How Much Influence Did Pfizer Have Over Neil Young's Decision to Try to Cancel Joe Rogan on Spotify? Owners of His Music Rights Are Advised By Pfizer!

Yet another example of the extreme centralisation of the wealth and power on Earth has surfaced in the case of Neil Young's 'spat' with Spotify as he attempted to have them censor Joe Rogan and free speech on the COVID19 topic. Turns out Pfizer may have had a direct hand in the decision for Young to say what he has said - how ironic for such a 'rebel'.


Selling out and being the complete opposite of what you claim to be is nothing new - many of Earth's most prominent characters have, in truth, fit into this category in important ways. Sometimes these things surface after their death but in the case of Neil Young it may well have become apparent already.

Neil Young has been trending on Twitter for days and all over mainstream media for issuing Spotify an ultimatum, telling them to cancel Joe Rogan or he would remove his music from Spotify. One problem, he has sold enough of the control of his music catalogue that he actually doesn't have the final say on whether it gets pulled from a platform or not. Guess who bought into his music!

A UK company called Hipgnosis has acquired 50% of Neil Young’s song catalog for around $150m.

Hipgnosis, in turn, has created a $1B partnership with Blackstone to invest in songs, recorded music, music IP and royalties. So Neil Young has sold his musical catalogue to an investment fund that has already been identified as having a controlling share of almost all major corporations in all industries. See the following awesome documentary that exposes this topic in detail, tracking the ownership of so many of the world's largest corporations back to the same 3 investment funds:

Not only is this the case, Blackstone are advised by an ex CEO of Pfizer: Blackstone Announces Appointment of Jeffrey B. Kindler, Former Chairman and CEO of Pfizer, as Senior Advisor.

Does this make it clearer why Neil Young has been thrust into the limelight as he 'chooses' to try to get Spotify to ban Joe Rogan - who has made a point lately of interviewing Doctors and others who refute the safety profile of the Pfizer COVID19 shots?

As usual we have a corporate and oligarch circle jerk, with one corporation scratching the back of another - except in this case they have somehow roped in 'folk heroes' to try to seem like legitimate and 'caring' people. Neil Young is not the only old musician to have tried to pressure Spotify in this way and it is likely that the others are also tied up with this investment fund too.

There are a few possibilities here:

  • Neil Young just happens to hold views that align with Pfizer and the world's largest corporate control systems - to the point where he is happy to lead the charge in trying to cancel one of the only large internet platforms that is giving voice to world experts and Doctors who are critical of Pfizer.

  • Neil Young doesn't really have much say in the situation and is just doing what he's told because he's some kind of sell out.

  • Neil Young is blackmailed in some way and so is basically controlled - as is often the case with the world's wealthiest 'elite' people - See Jeffrey Epstein's child rape network for more info.

Whatever the truth behind the scenes, it must surely be the case the Neil Young's 'rebellious' persona is in tatters at this point, with only his hardcore fans being willing to overlook the reality that he has literally and openly done a deal with the devil. The reach of Blackstone is so pervasive that they have had hands in some of the least ethical projects around.

Those who read my blogs regularly will recall that I previously highlighted that Reuters News Agency, key entity in the process of the reporting of global news and also 'fact checking' is intimately connected to Pfizer: Head of Reuters News Agency (Fact Checkers Extraordinaire) Also On Board of Pfizer - Manufacturer of COVID Shots. What Could Go Wrong?

The dubious financially motivated biases between the world's largest corporations who 'appear' to be separate from each other but that really aren't, was also highlighted when a video was leaked from the Daily Mail in Australia. In it, the editor of the Daily Mail can be seen telling his journalists to effectively lie in order to cover up problems with Pfizer's vaccines: Daily Mail Editor Caught Forcing 'News' to 'Rubbish' Any Science/Info That Exposes Vaccine Injury Or is 'Anti' Vaccination In Any Way.

So next time someone tells you that 'it couldn't possibly be a conspiracy, there'd have to be too many people involved' - remember that, no, all that's needed is a few power pyramids with massive wealth and many compliant, unthinking minions to do their bidding.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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