Why do Athletes mostly run anticlockwise and not clockwise ?

Now, running is a fantastic way to stay healthy, but did you know that the direction you run can influence the way your body works? It's a fascinating phenomenon that occurs when we change the way we circle the track. Let's better understand the situation.

Image by Hans from Pixabay

The Centrifugal Force:

Let's start with a force known as centrifugal force. We literally experience this mainly when we run around a circular path. When we choose to run anti-clockwise, this centrifugal force takes the stage and acts upon our body from left to right. It's as if an invisible hand gently guides us along the track.

Conversely, if we decide to run in a clockwise direction, the centrifugal force changes its tune. Now, it becomes the lead partner, pushing us from right to left. This directional shift might sound trivial, but it sets the stage for the intriguing phenomenon we're about to explore.

Meet the "Superior Vena Cava":

Image by azwer from Pixabay

Now, the "Superior vena cava." It might have a fancy name, but its role is critical to our body's function. Think of it as a blood highway that travels through our upper body, collecting impure blood along the way. This impure blood needs to be transported back to the heart for purification.

The Superior vena cava plays the role of the diligent courier, ensuring that this impure blood reaches the heart, where it can be cleansed and pumped out as fresh, oxygenated blood. It's the second-largest vein in our body, and it's responsible for this essential task. But what's truly intriguing is the direction in which it carries the blood.

Typically, the Superior vena cava transports blood from the left side to the right side of the heart. It's like a well-orchestrated flow designed to maintain our body's balance. However, here's where the centrifugal force comes into play.

The Anti-Clockwise Boost:

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

When we choose to run anti-clockwise, something remarkable occurs. The centrifugal force, acting from left to right, aligns with the direction of blood flow in the Superior vena cava. It's like the wind at your back, gently pushing you forward. This alignment facilitates the vein's job, making the flow of impure blood to the heart smoother and more efficient.

In this scenario, the centrifugal force acts as a sort of silent ally, ensuring that the Superior vena cava's role in blood circulation is optimized. It's almost like a turbo boost for your circulatory system, enhancing your body's ability to handle the demands of your run.

The Clockwise Conundrum:

Now, let's switch gears and consider running in the clockwise direction. As the centrifugal force shifts its course to act from right to left, it goes against the usual flow of blood in the Superior vena cava. It's like a breeze blowing in your face as you run.

In this scenario, the centrifugal force creates a counterforce, which can somewhat impede the Superior vena cava's flow of impure blood. It's not necessarily harmful, but it's like a mild hindrance. The efficiency of the blood flow can be affected when you're running clockwise.

The Balance of Blood Flow:

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

The balance of blood flow is a finely tuned orchestra within our bodies. When everything aligns – from the direction of centrifugal force to the flow of blood in the Superior vena cava – the symphony plays harmoniously. Running anti-clockwise enhances this harmony by boosting the flow of impure blood to the heart, ensuring it's efficiently processed and sent back as oxygenated blood.

Conversely, running clockwise introduces a minor discord in this symphony. The centrifugal force doesn't align with the Superior vena cava's typical flow, creating a situation where the blood flow isn't as optimal as it could be.

The Larger Implications:

Now, you might be wondering, "Does this really matter for my daily run?" The truth is, for the average recreational runner, the impact of running direction on blood flow is minimal. While it's fascinating to understand the concept, it's not a significant factor in your overall running performance or health.

For professional athletes and individuals who engage in highly competitive sports, running direction might have some relevance. They meticulously plan their training, taking into consideration every possible advantage to improve performance. In such cases, understanding the nuances of running direction and its effect on blood flow could be part of a comprehensive training strategy.

In Conclusion

As regards the way we run and how it affects our blood flow. It tells us how our bodies deal with the forces when we exercise. Now even though it's true, it's not super important for most runners. It just shows how our bodies adapt to our surroundings. So, whether you like running in circles to the left or the right, your body can definitely handle it.

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First Image by Hans from Pixabay
Second Image by azwer from Pixabay
Third Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

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