Monthly Updates Prior to Beta Launch #6


We do aim to release 2 updates per month but when a major code is being written there's not much to show and therefore we wait for a full month to publish again. Now that we have cleared this up, let's start with the update.

1. Resource spawns


  • We have successfully tested resource spawning in MuTerra World and the demo is available in our test build.

  • The encounter rate of different rarities of resources are as follows :

    • Common - 50%
    • Uncommon - 30%
    • Rare - 15 %
    • Epic - 3%
    • Legendary - 2%
  • Based on the size of the map, you can encounter 5 to 15 resources in a map.

  • These resources will be needed to craft items, especially cages, in the next update.

2. Mutee spawns


  • We have successfully tested spawning different rarity of mutees in MuTerra World and the demo is available in our test build.

  • The encounter rate of different rarities of mutees are as follows :

    • Common - 50%
    • Uncommon - 30%
    • Rare - 15 %
    • Epic - 3%
    • Legendary - 2%
  • Based on the size of the map, you can encounter 3 to 10 resources in a map.

  • There's a 2% chance that the mutee you will encounter becomes a gold mutee.

3. Battle mechanics


  • One of the most time intensive feature of the game, battle mechanics, is finally complete and tested. You'll be able to fight the mutees in MuTerra World the demo is available in our test build.
  • The following are taken into consideration when a battle happens :
    • Size of tamers and mutees
    • Element of tamers and mutees
    • Level of tamers and mutees
    • Effectiveness of ability used
    • Element buff based on whether the ability used
    • Stats like : strength, spirit, armour and resistance
    • And more..
  • Wild mutees have attack radius based on their size and they'll start following you if you enter their patrolling radius.
  • Tamer damage ranges from 3 to 7. And there is a 5% chance to give critical damage.

4. UI/UX and QOL updates

We have made minor changes almost everywhere in the game to make the gaming experience better. Some noticeable changes that you will find are :

  • HP and Stamina bar
  • Inventory
  • Battle animation
  • Different speeds of wild mutees
  • Animated resources
  • Amount of damage given and taken is visible
  • And more..

5. Test build Vs Production build

TEST BUILD is just a demonstration of what to expect in the Beta Launch. Here's the difference :

  • Test build only has 1 wild map where mutees and resources spawn, which is Sweetplains in the South. Production build will have more wild maps.
  • Collecting resources has been disabled in test build. This will be enabled in the next update where you'll be able to craft items using these resources. The production build will actually let you own the crafted items.
  • Level of wild mutees have been set to level 1 in the test build. Once party system goes live, the levels will be based on the level of your tamer and the rarity of the wild mutee.
  • Only 6 wild mutees and 10 resources are available in the test build. More will be added in the production build.
  • Mutee drops on killing mutees have been disabled in the test build. In production build, MUT will be given upon killing a mutee instead of guaranteed mutee drop and there will be a 20% chance that the mutee will drop an item.



There are 3 features left before we start replicating everything to all the maps we have and launch the game :

  1. Crafting items : Crafting cages is essential to advance in the game as without it new players will not be able to capture their first mutee and use it to fight tougher wild mutees. In addition to that, there will be items to boost HP, stamina and encounter rates.
  2. Caging mutees : Once you have a cage in your inventory, you'll be able to capture a wild mutee instead of always killing it (if you choose to do so). Caging a mutee essentially means owning its NFT. This means that as soon as you capture a mutee, its NFT will be issued to you and you'll be able to withdraw it from the game and sell it in the market.
  3. Party system : Once you have captured your first wild mutee, you'll be able to use it in battle and your tamer will no longer take damage as long as you have a mutee with HP in your party.

We'll refrain from giving a fixed date for launch but its almost here!


NOTE : To view the changes, please clear your cache memory. The first load can be slow but subsequent loads will make your gaming experience much faster and smoother.




  • Name : ????????????

  • Element : Air

  • Size : Medium

  • Rarity : Rare

  • Health : 92

  • Defense : 37

  • Attack : 35

  • Edition : Limited

  • Species : Owl

Come up with 2 names for this mutee, one for male and one for female gender. Submit the names in the comment section below. The winner will be announced in the next post.

Winner of Previous Naming Contest :

Mutee Name :
Male: Wotter
Female: Wottera

The legendary mutee pack will be sent to you upon Arena Release. Congratulations!



The content and supply of this pack will be disclosed after ARENA launch. The prize for the naming contest posted above will be 1 Legendary Mutee Pack!

  • This pack contains a guaranteed limited edition legendary mutee.

  • It will never be put on sale and can only be obtained through promotional events and drops.

  • The legendary mutees that can be found inside this pack won't be available in any other pack.

  • There's a 2% chance that the content of this pack will become a gold foil.











MuTerra is set in a post-apocalyptic world where radiation has killed almost all of humanity and has mutated plants and animals. You, the survivors, are tasked with ensuring that humanity doesn't go extinct by exploring the wild, capturing the mutated animals and taming them.

MuTerra is a TCG + RPG game on HIVE blockchain.

  • RPG : explorations, raids, quests, interacting with NPCs, solving mysteries, character stories, and more

  • TCG : PvE and PvP battles, collect NFTs, trade them and fight other players using the cards you have collected to prove you are the better tamer.


Open MuTerra Website

The best RPG on Hive chain


We reserve the right to change or modify any of the terms and values contained in this post or any other posts of MuTerra, at any time and in our sole discretion.

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