some levelling. Got some gravel. Was going to carry bricks over but a bit too heavy. So, got help via the trailer. We focused on that. And then on to a lunch break watching Infowars.

Thug Goosh

02:39 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news! Infowars

Understanding Asia

02:44 PM - Hive Blog

Alex Jones loves South Korea. Alex talks about how the Chinese government is trying to take over Taiwan and the world. China harvest human organs while the people are alive. Chinese communists have been killing over 100 million people in the 1900's, the past century, more than the Hitler and the Nazi Germans did. North Korea has bad government. We can see the bad people in governments. We can study the globalists.

More Work

03:00 PM - 06:15 PM - Went back to helping with the foundation, us three like yesterday but with this current shed project. We talked about things, plans. Oh, computer talk. I went onto the other PC to learn about computers. Do you know what MBU is? I found out what that means. Thinking of buying one. Hello Tom Sawyer. Home Improvement show starring Tim Taylor. Father bear cooking noodles. All kinds of different noodles may look different but be noodles still. Dishes done. Let's put bricks around the book shed to help stop the rain from hitting the ground and then hitting the walls to rot it. Gotta work on that maybe tomorrow. I put away the tools. Mini Larry Bird is out next door shooting hoops as usual. I love basketball but kind of busy. Back in for soup dinner and maybe some noodles later. Coffee. Back to watching more Alex Jones which I started during lunch.

Thug Goosh

06:15 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news! Infowars

Who is Danielle Anderson?

Stay at Home Danger

06:27 PM - Hive

Individuals should want to take care of themselves but do you want government to force you to?

Heart Fire

06:34 PM - Hive

Laura, that fire is in your heart and I love Alicia Keys as well. Yeah, free speech but should we be forced to stay at home?

Pay Grade Free Speech

On Tucker yesterday, Phil Murphy said that the bill of rights was above his pay grade.

Bubble People

Should we be bubble people? Use it or lose it, unless if you have to stay at home? Was HIV engineered decades ago, back in the 1980's or before that?

Fact Checker

Facebook fact checking is run, as of 2020 or longer than that, by Danielle Anderson.


06:49 PM - Hive

I love Alice in Wonderland, especially as seen in Once Upon a Time on ABC. I love that show. Nice to meet you, Marcie.

Green Eggs & Gardens

06:51 PM - Hive

You're inspiring me to share the gardens we got. Thanks. I love eggs. I can eat eggs daily like I could eat oatmeal. But I know it can be tough. So, good work with being creative with what you got.

Hose thing for like two hours. See notes.

Captain Hive

09:22 PM - Hive

Captain, are you the brother of Pew Die Pie?

Angels don't play this HAARP.

That's a book.

You should read it.

Baked Blunts

09:33 PM - Weekend Of Rallies Kicks Off To Reopen America As Patriots Defy Tyranny - War Room Full Show

Matrix Human Patent

09:42 PM - Hive

Matrix Human Blockchain Slavery Harvesting Patent is very shocking and it is built on the tops of what Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc, does.

Monster Bill Gates

09:49 PM - Hive

Did you know that Bill Gates is trying to depopulate the planet? Did you know that Bill's mentor was Watson of IBM? Did you know that IBM goes back to Hitler? Did you know what Watson did to help find and murder Jews during World War II? Do you know about the Bill Gates vaccines that murdered people in India? Do you know about how Microsoft spies on people's private messages in real time and much more?

The 1990's

10:03 PM - Facebook

Daniel mark Beaty, when did you first start attending our Cornelius Community Baptist Church? I'm going to guess it was as early as 1998. I started attending youth group around that time. I believe I have a memory of you at a New Years Eve celebration one year. We were in a circle. When it came to my turn, why was I there, I answered because of the food I said. Now, I am guessing that may have been before 1998. You know I was born in 1985 in Oregon. Therefore, the 1990's is kind of like my canon. I find that the things that happened that decade to be pretty valuable and foundational for flowers who were growing up during the end of the 20th century.

Gretchen Smith is a patriot. Check her out on Twitter at Code of Vets.

Stores Close at Night

10:20 PM - Facebook

Walmart closes? Does the virus wake up at night?

Porch Pirates

10:23 PM

Yeah. Guys go around stealing. They take advantage of the lockdown. That is why Stay at Home is bad. Crime is on the rise. The lockdown is murdering millions of people in 2020. This is my 14th year on Facebook. So, many different things have been happening over the years.

Oatmeal English

10:37 PM - Facebook

Admins, should we let Zahid Jewel post in this group?

Covid is weaponized like GMO.

Oatmeal English

This Facebook groups has as of right now 289 admins and over 100 mods.

Should we delete the posts of Abraham Ortega as seen in this group? Do you want admins to delete non-English related posts in this group?

Welcome our Brand New Admin of this Oatmeal English, Yang Ning Ning. Who should be an admin or mod in this group?

There is a video of a runner on the beach. When the cop tries to catch him, the jogger runs even faster and another one bites the dust lol.

Christine Chris Anderson, I cannot shop when I want to shop? Was that removed from the bill of rights?

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

I’m an American English Teacher. Please add me. Be my friend and check out my blog at @joeyarnoldvn

Oatmeal Vietnam - Facebook Page
Oatmeal Vietnam - Facebook Group

Should admins warn trolls in this group who post non-English posts or should admins just ban them without warning? Are you an admin? Should admins delete spam and remove the trolls? Lord Ty Huu Bui, can you please join @oatmealenglish? Ty Huu Bui, will you please join my other groups? See the 12 announcements for more info.


Baked Blunts

01:46 AM - The Science Agrees With Trump: Time To Reopen America | American Countdown (4/16/20)

Stefan Molyneux

03:40 AM - #CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai and Stefan Molyneux (HD)

West World

2020-04-17 - Friday - 04:19 AM - 05:17 AM - Westworld 304

Joy Villa

02:36 PM - Friday AMA! ASK ME ANYTHANG! #joytribe

Thug Goosh

02:39 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news! Infowars

Baked Blunts

09:33 PM - Weekend Of Rallies Kicks Off To Reopen America As Patriots Defy Tyranny - War Room Full Show

Random Notes

Art Drawing Graphic Design Visual Venture Painting Propaganda Ironic Mystic is a group of mine that is connected right now to 126 of my groups on Facebook as of right now.

ema watson

Facebook Warning

12:37 PM - Facebook Post

False Information Found on Oatmeal Trump:

Oatmeal Trump shared information that's been reviewed by USA TODAY. We've added a notice to the post so others can see that it's false. Learn More about how fact-checking works on Facebook.

Additional Reporting:


False: Fact Check: Support for $5 billion in Iran aid isn't holding up additional stimulus money
Sen. Dianne Feinstein asked President Donald Trump to back coronavirus aid to Iran. It's unrelated to congressional disputes over more stimulus money.

To fight false news, Facebook reduces the distribution of misleading content while also showing additional reporting on the same topic.
Pages and websites that repeatedly publish or share misleading content will see their overall distribution reduced, their ability to monetize and advertise removed, and their ability to register as a news Page removed. People will also be able to see if a Page has a history of sharing false news.

Deleting the misleading content won't affect these outcomes.

Hose Gate

That evening, was told to disconnect the hose from the front yard middle raised garden bed sprinkler to connect to the raspberry garden as I would in 2018 and 2019 as usual and it was missing an adapter it seems. But after like several hours of looking for parts in the sheds and everywhere, he came to supervised and accused me of losing parts. He has blamed me of things I did not do before. It turns out that it was probably the wrong hose and that the other hose has a different ending. So, I am guessing nothing is missing.

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Dick Virus

The Oatmeal Challenge

Lies, Damned Lies and Coronavirus

Just sharing a video on Covid-19 that I found interesting.

NIH Funded Chloroquine/Coronavirus Study in 2005, Positive Effect, Yet People Die in 2020 While a Unicorn Vaccine is Pushed Instead

Political Wish List - The absurdity that we expect from politicians. From Facebook Feed

Doctors Defeating COVID-19, No Ventilators, No Deaths, Media Silent

Why are protests against the lockdowns silenced in MSM?

Matrix Human Patent

The end of the (CHILDISH) world as we know it - if we so choose!

Saturday in Texas. Be there or be in your prison lol.

COVID vs Dance

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