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Head of Reuters News Agency (Fact Checkers Extraordinaire) Also On Board of Pfizer - Manufacturer of COVID Shots. What Could Go Wrong?

Jim Smith was until February 25, 2020 the CEO of the international news agency, Reuters. He is also on the board of Pfizer, one of the massive drug companies reaping astronomical financial gain from the COVID shots. Reuters runs a 'fact checking' service used online. Smith remains chairman of Reuters organisations. He is also a member of the military industrial funded 'Atlantic Council'. The potential for corruption is huge!

It is well known that the majority of the world's corporations are actually controlled by a relatively small group of people that could all fit in one room. They tend to share seats on multiple boards simultaneously, resulting in an illusion of choice in the world's many marketplaces that denies a much more unified reality.

What does it mean, for example, when an internationally 'trusted news agency' has a key member (the CEO even) who is also on the board of one of the world's largest drug companies? What when that drug company is the recipient of one of the world's largest ever fines for corporate crime that involved lying to the public about scientific research on a grand scale? What when the news agency runs it's own 'fact checking' services that are relied on by major social networking platforms?

The result apparently, as countless people know full well, is that the fact checkers consistently whitewash the behaviour of the drug company and we cannot trust the reporting of those involved to be independent or ethical.

There are countless examples of heads of news organisations warping the news to follow an ideological agenda or perhaps due to bribery, take this leaked video of the Editor of the Australian Daily Mail for example. The editor demand that journalists manipulate their stories to bias public perception of the COVID19 shots and coverup any negative information about them.

Could Jim Smith have wielded influence at Reuters to achieve similar? As an outsider looking in, the weight of the evidence screams 'YES'.

If all this isn't enough, Smith is also on the board of the World Economic Forum, the very group responsible for causing so much controversy surrounding the COVID pandemic response and publisher of 'The Great Reset', a book which essentially promotes using COVID19 as an excuse to introduce a transhumanist AI powered world without asking anyone if they want it.

Jim began his career as a journalist and rose through the ranks at Thomson Newspapers to become responsible for operations in North America. He then led a number of professional publishing businesses serving the legal, regulatory and academic markets. He served as global head of Human Resources before becoming Chief Operating Officer of The Thomson Corporation. Following the acquisition of Reuters in 2008, Jim ran the Professional division of the combined company. He was named Chief Executive Officer in January 2012.

Jim is a director of Pfizer, Inc. He also serves on the board of the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative and is a member of the Forum’s International Business Council, as well as on the International Advisory Boards of British American Business and the Atlantic Council.

Source: Reuters

Ironically, Reuters say that Smith is on the board of the WEF's anti corruption initiative. What better a position for someone to hold who also guides both Pfizer and Reuters?

Member of the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum, the International Advisory Boards of British American Business and the Atlantic Council. Director of Refinitiv, a privately-held global provider of financial market data and infrastructure until its acquisition by the London Stock Exchange Group in 2021. Pfizer Director since 2014. Chair of our Compensation Committee and Member of our Audit Committee.

Source: Pfizer

Jim is a director of Pfizer, Inc. He also serves on the board of the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative and is a member of the Forum’s International Business Council, as well as on the International Advisory Boards of British American Business and the Atlantic Council.

Source: WEF

In early 2020, Smith left the role of CEO at Reuters but continues to be chairman of the Reuters foundation:

“This is the right time to pass the baton to the next generation of leadership, given the continued success of our business and the spin-off of our market data and trading operations,” said Smith. “The organization is on its firmest footing in years. The foundation has been laid for continued success and Steve is the right leader to take us forward. His deep expertise in data, business information, technology and professional services is just what we need to capitalize on the many opportunities the future holds. I am confident handing over the reins and happy to welcome him.”

Smith will become chairman of the Thomson Reuters Foundation, which focuses on media freedom, inclusive economies and access to justice around the world. He will also provide transitional support to the new CEO into 2021.

Source: Reuters

The corruption of 'fact checkers' is well known by those who do due diligance research, as testified to by the protestations of numerous scientists around the world who find themselves censored on social media as a result of being accused of spreading misinformation by such 'fact checkers'. We can also recall the lurid tales of the owner of Snopes and the evidence that their team have many times altered their 'facts' in response to large advertising payments being made to Snopes.

A quick look at the Wikipedia page for Reuters reveals that various unethical issues have been identified with them previously, including collusion with intelligence agencies and the UK government:

In October 1977, Rolling Stone published an article by journalist Carl Bernstein, in which the author wrote that, according to information from CIA officials, Reuters cooperated with the Agency
Source: Wikipedia

This quote is all the more relevant given the testimony of (now deceased) Professor Udo Ulfkotte who was editor of Germany's 2nd largest newspaper and who publicly stated before his (questionable) death, that he and ALL other key people in news organisations were in the pay of the CIA!

Wikipedia also highlights that Reuters had previously accepted funding from the British government, which the government agents took to mean they now had influence 'from the top level' over how the news would be reported.

The IRD acknowledged that this agreement would not give them editorial control over Reuters, although the IRD believed it would give them political influence over Reuters' work, stating "this influence would flow, at the top level, from Reuters' willingness to consult and to listen to views expressed on the results of its work.
Source: Wikipedia

What does all of this mean for the 'fact checking' and science/health reporting that floods our world? I will leave that for you to decide for yourself!

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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