
Staying at home is murdering millions of people in 2020. This is the 149th time we brought you back, Jim. This time, you're on day 45 before you start to crack down. It is like your mind rejects reality. In the real world, this is something they're selling to people.


They try to make people upload their consciousness to the cloud and promise people immortality which is good and yet Lawnmower Man is suicide. Shut Down is murdering millions of people in 2020.

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2020-04-13 - Monday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-04-13 - Monday

Screenshot at 2020-04-13 20:48:17 PLUMB.png
Plumb is plump

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in April of 2020

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

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2020-04-13 - Monday - 02:12 AM - 03:24 AM - Westworld 204

Nailing railroad not to wood but to live human beings.

Cave with a trapdoor

Saving Bernard

He has a conversation with what looks like his father but what might be a robot with his memories and his dad might be dead. But they have a conversation and then he hands his dad a paper with the conversation to show the dad his programming.

Is that immortality or death disguised and coated with transhumanism?

Where are you taking us, she asked the Indian? To the first of us.

Is this now? Hard to remember if this now or before. Robots reliving memories as if they are happening again like a deep sleep dream but realer than that. Bernard in the basement trying to remember if they were not building robots, if the code was different, what were they building?

Why didn't you recognize death sitting across the table from you the whole time?

This is the 149th time we brought you back, Jim. This time, you're on day 45 before you start to crack down. It is like your mind rejects reality. In the real world, this is something they're selling to people. They try to make people upload their consciousness to the cloud and promise people immortality which is good and yet Lawnmower Man is suicide.

They are trying to cheat death and it is death. But the deception is that you can live forever via transhumanism. That is a lie. Natural remedies can extend your life. Immortality only comes through Christ, through asking Jesus to save you.

White robots killing the scientists.

Pocahontas Westworld Picture

Sunset horse riding. Are you playing the game correctly? The girl tells Clint Eastwood Clay Aiken Man that he might be looking in the wrong direction. They go horse riding and then run into a woman who says hi dad. So, is all of this for him so he can play with his family who died? Did he lose his whole family? Were they murdered or commit suicide?

Oatmeal English

Ability to communicate via the mind from person to person.
A. Telegram
B. Telepathy

2020-04-13 - Monday - 03:26 AM - 04:46 AM - Westworld 205

Samurai captures them. She finds her Japanese twin. The whole town is a Japanese version of Westworld. Is it plagiarism or supply and demand? She felt like her identity was stolen as it is identical in the Japanese version. Oh, don't tell her about parallel universes which is even worse. We leave under the cover of the night.

She found a new voice, meaning mind control as she got a man to kill himself without speaking a word. She thought it to him via telepathy.

Oatmeal English

Cherry Blossom Tree

She watches the Japanese version of herself talk to her daughter.

She says some things are too precious to lose, even to be free. I'm not sure if that is true.

He calls her a witch.

Fundamentally Obama Change from the inside out.

Mulan Black: "I told you, I found a new voice."

2020-04-13 - Monday - 04:48 AM - 05:46 AM - Westworld 206

Bernard wonders what would happen if Delores were to outgrow himself. But then she took control and said it was a test of fidelity or obedience.

He slices off the samurai's arm and then that guy stabs himself right before getting beheaded. He believed that he has to try to kill himself in the gut at the end of his life it appears.

She takes out her daughter's heart, puts it on a shrine, and burns it.

Life without consequences is witchcraft.

Clint Eastwood Clay Aiken has a daughter that came back as an adult.

Suicide by robot?

Are you going to go out in a blaze of glory?

The Cradle is like a hive mind of data, like a cloud, like a centralized database.

Why does she want to do this alone?

Why not display what Bernard is seeing in the Matrix on screen?

Ford is in the Matrix, meaning he didn't really die or he uploaded a copy of his mind to it and Bernard meets it at the end.

Hello old friend.

Sleep. Weird dreams involving Westworld stuff.

Thug Goosh

11:09 AM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

Staying at home is murdering millions of people in 2020.

Music Store

11:30 AM - 03:50 PM - Shelton Music Store. Went there with the truck and music trailer. Unloaded. Loaded and organized music books of different instruments. Around ten boxes with dozens of books each of all kinds of string, wind, etc, instruments, drums, guitar, piano, trumpet, band, etc. Facebook talk. Marketing 101.

03:55 PM - noodle meat casserole lunch. Back to watching Alex Jones.

Private vs Public

04:30 PM - Steemit

But since when does a person's private life relate to the public aspect, to the character itself within the aspect of whether or not something should be or is moral or not moral?

Drawing Lines

My argument would be where one might draw the line, either legally or morally, moral clause or not, I wonder who is perfect. In other words, I see it as hypocrisy for what they did to Charlie Sheen for example, kicking him off his own show.


If Paul Reuben broke a contract in a specific way as opposed to something perhaps too vague in the wording in the contract itself, if Paul knew about it before he broke the contract, then I would understand. If Paul did retire the character at that time, then I guess that was his decision that he was free to make. He did make a few cameos many years later like as we saw in that video you shared.


I would separate the character and the actor to say that one does not affect the other. From my perspective, if I like Michael Jackson music for example, then I don't care if Jacko the Wacko did have sex with children. Well, I assume and I want to believe MJ did not. But even if he did, I would still like his music. Same thing in regards Michael Jordan, Kobe, Tiger Woods, Charlie Sheen, the Trail Jail Blazers, etc. To me, a character is a character. In other words, a character is not the actor that plays the actor outside of the actual performance in the actual movie, show, etc.


But I know some people do conflate actors with the characters they play and off-screen matters do affect public perception of the characters. For some people, possibly most people, that is how things are, that is how people see things. Many people can in fact conflate things. But I am just saying the two should be separated and not combined. Is Paul Reuben a weirdo? Maybe. But if he wasn't, then would his Pee Wee Herman character really work? Maybe not. We as humans have weaknesses and addictions. But we all got secrets. But celebrities live in the limelight and people can see the skeletons in their closets. Of course, its bad to be bad. But people are bad. We are all bad. So, yeah, there are consequences for action. If you do bad, you should be appropriately punished, disciplined. I believe in justice.

But Freedom

So, if you have to punish Paul Reuben, then don't also punish Pee Wee Herman as a character, is my argument. In other words, don't conflate and combine and correlate and connect and condemn both as the two should be independent of each other. Don't throw out the baby with the bath water. Pee Wee is that baby.


So, I would let people use that Pee Wee character. Well, I mean, specifically, that I would not try to stop people because of Fair Use. So, I would go to court and argue for Fair Use. Weird Al would call up the artists to ask for permission to make parodies of their songs. But even Weird Al has said that he didn't have to ask for permission. He could have just done it but did it anyway.

Private Property

I believe in private property rights. So, if you steal and use my car, I want to call that theft. A car or a house is physical, tangible, in real life. However, things on the Internet, and especially intellectual property, patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc, are not physical. They do not exist outside of your brain. It is an idea. But it is neither here nor there. Copyrighting an idea is in fact a slippery slope towards copyrighting our own thoughts via brain phones. Copyright has been abused and is extremely up to interpretation. For example, Walt Disney stole cartoon characters from his partner and went on to copyright it. So, it becomes dangerous as rich people can try to copyright everything. For example, there was a rumor that the YouTube channel called REACT were trying to copyright or somehow forbid other people from putting the word "REACT" in video titles. I can talk all day about this. Copyright is hypothetically cool but practically dangerous.

Nap for two or three hours.


07:40 PM - Made myself a chicken sandwich. Now, those 3 white plastic to go containers from Easter Sunday are cleaned out. Back to watching Alex Jones. People call in to talk about how America and the world is falling apart not because of the virus but because of the stay at home orders.


07:55 PM - Hive | Facebook

Every seed counts. Are you canning food?

Many African countries depend hugely on flour for their economy. Because governments say certain services are not essential, that means millions of people's work is deemed not essential and then millions to billions of people are not able to make money and then end up starving to death.

Walmart put too many farms out of business.

Shut Down is murdering millions of people in 2020.

Soylent Green. They burn up babies to fuel and warm up hospitals in England.

Naomi Brockwell

08:41 PM - Coronavirus: The most dangerous moment yet

Government uses real problems to be a bigger problem.


08:51 PM - God Help Me - PLUMB

Plumb is Plump

She has passion and this is my first time seeing this chick. Just saw her on my new Facebook friend, Hunt.


Celtic Women

09:05 PM - Celtic Woman - Over The Rainbow (Live From Johnstown Castle, Wexford, Ireland/2018)

Irish songs are often about love, land, loss, and hope.

Celtic Women

09:07 PM - Celtic Woman - Fields Of Gold (Official Live Video - 2017)

Sandy Harlow: wrote "This is beautiful 16 year old Anabel Sweeney of Wicklow, Ireland. Anabel won the contest held in Ireland to choose a guest singer to sing with Celtic Woman in their newest concert, "Homecoming". We were there at 3 Arena in Dublin and heard and saw the taping...."

Storm Photo

09:24 PM - Facebook

Breaking Bad. I am the storm. I am the danger.

Speed Date Love Advice GF BF Lovers Romance Hug Kiss Courtship Dating Group - connected 214 pages, 125 groups

Facebook stuff to 02:40 AM the next day



2020-04-13 - Monday - 02:12 AM - 03:24 AM - Westworld 204
2020-04-13 - Monday - 03:26 AM - 04:46 AM - Westworld 205
2020-04-13 - Monday - 04:48 AM - 05:46 AM - Westworld 206

Thug Goosh

11:09 AM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

Naomi Brockwell

08:41 PM - Coronavirus: The most dangerous moment yet


08:51 PM - God Help Me - PLUMB

Celtic Women

09:05 PM - Celtic Woman - Over The Rainbow (Live From Johnstown Castle, Wexford, Ireland/2018)

Celtic Women

09:07 PM - Celtic Woman - Fields Of Gold (Official Live Video - 2017)

Philly Mac

09:18 PM - Celine Dion & Josh Groban Live "The Prayer" (HD 720p)

Random Notes

Jerry Proctor was a church friend in the 1990's.

Old Jack too.

Mindy Summer Robbins-Forrest - 2020 FB Friend

I invited 522 people to be admins in my Oatmeal English group on Facebook. Feel free to add to this list. I got over 400 mods on top of that.


Uptrennd Problem

What is the word limit? When I write too many , I CANNOT POST

But it does not tell me how many is too many.

I told you before I could not post.

And you said it was my fault.

But it was not my fault.

Unless if too many words.

But it does not tell me how many is too many.

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Dick Virus

Montana physician Dr. Annie Bukacek: Exaggerated COVID 19 deaths on death certificates.

Why COVID-19 is a plandemic to implement planned agendas.

The Insurance Scam

So Bernie cons a ton of people out of their donation money then he ONCE AGAIN capitulates.

Reset, My Wish For The World

Saw this on a blog and had to share - a little wisdom from George Carlin

Quarantine Diaries: Day 33

The Oatmeal Challenge

The W.A.R.R. Room #003: Speakeasy Suprise with G.I. Jane @gimaryjane

Curse of Immortality

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