
One of my goals is to encourage people to think for themselves. Joey should be the new youth pastor. What? But Joey can't drive. I wasn't giving people a good first impression or second impression or any impression except for maybe my Yoda impression haha. Well, I've been a partial slob to an extent.

Hidden Intention

Of course, my intentions were to simply save money, time, resources, as many things can be time-consuming. Of course, I would try to look good and act professional at times. But I sometimes wanted to act crazy and many different things. I believe in what I do and in what I've done. I may do things a bit different now in 2020 as I look back at things. Well, it's a long story. It's a paradox and I can talk all day about it. So, I say all of this to say that I can understand when people think that I shouldn't be a youth pastor or this thing or that thing. Again, long story and I don't have time to talk about all of that right now. To be continued.

Jurassic Park Theology
Metal Gear Joey
Battlestar Galactica Jesus

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2020-03-27 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-03-27 - Friday

Screenshot at 2020-03-26 18:43:07.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in March of 2020

Contact Me

Bitchute | Brighteon | Cointr.ee | Discord | Dissenter | Facebook | Gab | Hive | Minds | PeakD | Read Cash | Steemit | Telegram | Twitter | Uptrennd | YouTube | See More


Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Broken Linke

12:12 AM - Hive

If the link breaks, just replace the steemit.com domain name part of the address with hive.blog in the URL of the address or steemd.com or steempeak.com or peakd.com, etc, etc.

Testing The Narrative

12:25 AM - It's the end of the world song match up and Human Cheese made from Celebrities nit bits in museum - YouTube


12:27 AM - Steemit

Wow. Thanks for the info as I love tunnels. I am on your YouTube now. Is it Media Matters AI? Well, I don't know but maybe.

Lionel Nation

12:30 AM - Live Stream: Think Incrementally and What's Next

Lionel Nation

01:46 AM - Live Stream: The Inimitable and Ineffable Roseanne Barr Joins Us


2020-03-27 - Friday - 03:44 AM - 04:28 AM - Vikings 107

Queen judges



Bastard children

Choosing to pay off enemies

King's brother choose to be Christian, I am Catholic, I mean to get fake baptized as an act of faith as they trade gold for the one man the vikings kidnapped

Deal broken

Odin angry

Other gods angry if ya become Christian, even if for pretends

So, he kills many Christians

Fat king: "I will avenge myself on them."



10:02 AM - 3/27/20 alex jones infowars

Bad vaccines lower overall immunity.

In the U.S., infectious diseases declined in the 1940's and then started going right back up. So, why did it start going right back up again?

The answer, vaccines.

They believe they are saving the world by killing us and that they will merge with machine.

80K died in the U.S. in 2018 because of the flu and 30K in 2019.

Two brothers were playing soccer in their backyard in England. The neighbor looked out the window, saw them, called the police on them. Talk about big brother.

Updating my article formats, templates



Lionel Nation

11:39 AM - Live Stream: America, We Can Do This. Just Turn Off MSM Doomsayers1

Unlikely that Trump could be a secret globalist.

All religions believe in works, all but one religion as an exception.

The virus thing is a compounded puzzle.

Did the CDC hide info from Trump and others?

Has anybody here studied the origins of the CDC?

Knowing the past can help us prepare and warn about the future.

Is the CDC like NASA? Good question.

Yes, those who obey can be controlled later on. But they probably mean well and don't know. @Pee Nuts Yes but how do we wake them up from that?

Knowing stuff is not bad. It is a question of how do you share it with others.

They won't CARE how much you KNOW until they KNOW how much you CARE.

Truth is like a joke, or better yet like take-out pizza, because what really matters is the delivery.

Know stuff. Write on hive.blog

Write how-to articles, y'all.

Keep one eye on today and the other on tomorrow.

@Abigail H The sun will come out tomorrow, tomorrow, it's only a day away.

Lionel saw my live stream comment and mentioned how he likes steel-cut oats, as my name is Oatmeal Guy on my main YouTube channel at the moment.

Thug Goosh

12:07 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!


12:44 PM - Hive

One of my goals is to encourage people to think for themselves.

Ten years ago. Lock Step. What is Lock Step?

Let your intellect interact with your emotion.

How is your intellect interacting with your emotion?

TheologyOnline.com (TOL)

Looking around in the big garage for a watch.

Jurassic Park Theology

02:42 PM - 2011-01 - January of 2011 - Month in Review

2011-01-20 - Jurarric Park Boy Theology Online Meme Video Screenshot at 2020-03-27 13:09:29.png
2011-01-20 - Thursday - Jurassic Park Boy Theology Online Meme Video

I created and then uploaded my Jurassic Park Man Boy Meme Video on Thursday, the 20th of January of 2011 specifically for the Christian TheologyOnline.com (TOL) forum website which I joined in December of 2010. On average, I was spending hours each day on TOL that first month and then less and less during the first six months of 2011, as time went on and as I started getting banned more and more.

Getting Banned

I would create sock puppet accounts to get around the bans. As time went on, I started visiting TOL less and less. It was also tough as TOL would block my IP address and then would block different proxy IP addresses I would try to hide behind.

Dishes. Many pans. Two hours. Sweep. Mop.

Now Playing

04:24 PM

From the people that brought you great movies like Gun Bad comes a new beloved film, Virus Bad, Get Vaccines and Give Up Freedoms Now.


04:28 PM - Hive

"A government that can decide what is essential and what is not essential for an economy is in fact a fascist state." Oatmeal Joey Arnold.


04:31 PM - Facebook

Michelle Glowen, But even then, if you look at 1910's and 1920's, you will not see what you are seeing now with shutdowns of entire economies.

Social Distancing

04:32 PM - Facebook

Social Distancing is a new religion that people are buying into. Here is an example as follows:

Garrett Allawatt: "Are they wearing a mask? If not I might just slam my door !and drive away in search of a gas station that practices social distancing..."

Suzy: "Except it."

Oh, you mean, accept it.


04:49 PM - Bill Gates makes a prediction about when coronavirus cases will peak

Have you seen Star Trek Picard?

Mike Cernovich

04:56 PM - Advice to Men during Coronavirus

Single young adults, especially people under the age of 40 years old, if they're not married, they're without kids, if they're free enough of college debts, credit card debts, prior obligations,


05:01 PM - The Corona Economy with John B. Taylor

Government does not have this right to take away our rights.

Metal Gear Joey

05:17 PM - 2011-02 - February of 2011 - Month in Review

2011-02-10 - Ram Reflection - Attic Teaser - Screenshot at 2019-12-02 00:58:06.png
This is My Pipe and This is My Life Video

"This is my pipe and this is my life," I would say in a video series we were making in February of 2011, directed by Mike Kurtz. Around this same time, we made Metal Gear Joey, directed and edited by Mike's brother, Matt. Metal Gear Solid is a great video game franchise.

War Room

05:54 PM

Tim Reames

Battlestar Galactica Jesus

2011-03 - March of 2011 - Month in Review

2011-03-05 - Saturday - 04:39 AM - TOL - GOD NO SIN Screenshot at 2020-03-27 18:24:07.png
2011-03-05 - Saturday - 04:39 AM - TOL - GOD NO SIN

Battlestar Galactica was introduced to me and it blew my mind away thanks to Matt Kurtz who would introduce me to shows, movies, video games, etc. Since 2007, Matt (& his brother Mike) would teach me a lot about things, about life. I probably started binge-watching through the rebooted Battlestar Galactica series from the 2000's early in 2011 and it only took me like a few weeks to watch through it.

Great Series

Matt also introduced me to Firefly, Dollhouse, Bones, Castle, Dexter, Buffy, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Metal Gear, Assassin Creed, Risk, Settlers, etc, etc, over the years.

Jesus Can & Can't Sin

07:00 PM - 09:10 PM

Stefan Molyneux video

Reviewing 2011


09:59 PM - Marvel's Comic Shop Crisis | Hollywood is LOSING | Picard Troll - Friday Night Tights

Be Healthy & Wise

10:13 PM - Facebook

People need to be mindful of several different problems at the same time. Try to be as healthy as you can and try to fight for private property rights, freedoms, opportunities, free markets, exchanges, public town squares, life, love, rights, liberties, etc, etc, at the same time. That is what I'm trying to say as many different things are happening right now both good and bad and people should keep their eyes open because they are telling us to look over here, look over here, over here, while they are over there, you know, over there, doing stuff while we are not looking, Tu La Đạo, meaning they are using a big problem as their way to gain more power and they were the ones that started this problem and these different problems at the same time and they are demanding that we beg them to help us with those problems they created and spread in the first place.

Brandon Roy

2010-12-14 - Tuesday - 09:56 PM - Hive - Erin Brae Hoover‎ to Brandon Kyle - The 14th of December of 2010

2010-12-14 - Tuesday - 09:56 PM Screenshot at 2020-03-27 23:03:14.png
Brandon Roy

Erin Wrote

Just wanted to say THANK YOU to you and your beautiful wife for all you are doing for the children at Moore Street!! You are very much appreciated!!! Know you are always a blessing to each and everyone of us!!


2010-09-25 - Saturday - 06:03 PM - Hive - Photos of Monica Kyle marrying Brandon Kyle

2010-09-22 - Wednesday 61644_766544386856_7340901_n.jpg
2010-09-22 - Wednesday - Monica Kyle - Brandon Kyle

New Youth Directors

When Blake Webb died in May of 2010, Moore Street was left without a youth pastor until Brandon & Monica Kyle came to fill in that row.

Bell Ringing

I believe that they were already married by the time they arrived to Moore Street, meaning they may have came in September or at least before I started bell ringing after Thanksgiving in November as they were around for that.


I'm writing this down partly because I'm trying to remember what I was doing in 2010, especially as Facebook unfairly and illegally terminated my accounts, etc, over the years, meaning I've lost my timeline, I've lost track of my biography of where I was and what I did. So, I'm trying to rebuild that which I have lost.


2010-09-06 - Monday - 11:06 AM

Brandon Kyle: "is married! If you don't know, then now you know-"

Daily Grind

2010-06-21 - Monday - 08:46 PM

Brandon Kyle: "is on the daily grind at moore st... officially."

Daily Grind

2010-06-21 - Monday - 08:46 PM | Married in September of 2010

Brandon Kyle: "is on the daily grind at moore st... officially."

Driving the Van

2010-07-27 - Tuesday - 01:22 PM - Amira Onuoha: "I saw you driving the Moore st van on the Freeway the other day. I wanted to honk, pull over and chat...but we were on the freeway and that's basically impossible! I hope you are having a serving over there...they are a LUCKY bunch of kids to have You as their youth pastor!"


Brandon was at Moore Street as early as June of 2010 it appears, actually. Blake died in May and Brandon was there a month later. Brandon most likely arrived after I left for Camp Redwood Glen.

Youth Pastor

After Blake Webb died, I remember at least one time (in around May and June of 2010, before I went to Redwood Glen) that at least one person, possibly Janae Orr, suggesting ("How about Joey?) that I should become the new youth pastor to replace Blake.

Cannot Drive Excuse?

But I remember the pastor of our Moore Street Corps, Major Barbara A. Sloan, looking kind of stern in her face and she said that the problem would be, and I quote, "But Joey doesn't drive." But that doesn't mean I couldn't learn how to drive. Probably just an excuse as she probably didn't like me or only a little bit. I think that some people didn't want me in that type of position.

First Impression, Second Impression

Of course, I wasn't giving people a good first impression or second impression or any impression except for maybe my Yoda impression haha. Well, I've been a partial slob to an extent. Of course, my intentions were to simply save money, time, resources, as many things can be time-consuming. Of course, I would try to look good and act professional at times. But I sometimes wanted to act crazy and many different things. I believe in what I do and in what I've done. I may do things a bit different now in 2020 as I look back at things. Well, it's a long story. It's a paradox and I can talk all day about it. So, I say all of this to say that I can understand when people think that I shouldn't be a youth pastor or this thing or that thing. Again, long story and I don't have time to talk about all of that right now. To be continued.

New Leaders

2008-07-11 - Captains Jim and Barbara Sloan received word in March that they would be assigned or reassigned somewhere and then were later told it would be to Moore Street effective on the 11th of July of 2008. I visited Moore Street a few times over the years. First time may have been in 2007 and I stood up and spoke before the morning service congregation to talk about my experience in Revolution Hawaii 2007-2008. So, I stood up and talked for a minute probably in June of 2008 or it may have been on that same day that the Sloans arrived. But I don't really remember them at that time and I thought I remembered the previous leaders, the Potters, when I stood up to talk about RevHI. I was regularly attending Moore Street almost every Sunday from like September of 2009 until something like May of 2011, minus some of June and July of 2010 due to being at Camp Redwood Glen.


Testing The Narrative

12:25 AM - It's the end of the world song match up and Human Cheese made from Celebrities nit bits in museum - YouTube

Lionel Nation

12:30 AM - Live Stream: Think Incrementally and What's Next

Lionel Nation

01:46 AM - Live Stream: The Inimitable and Ineffable Roseanne Barr Joins Us


2020-03-27 - Friday - 03:44 AM - 04:28 AM - Vikings 107


10:02 AM - 3/27/20 alex jones infowars



Lionel Nation

11:39 AM - Live Stream: America, We Can Do This. Just Turn Off MSM Doomsayers1

Thug Goosh

12:07 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!


04:49 PM - Bill Gates makes a prediction about when coronavirus cases will peak

Mike Cernovich

04:56 PM - Advice to Men during Coronavirus


05:01 PM - The Corona Economy with John B. Taylor

Stefan Molyneux

06:07 PM - Coronavirus Update - ENGINEERED? Dr. Paul Cottrell and Stefan Molyneux


09:59 PM - Marvel's Comic Shop Crisis | Hollywood is LOSING | Picard Troll - Friday Night Tights

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TheologyOnline.com (TOL)

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

What is the Corona Virus?

Flush Out Your Lungs Daily

Joey should be the new youth pastor. What? But Joey can't drive

NO Social Distancing

Double Government

Downvotes From Whales

Regarding Crypto White Papers

They flubbed 100% the internet being wrong.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

How much did the gmo (coronavirus) costed until now to the economy?

Gordon Brown called on world leaders to create “a temporary form of global government”

The US 'Earn It' Act Pressures For an End To Online Encryption - In the Name of Child Safety! It Looks To Be Just Another Power Grab.

Coronavirus: Creating Fake News

Rise Of The One World Financial Disorder!

Ban the bankers

Covid-19 as pretext to introduce NWO end game

Demanding fairness - our family law policy

Jurassic Park Theology

Metal Gear Joey

Battlestar Galactica Jesus

Garlic Trump

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1 column
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