STEMng Digest: Do we really want peace in the world?

So much have been said about world's peace, to the extent that there are several international organizations dedicated to promoting peace all over the world. Many notable figures have been honored with Nobel peace awards as well. Interestingly, the world has never experienced peace for a split second. At every point in time, there's always a face-off somewhere in the world.

Do we really want peace in the world while we keep manufacturing weapons? - weapons meant to kill humans, not animals. Do we really want peace? How will weapon manufacturers sustain sales? Do we really want peace? How come we don't care about justice?

Peace is really not the absence of violence, but the presence of justice.

Welcome to a new edition of STEMng Digest.

Who are we?

STEMng is the Nigerian sub-community of the stemsocial community, a community that has been supporting stem authors on the hive blockchain for about four years now. While stemsocial focuses on everyone irrespective of their country, STEMng is specifically for Nigerians. The best stem contents published by Nigerians on the Hive blockchain are highlighted weekly.

Below are the posts that made it into our digest for this week:

1.@jsalvage: How do endorphins contribute to stress reduction when eating dessert?
Delve into the sweet science of dessert-induced bliss for our opening feature for this week. Learn why indulging in a tasty treat can soothe your stress. It's all about endorphins, those feel-good chemicals in your brain. Discover how they work their magic.

Stress meets its match as endorphins bring relaxation and happiness. Find out how mindfulness elevates the experience. When you savor every bite, you supercharge the stress-reducing power of dessert. So, next time you reach for that delightful dessert, relish it to the fullest. Let endorphins and mindfulness turn it into a moment of sweet relief.

2.@oluwatobiloba: Why is Heart Attack a Thing, and Can it be Prevented?
Heart attack is not something that anyone will wish on themselves or their family members. It may, however, take a bit of education for some people to escape it - like reading this post. I mean, if one does not know the signs, causes, and risk factors of heart attack, how can one avoid it? This is what this post is all about. Head over and have yourself educated.

3.@thomisin: Unlike What You Think, Plants Cooperate and Communicate
For over 400 million years, trees have silently shaped our world. They create soil, absorb CO2, and give us oxygen. But trees are more than meets the eye. In the forest, they communicate and share resources through mycorrhizal associations, a partnership with fungi. Trees also cooperate, not just compete, transferring nutrients and even defense signals. They're the unsung heroes of an interconnected ecosystem, vital for life on Earth. Dive into this fascinating world and discover how trees are nature's team players.

4.@ireti: The Silent Threat: Understanding Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) and Its Impact on Blood Donation
Unraveling the haunting history of the UK's blood donation ban, rooted in the chilling tale of mad cow disease and Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD). This deadly brain disorder's eerie connection to prions, misfolded proteins wreaking havoc, led to bans and blood transfusion fears. While promising plasma-based detection emerges, caution remains. Dive into the shadowy world of vCJD, a chilling chapter in health history by reading the full post.

5.@sam9999: Why do Athletes mostly run anticlockwise and not clockwise ?
Discover the intriguing connection between running direction and your body's performance. Centrifugal force, the Superior vena cava, and blood flow orchestrate a fascinating phenomenon. Running anti-clockwise aligns these elements, optimizing impure blood circulation, like a turbo boost for your body. In contrast, running clockwise introduces a minor discord in this symphony. While the impact is minimal for the average runner, professional athletes may consider these nuances for an edge in their training strategy. Explore how your body adapts to running's forces and why the direction you choose can matter in specific contexts. Read more by clicking the link above.

And that ends our selections for this week. Do not forget to give the featured posts/authors your maximum support. Thank you in advance.

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  • Include references (facts over fiction)
  • to increase the likelihood of being discovered, use the tag 'stemng'.

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See you again next week!

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