
Vaccines are keys. By the time you get a key. Hot damn, there's a new lock. Can you help me? Please! I'm trying to catch the wind. Reach out your hands. Together, we can totally capture the wind. Oh, did I say wind? I mean virus hahahahaaaa. The Walking Dead brain washes people into killing walkers (zombies), I mean sick people.

Dinosaur Philosophy

Hashtag unplug grandma. Oops, I mean hashtag save grandma. COVID19 will kill you. What can you do? Stay at home and kill yourself.

Oatmeal Joey Arnold - New Facebook Group
Oatmeal Joey Arnold - New Facebook Page

My Autobiography

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2020-04-02 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-04-02 - Thursday

Philosophy Dinosaur A vaccine is a key, a virus is a lock. By the time we make a key, they changed the locks 2020-04-02 - Thursday - 11:55 AM.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in April of 2020

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Baked Blunts

12:30 AM - American's Should Decide Their Medical Care Not The Government | American Countdown (3)

Should we criminalize advice?

When a person says he or she is not a doctor, that is criminalizing advice which hinges on free speech. It might be a slippery slope. It might be fringe. It might be risky, dangerous, as doing so can subliminally trick people towards possibly outlawing hate speech someday which violates free speech freedom. We can try to hold people accountable and take them to court. But please give them a fair trial. Please no pre-crime pre-trial justice.

Camp & Filming

01:37 AM - 2010-08-21 - Saturday - 02:46 PM - Nicholas Becker - The 21st of August of 2010 - Nick wrote to me the following - Blogspot - August of 2010 - September of 2010

2010-08-21 - Saturday - 02:46 PM - Nick Becker - Arnold Attic Screenshot at 2020-04-02 01:31:36.png
2010-08-21 - Saturday - 02:46 PM

alright, here it comes! p/u for equipment is this friday after 2p and i figure since we have it, we should shoot a little for the doc. then i'll pick up my roommate and we'll carpool out to wilson river where we'll be camping until sunday night/monday morn. bring any camping equipment you have!

Saving Old Videos

I was writing about my home videos on Facebook. I started making videos with family and friends before my 11th birthday in 1996 in Forest Grove, OR, USA. I've been transferring the videos from VHS to DVD and to the Internet. But it was always an ongoing project over the years and Nick found me on Facebook and said he wanted to help.

Arnold Attic Films

So, he came in and filmed a few promo videos for my Arnold Attic project, the 44 Tapes. He also borrowed my DVDs in order to attempt to transfer my home videos to hard drives. Long story short, he got busy and ran into technical difficulties, eventually, that same year.

Documentary on Oatmeal?

So, he never got to finish making a documentary on my home videos. But he did come by to help out a bit still and we did have fun camping. We went camping in order to film a movie they were making.

Camping Location

Wilson River, Oregon

Schedule Outline

This was the proposed schedule: But I don't remember what actually happened: We may have stay for only two nights at this cabin in the woods: it was either that last week of August of 2010 at the earliest or it was in September at the latest, I'm guessing (or it was before Thanksgiving maybe, but I don't remember exactly yet): It was during a weekend: I remember at least one night in a cabin: It was me, Nick, and two girls

2010-08-27 - Friday -Camping 01/04
2010-08-28 - Saturday - Camping 02/04
2010-08-29 - Sunday - Camping 03/04
2010-08-30 - Monday - Camping 04/04


2010-09-21 - Tuesday - 03:47 PM - Published to Blogspot - The 21st of September of 2010

How often do you eat junk food?

01:28 AM - Lego asked me in a PM on Facebook

I don't any more or it can be once a week or once a month and sometimes once a day or every few days. But I try not to at all, ever. But I do sometimes. I love junk food but regret it every time.

Eat junk food is fun but bad.

It is an addiction.

Changing Habits

01:56 AM - Facebook Private Message with LEGO

But habits can be changed, but slowly.

There are steps you can take to changing habits. You can do it if you want.

Step one, admit to the actions you have made, good or bad, be honest and write it down. Tell yourself and some friends.

Step two, believe that you can do what you want as opposed to being enslaved by bad habits.

So, it comes down to you doing what you want to do. But you can't just do it. You have to slowly get there, step by step.

So, you setup rules and a program. If you break your rules, then you have to punish yourself or have a friend punish you or something.

It is a process. But changing habits cannot happen too quickly and it cannot happen if you do not believe in doing things differently.

But do not think "DON'T DO THIS" but instead focus on what you do want to do instead and focus on what you want to do and stay focused on DOING GOOD HABITS or whatever you want to do as opposed to only thinking "STOP DOING THIS OR THAT, STUPID ME, STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID ME ME ME ME ME." Learn to laugh at yourself. Be serious. Be responsible. But also be confident. Smile. Laugh. And focus.

Think slow.

Think Replacement Plan.

You can't just not do something.

You have to substitute one action with another action.

In math, it is like 1-1=0.

You have to replace one thing with another thing or you may go back to the first thing.


Zinc kills viruses. Where can I get some? Does Walmart have any? What about Fred Meyers or Safeway? I order some from Health Masters or Banned.video has a store that sells vitamins.

Can you help me? Please! I'm trying to catch the wind. Reach out your hands. Together, we can totally capture the wind. Oh, did I say wind? I mean virus hahahahaaaa.

Last Night

2010-08-05 - Thursday - 10:43 PM - The 5th of August of 2010 - Concerning Camp Redwood Glen -Alejandra Javier wrote on her Facebook

omgsh today was so. hard to say bye 2some of my camp staff family.,2many tears...tonights the last night i pray God lets me come back next year!! i ♥ camp so much., it's my home away from home...!! SERIOUSLY! but it won't be a good-bye it'll be a see yu later...!!!! always remember Joshua 1:9 GOD BLESS YU., EVERYBODY!!!!!

Home Now

2010-08-07 - Saturday - 10:07 PM - The 7th of August of 2010 - Concerning Camp Redwood Glen - Alejandra Javier wrote on her Facebook

I got home 2so many wonderful suprises!! I am praying 4all the camp staff...hopeing life is as much of a blessing 4them as God has blessed mine!!! My parents r closer than ever.,i now have parents who don't constantly argue! Thank yu so much God 4blessing me in this amazing way!!! Super stoked 4skewl on Thursday...!! :]

Who's Vander?

2010-11-23 - Tuesday - 08:44 PM - Facebook Photo Album | Blogspot - The 23rd of November of 2010 - Vander Williams blocked me. So, I kept on writing and asking who Vander was. Some people got mad at me for that. But I was simply trying to figure things out. Somebody told me to contact Vander. But how can I do that if he blocked me? There was a photo album here. There was a long thread of camp staff in the comments going back and forth.


I still had my Joeyarnold Facebook in October of 2011 or got it back or I don't know. But I thought it died or an account died in October of 2010. I don't know.

Mickey Morehead - Dead Account
Joey Arnold - Dead Account


02:42 AM - Keiser Report | The Bermuda Triangle of Pandemic | E1522

Computer froze or restarted or something. SO, I tried to update to vix bugs or other problems. I don't if it was a bug or a battery issue or what. Restarted my computer three times. I mean, laptop.

Policy Ed

03:15 AM - Why Communism Failed and Liberal Democracy Prospered: The Human Prosperity Project

Lionel Nation

03:19 AM - Live Stream: Show Strength, America and Support Our POTUS!

Jerry West

2011-09-13 - Tuesday - 01:47 PM - Blogspot - Marilyn Cunningham | Oh Oatmeal and Securing Salvation liked this on Facebook - These 2accounts pf mine were later killed by Facebook

Brian R Moread replied

Its Jerry West of the Lakers, even though I think you like Bob more.

Rick Arnold responded

That was Joey posting that, Uncle Brian. My mom would not know who Jerry West is. I wouldn't have known, if someone didn't post a comment about basketball. He looked familiar, but I thought at first he was just a famous pastor.


2020-04-02 - Thursday - 05:04 AM - 05:53 AM - Vikings 201

Brother vs brother

We should not wash our dirty clothes in front of others

Law giver on a rock like Moses

He spared the life of the brother and said it was the will of the gods as if he was meant to die, then he would have died in battle.

The king says goodbye to her daughter who died.

The other queen's dad slayed a dragon they say.

Taking care of a child from another mother?

Can the king have two wives?

Mother and son leaves.


Thug Goosh

11:30 AM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

The averae person has several surgeries by the age of 50? Wow. I am not average. They drug the people up. They are trying to trick people into Wall-E slavery. They arrest surfers who are alone. Vaccines are bad. They are trying to do these things and more.

Key Lock

11:55 AM - Hive

Philosophy Dinosaur A vaccine is a key, a virus is a lock. By the time we make a key, they changed the locks 2020-04-02 - Thursday - 11:55 AM.png

Like a Dance

A vaccine is a key, a virus is a lock. By the time we make a key, they changed the locks.

This is Chinese 9/11.

Chinese online celebrating, "Ahhhh, America is finished."

COVID19 Problem

12:30 PM - Hive

COVID19 will kill you. What can you do? Stay at home and kill yourself.

Philosophy Dinosaur COVID19 will kill you. What can you do? Stay at home and kill yourself.png

Stefan Molyneux

12:50 PM - China's Global Conquest! Jack Posobiec and Stefan Molyneux

Did they bring bats into the lab in Wuhan?

COVID19 was probably engineered.

It looks engineered on the genome level.

Were they trying to sell the bats?

Bats are sold all the time.

Bats are like rats with wings.

Rats and bats carry and pass around diseases.

Have healthy skeptism.

Have critical thinking.

Jack Posobiec talked about the origin of Q Qanon being the aftermath of Charlottesville - 2018 - August 11-12 - and how some guys he was in contact with was involved in trying to start it and that there were different groups of these guys on 4chan.

That later was moved over to 8chan which appears to be less anonymous.

Some people took over Qanon to trick people.


01:20 PM - Hive

Houston, we got a problem. My name aint Houston. How dare you!

Philosophy Dinosaur Houston, we got a problem. My name aint Houston. How dare you.png

The Game Theorist

01:27 PM - Resident Evil, How Fast Would The Zombie Virus Spread? | The Science of... Resident Evil 3

Trust The Plan

01:46 PM - Hive

Don't Google natural remedies. Just wait for a vaccine. You can trust us.

Philosophy Dinosaur Don't Google natural remedies. Just wait for a vaccine. You can trust us.png

Walking Dead Tricks Us

01:56 PM - Hive

The Walking Dead brain washes people to kill sick people.

The Hive blockchain appears not to be loading. Some backbones are down or are having issues perhaps. Many different things happen from time to time.

That's why people always gotta try to reroute Internet traffic to get around centralized backbones, highways, etc, via peer to peer (P2P) ad-hoc mesh networking, IPFS, Bit Torrent, Unstoppable Domains, Substratum, etc, etc, etc.

Adult Swim

02:20 PM - Rick and Morty: The Other Five (Official Trailer) | May 3 | adult swim

Joyner Lucas

02:30 PM - Joyner Lucas - Will (ADHD)

Will Smith Biography Music Video

Vaccines are like expired keys.


02:51 PM - Live: President Trump & Members of The Coronavirus Task Force Hold Briefing 4/2/20

Common Cold vs COVID-19

02:54 PM - Hive

Philosophy Dinosaur We aint got vaccines for the common cold. But we will totally make one for COVID-19.png

We aint got vaccines for the common cold. But we will totally make one for COVID-19.


03:19 PM - Twitter

A Blow to Liberal Media: OANN Reporter Chanel Rion Invited Back into White House Briefings by Trump Press Secretary

Getting people off the roads could help trucks move faster to distribute more in a time of need.

Wrong Strong

04:42 PM - Hive

Philosophy Dinosaur You're wrong and you just wanna disagree. Let me be wrong wrong, then you can be strong strong.png

You're wrong and you just wanna disagree. Let me be wrong wrong, then you can be strong strong.

Dinosaur Philosophy

05:20 PM - Facebook

Yes yes. Something like that. I recognized your avatar. I love this dinosaur. I encourage people to make Dinosaur Philosophy Memes.

Frankie Baby

05:23 PM - I CANT BELIEVE THIS! Unsolved Mysteries: Case of Missing Panama Girls crime murder creepy shook

Squeezing Too Hard

05:32 PM - Twitter

They were probably trying to keep the kid safe. Kind of like that big guy in that one book, Mice & Men, and he held the rabbit so hard that he killed it. Some people become scared and then they squeeze too hard. The Walking Dead doesn't help those types of people.

No Healthy Just Hide

05:34 PM - Hive

Philosophy Dinosaur Don't be healthy. Don't google natural remedies.Just social distance and don't touch nothing ever.png

Don't be healthy. Don't google natural remedies.Just social distance and don't touch nothing ever.

Social Distance

05:54 PM - Hive

No borders. No walls. Social distance for us all.

Philosophy Dinosaur No borders. No walls. Social distance for us all.png


07:16 PM

Note to self.

Make URLs with your name, your trademark, your username, Oatmeal Joey Arnold.

Put it in customized URLs on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Religious Freedom

07:53 PM - Hive

Philosophy Dinosaur Religious freedom. You can still pray inside an abortion clinic but not at church.png

Religious freedom. You can still pray inside an abortion clinic but not at church.


08:07 PM - GOML LIVE #38 WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE - Part 1


08:14 PM - Idina Menzel, Evan Rachel Wood - Show Yourself (From "Frozen 2"/ Sing-Along)

This song tears me up and makes me think about people in life I have cared about and I was trying to not care about this song. I already saw Frozen 2 and it was interesting when I saw it and I kind of forgot about the song but now this new song is back in my head and it is possibly better than Let It Go from the first film. As terrible Disney is, this is pretty good.

Tai Lopez

08:19 PM - E-Commerce Has Officially Won The Game Of Business

If you're doing something normal, it's too late. Jeff of Amazon was doing online marketing and selling as early as like 1994 and that is part of how he got to where he is now as a billionaire. Have different streams of income. Sell to the masses and not to the classes. You want to sell something that you are connected on that you have a story around. Be careful around people of the opposite sex. Better safe than sorry. Especially around people named Kathy. Just kidding or am I?

Young Rippa

08:41 PM - 6.6 MILLION Americans File For Unemployment.... but everything's fine

If one thing doesn't kill me, then another thing will.

Vaccines are keys. By the time you get a key. Hot damn, there's a new lock.

Save & Unplug Grandma

09:54 PM - Hive

Philosophy Dinosaur Hashtag unplug grandma. Oops, I mean hashtag save grandma.png

Hashtag unplug grandma. Oops, I mean hashtag save grandma.

Joeyarnoldvn Group

10:33 PM - Facebook

This group is all about exploring careers, education, passion, priorities, history, education, encouragement, video games, sports, random things, funny things, crazy things, cool things, silly things, and especially nerdy things. Come in and join the fun. My blog is at:

Red Letter Media

10:44 PM - Best of the Worst: Showdown, Robot in the Family, and Bloodz vs. Wolvez

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

11:06 PM - New Facebook Group

Thoughts on Corona

11:30 PM - Facebook Private Message - The Rock Nguyen asked me

What do you think about this?

I am near Seattle. And Corona is a problem but not the only problem.
People can fight corona. People can take zinc.

So what other problems with you
But government is a problem.
I am good.
The problem is the lockdown.
Zinc can not kill corona
Government tries to make people stay at home.
You can Google natural remedies.
Trump was right, if people contact with each other, they will get virus
You can get apple cider vinegar.
The virus is air-borne.
The virus travels through the air, with the wind.
So, everyone has it or will get it.
You cannot stop the virus.
But you can fight it.
And there are bigger problems.
Government tries to steal away your freedoms.
And the virus was created.
The virus is odd.
Weird looking virus.
Do you wear face mask when going outside ? In vn, the government do the same, if we go out home with no suitable reason , we ll be caught at office, and we have to wear facemask
I do not.
Build up your immune system.
I probably had the virus.
I got really sick.
But I got better.
People who die were already sick with other things.
People go to the hospital and get more sick.
People get the test and the test gives them the virus.
Bad people want us to die.
So, they want us to be scared.
Don't be scared. Be smart.
Be strong.
Be your own doctor.
Be healthy.
You can kill viruses.
You do not normally see symptoms until 2 weeks to 4 weeks after you get the virus, meaning you may have it and not know it.

Original Oatmeal

11:59 PM - Facebook Group From 2010

Settings, description, about me section:

LIKE http://fb.com/theoriginaloatmeal
Need help? Just talk to me.
My Viettel Cell: 0-163-425-1695

New Description

Oatmeal Joey Arnold has a blog at

Facebook Group

Candace Bryant - RIP Facebook Friend - I just saw it says Remembering Candace which means she died. I saw a post from 2015 saying it was a one year anniversary of her death. I ran into her on Facebook and would chat with her in around 2011-2012 and she said she wanted to meet me and she said she had like cancer or something and wasn't feeling good. Sadly, she could have been saved, possibly. But bad doctors. Bad medicines. There are natural remedies out there. We can save people. It breaks my heart.


Baked Blunts

12:30 AM - American's Should Decide Their Medical Care Not The Government | American Countdown (3)


02:42 AM - Keiser Report | The Bermuda Triangle of Pandemic | E1522

Policy Ed

03:15 AM - Why Communism Failed and Liberal Democracy Prospered: The Human Prosperity Project

Lionel Nation

03:19 AM - Live Stream: Show Strength, America and Support Our POTUS!


2020-04-02 - Thursday - 05:04 AM - 05:53 AM - Vikings 201

Thug Goosh

11:30 AM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

Stefan Molyneux

12:50 PM - China's Global Conquest! Jack Posobiec and Stefan Molyneux

The Game Theorist

01:27 PM - Resident Evil, How Fast Would The Zombie Virus Spread? | The Science of... Resident Evil 3

Adult Swim

02:20 PM - Rick and Morty: The Other Five (Official Trailer) | May 3 | adult swim

Vlogs By DK4L

02:23 PM - Our NEW Organized Pantry Tour | Quarantine Vlog

Joyner Lucas

02:30 PM - Joyner Lucas - Will (ADHD)

Citizens of the American Republic

02:36 PM - War Room: Pandemic EP…96


02:51 PM - Live: President Trump & Members of The Coronavirus Task Force Hold Briefing 4/2/20

Frankie Baby

05:23 PM - I CANT BELIEVE THIS! Unsolved Mysteries: Case of Missing Panama Girls crime murder creepy shook

Invalid Cookie



08:07 PM - GOML LIVE #38 WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE - Part 1


08:14 PM - Idina Menzel, Evan Rachel Wood - Show Yourself (From "Frozen 2"/ Sing-Along)

Tai Lopez

08:19 PM - E-Commerce Has Officially Won The Game Of Business

Young Rippa

08:41 PM - 6.6 MILLION Americans File For Unemployment.... but everything's fine

Red Letter Media

10:44 PM - Best of the Worst: Showdown, Robot in the Family, and Bloodz vs. Wolvez

Random Notes

02:00 PM - Taco salad soup lunch. 03:10 PM steak. Some ham stuff, corn munch, etc for dinner. 5 PM nap, I was dreaming of being in the bath, water was on, I was drowning. Mom was there to help. I told her I was ok. I could not breath. So, I had to get out of the water. I realize I needed to start breathing but in real life as my head was under the covers of my bed. I was able to wake myself up to get out and to breath deeply and better. Take a deep breath.

Teagan Barker - 2010 Camp Redwood Glen
miss mother of mary game of 2 basketball and lin
Sandy Morris - 2010 Redwood Glen
Benjamin Dunham - 2010 Redwood Glen
Alejandra Javier - 2010 Redwood Glen
‎Laura Courser‎ - 2007
Heather Christenson - FGHS 2005, Tiff
Kazu Kato - 2004 WOLBI - My Hero - Bill Gates - TED Talk Video
Camie Tee - 2007 Revolution Hawaii
Candace Bryant - RIP Facebook Friend

Living Jesus - Kerry Pickett - 2009-04-09
L4OJ - 2007 Group
JA Photo Biography
Joey Arnold Photo Share
Joey Arnold USA - 2014-04-20
Random Recognition - 2011-11-20
Oo Joey Arnold - 2010
Mickey Morehead - Dead Account
Joey Arnold - Dead Account
Oh Oatmeal - Dead Account
Securing Salvation - Dead Account
Marilyn Morehead - Daisy Raspberry

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
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Dick Virus

Censoring Hive: It's Happening Right Now

I'm starting to have Corona-doubt

The only reason anyone would doubt the media is because they love Trump

The FRN Daily News Brief 2020-04-01

Is This "The Event"?

Coronavirus Hoax — More Evidence

You Don't Kill The Virus With Tanks

Just Got Stopped By Undercovers @18.26 2nd April 2020 Center Of Madrid

Sheep In Wolf's Clothing – Imagine You're A Human Trafficker

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Oatmeal Joey Arnold - New Facebook Group

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